there were several videos to choose from so this is the best of the worst or the worst of the best.
i’m good at this cos when our parents sent us to bed too early (we felt) my brother and i would rip farts from our respective beds with the doors open until the insides of our cheeks stung and stomachs were sore from can’t-breath laughing all while mom and dad were just trying to watch their stories downstairs and pretending not to laugh at the fart explosions traveling down the stairs. my favourites are the tiny boof ones that make you bust up just from the mere memory of the sound.
kids are assholes, man. remind me not to sign mine up for swimming lessons.
not one but two, TWO of these things. with bonus eyeshadow and eye liner, it is no secret i pile this shit on, on the reg.
it arrived the day i stayed in bed sick all morning/afternoon and watched made of honor and was not feeling pretty at all, so no tutorial video but here are my thoughts and i know some have been poo-pooing these alleged “tube” things. i like this mascara cos these “tubes” (smells like bullshit i know) actually protect your lashes, and it comes off nicely and easily without tearing them out or even having to wash off your makeup which is great for me as i have been passing out in my makeup since 2001 and stopped washing my face at nite when i was 19 for se’ers my face only gets a washing in the shower, all that crap you hear (then nag me with MOM) about pores needing breathing or whatever is bullshit you’ve been brainwashed with so lotions and potions companies can sell more lotions and potions. do i have zits? only around menses time or stress. if you are genetically predisposed to have acne then no amount of cleansers will fix that so stop wasting your money. where was i? oh right, mascara, yeah, it’s good, you put the white stuff on first then the black stuff. i typically (exclusively) wear the cheapest brand of mascara there is (maybelline) cos my lashes take really well to mascara, no falsies here, so it really doesn’t matter which brand BUT i have discovered that less time has been spent ripping mascara off my eyes in the shower or in bed before passing out when i go with the l’oreal. i’m a picker, it’s how i do, sometimes you get a good clump and then a bunch of lashes come out with it and then your eyeball is bald in the morning.
so THAT reason alone is why this is good mascara, if you’re a dirtbag like me then this mascara is for you. i imagine you could use the white part first then apply on top a different brand if you were feeling experimental. haven’t done it yet but i plan to just to see the difference and yeah my lashes feel a bit fuller with the loreal double extension mascara over my maybelline so i don’t know what you’ve all been complaining about, shit’s good.
enjoy the massive double chin and my end of nite gross sweaty hair and how pathetically terrified i am of opening champagne bottles. fil was mad cos it’s one of “his” “things” and he has “so few things” he says and actually speaks in this video, we only opened it so we wouldn’t be complete new year’s eve losers.
that’s my new saying but i can’t decide how i want to say it yet though, i guess it depends on how funny i am feeling and the circumstance of the situation at hand. i will keep you posted.
how was your nite?
matt gave us a jug of vodka for christmas and i gave him a painting i’m sick of that he’s been after for awhile.
my resolutions are to drink less, get more tanned, swear less, slur less, and feed more squirrels. oh and be more professional and write better/more and be less of a dick more of a prick. i think i can do this.
‘scuse us white people dancing, much like deer crossing ‘cept way less graceful but with just as much DANGER possibility. we tend to point a lot, and kick, and sway and fall into plants and sharp objects and shove and close our eyes while doing this.
i blew mine off before midnight and justified it by the fact that i would be BUSY taking everyone’s picture at the stroke (ew)(haha)(no ew) of midnight.
all i see is a floating drink she is completely camouflaged and this is so vegas-looking i love it who wants to go on a gamble adventure with me?
OOOOooooh someone went all out. what i meant it! did YOU bring a disco light?
so cute.
ugh that one picture ruining fallen-out curl strand in my face!
an insecure moment in time captured immediately after, i do not know how to work “curlishy” hair or my face OR MY LIFE.
steph skanked someone when rancid came on, as in kicked a girl or stomped on her foot. AHAHAHAh ah aw. then we dissected her (skanked chick) reaction with Madeleine until it turned out that steph was actually the victim.
native necklace representin’ and i am enjoying that non-chalant pose in the background, pretty slick.
my premature celebration. i tried to pop it over these guy’s heads (and i did) as they were posing for a picture and it was almost timed perfectly for them oh what a nice picture that would have made.
NICE RING. oh yeah at one point i was sitting in this high chair (a bar chair, retard) and steph was dancing around me so i asked if it felt like she was dancing with someone in a wheelchair and she said yes it did then before we were even finished laughing at our own comedy we both out of breath recounted the story for other people. if you’ve never met me before that is pretty much the only thing you’re missing out on, i say something and if i think it’s funny, i then say what i said to someone else and then to someone else until i run out of people.
i was doing a little dance for fil, he had already removed the top from his popper so it would blast better come midnite, i got self conscious, asked if i should stop my mating dance and as he gestured with his hand to keep going, which was holding the popper, it spooged all over his stomach. slowly too. EWWW ha.
he had two green line stains on his forehead when we got home.
wheee midnight, we lasted.
2009 grabby. oh yeah no more crabby in 2009 lets see how quickly that one breaks.
harmonica horn blowing is actually feasible.
white people dancing on that shit was extra dangerous especially with sloshed beer all over it.