feelin’ finchy

getting there. belt needs colour and i think some silver all around to jazz it up. looks good where it’s hung beside this huge old diesel mural i’ve held on to since 2004. had two of them, one i put up on my old wall when i was living with my dad and when i got home it was taken down. too much for that room maybe?

here’s the photo i jacked off google to draw by.

see now that stupid branch makes sense. idiot.

deleting from desktop ahhhhhhhhh release.

i have ten pictures of madonna (as evita) waiting to be chiseled down some, commissioned painting since forever when now? don’t worry sheena.

red wine cognac makes me feel complete

something to aspire to. just watch this right now. so infectious.

well that can’t be topped, today’s a bust. why even bother?

painting my finch canvas, feel pretty underwhelmed by it. un-blowing your own mind, humbling. i’m so dying all over myself for these awesome rad paint skills right now! more coffee stat.

pumpkin pie brownies i got a teeny taste of.

those cupcakes were gone in seconds. don’t intend on having one of your own if you attend a baby party.

raymi tribute

wow. i guess this is what happens when you read my blog for 7 years. v flattering, thanks lisa.

i made this for you. i hope you like. the quality is kind of shitty, because i had to keep compressing. anyway, you’re a doll. Happy Tuesday to you.

gahaha so hard trying to watch it with a straight face. you’re the best lisa! that’s so touching.

hummingbird please let me die

so the naybe kids aren’t gonna be fucksticks any longer now that they got a good eyeball on the new chick next door and how lamely she boards the cul-de-sac infinitely leagues and leagues of awesome she is.

i definitely feel very teenagery again. regression, enjoy it for what it is, when it is.

the inside of a jacket of mine.

word i ate that shit.

they do not know you anymore

happy thanksgiving, scoundrels.

have you ever had an eleven year old make you feel like a total slob before and terribly under-dressed? well done, girl.

love these goblets could write sonnets for these wine goblets. very dr. seuss they are.

family artifact.

little hipster on our hands here.

old man boots pure danger on a longboard. better than pointy patent flats i guess.

goin’ for it.

my aunt mentioned once wanting to paint that. she considers if a piece of art, work of art? hey thanks all the same.

go dad.

then my brother and hailey spazzed out with my camera for a bit.

and drew me as girl beavis/butthead?

nothing changes.

knew right off the bat i’d beat him, why do people fall for the corner trick all the time? dad, that sucked. oh look, someone made a note of it. perfect.

photos of the feast coming shortly. it’s a holiday up in here, time to hit the pavement doing my favourite ‘burbian thing i’m too anxious to do in the city. longboard. you can throw some bets down on whether or not i actually leave the house today.

my mom gave me a bag of cast-off clothing, wait’ll you see these bret michaels rock of love jeans holy shit get ready to howl.

canadian electronic monopoly anybody?

family weekend day one: done.

some gorgeous genes in my family there are.

papa’s 80th, not really a surprise in the end.

some things were said as is the typical case when it comes to family gatherings. somehow these people get away with it. i just say i don’t know how to react to that so i won’t say anything at all meanwhile i am choking them out in my mind.

i brought cupcakes and pumpkin pie brownies. gone in a flash.


mom’s princess feet. i guess this is where it comes from.

thanksgiving buffet, several people were not in attendance due to thanksgiving. i choked on the massivest piece of dry dark meat and mom says that’s cos “i don’t eat” urrrrg no. if you were ever in need of knowing how your bod was doin’ go visit the fam, they’ll put you straight on the spot.

wasn’t feeling the poker game.

now on to the next jam.

something im thankful for: your blog

happy thanksgiving lauren. i hope you have a nice weekend ahead of you. mine will be filled with dysfunction and wine. ahh. Also, I liked your mighty jail bush drawing ;)
sending love, xo Lisa

gonna make it a “thing” now

i invite you to peruse this old news link i was mentioned by, late august, here’s the quote, which has both boggled and amused me since then. had’er saved for a rainy day i did.

3. A little bit of advance-notice fall thinking from local blogger Raymi the Minx, who is a little more self-absorbed than we’re supposed to be in Toronto, and a little less self-aware about the self-absorption than even an exhibitionist fashion-and-fun-times blogger should be, but you know, she’s cool.

errr, ah. what? lets break it down bit-by-bit now here. (firstly, i am honoured to be highlighted in the eye weekly school, love those indie kids, no hard feelings. ever.)

i like how there always has to be a disclaimer before i am ever introduced or mentioned. here’s some chick doin’ her thing but now i am going to slightly skew your experience of her, this is what she’s really all about.

“supposed to be in toronto” ok fine got ‘em there, and me. yes self-absorbed definitely, but i know it, thus canceling out the alleged lack of self-awareness. i’m pretty sure i know what’s going on, dumbing it down is part of my thing, admittedly i can be a little slow when the timing’s good however no scratch that, i’m fucking lost. what the hell did she call me? haha. i strongly feel that i am self-aware to a fault, like, it’s a problem.

basically i’m too self-absorbed but i don’t know it and i’m even too self-absorbed for self-absorbed people, i’m hyperly self-absorbed!


listen, friends. everything on this blog is intentional. that’s purely it. stop looking under rocks, i’m not an enigma, but how dare i assume you thought that? i just can’t win it seems. there’s always a perception about what i’m doing or why and how it should be, it has to be quanitified, analyzed. pffffft.

and ps. the post referenced in this top ten required reading list was my sentimental emotional regard towards fall, something i love to romanticize in blog-form, in my head. something that isn’t even about me but if i could project a hippie vibe onto a season, if i could be a season, forever it would be fall.

oh and you might appreciate this one more thing, the internet guy was just here and this piece of paper was layin’ out for him. how awkward was it in here just now you think?

nice touch on the diagram right?

from now on i will no longer illustrate blog title notes to self.

guy what the fuck do i wear today?!

that’s my mom and i oct 2004. i miss that house.

and here i am as celine dion, titanic.

and there’s the first time i ever laid eyes on feist. 2004.

fuck yeah that’s what i want to look like today.

and i used to be very skinny. that’s a child size halloween costume over top an entire outfit. why did i make that photo so small and delete the original. smart.

ass burn winter tanning bed, no base tan went whole-hog. wise choice.

and the lines too. ghetto tan.

me at 19? my first pair of old man shoes, i miss them greatly.