fil doesn’t like his voice in videos (he claims to be shy) so that’s why it appears that i am constantly talking to myself in these things which, i essentially am, as he refuses to answer the ten million rhetorical and obvious questions i ask. anyway, wychwood park is a lush private hood between st. clair and davenport and you have to not only be fabulously wealthy to live there, you have to be invited or a crazy artist, i dunno, that’s what i’ve heard. you’re not supposed to drive through it like we did, or walk through, we always put on a great show of looking like we know someone who lives there or accidentally got lost and totally did not see the many private property signs. it is such a great looking neighbourhood and a marvel that it exists downtown (kind of) toronto.
so you’re welcome for this. in the summer it is gorgeous, and i’m sure autumn would have been primo for a little walkies through but steph (SHE FINALLY BLOGGED MY FERN!!) and i couldn’t get our shit together enough to make that happen. another cool thing is the wychwood barns just opened up and is now some sort of “artscape” thing, it used to be a ttc streetcar repair barn cute eh? thomas the tank engine much? that blogto article muses this area may be the next distillery, doubt it, but just maaaay be yeah? if the distillery weren’t so inconveniently located i’m pretty sure we’d go there more. anyway, wychwood barns, i bet the wychwood park residents have some major mixed feelings over its opening.
ok here i go, i’ve written about how i feel about smokers before last february, just how gross i feel when i see them out during the day and then inhaling second hand smoke accidentally as i pass by, sickening, why not some exhaust fumes for dessert. anyway, my newest beef with smoking is friends who smoke – sorry guys, you’re fucking annoying, mostly during winter, summer i can deal with you just fine, but winter when we all go to meet up i do not enjoy babysitting your purses jackets and drinks while you go out to smoke. it’s rude and inconsiderate of you also when you come back from your smoke you take your time going to the bathroom and chit-chatting with whomever you bumped into, fine do your thing but guess what, i am not a fucking coat check! i did not get there early to score a table for ten of you to dump your bags and shit all over me and give me barely a minute of humouring face time then you beat it out of there to stand up close to the stage and then when someone brings you the wrong jacket you have the audacity to give back ‘tude about it! guess what, YOUR jacket YOUR responsibility how dare you! meanwhile we thought you were out smoking or whatever, the whole time you’re down in the pit and we are stuck watching YOUR shit. hey guess what i really wanted to be down there too once i was ready for it but was forced to wait for one of you to come back to collect your goods and then given MORE attitude when i tell you we are leaving the table and you have to hold onto your own coat, R-U-D-E.
kind of using a couple specific incidents as an example here but anyway, it has happened numerous times and i am so beyond sick of it and now that we have months and months of cold temp. ahead of us i am just going to make it clear NOW that i am no longer going to tolerate this bullshit so wise up. did we all make plans so that i could spend 50% of the time sitting alone with your jacket? wtf is that?
THAT is why i am crabby every time you see me, so do me a favour and show a little respect. i’m completely fine with bumping into people whom i did not make plans with and they go for a smoke whatever, i don’t expect to be babysat all nite long by anyone, but what i DO expect is to not be left alone with your shit, or simply left alone when we all made plans together, if you consider me your friend, then start fucking acting like it otherwise PAYCE.
it’s fine if we are all out to dinner and smokers plus non-smokers are even steven but when you outnumber me i’m sorry, that’s a prick move on your part. it just is, acknowledge and accept that you are a prick and maybe i will accept your apology. maybe.
haha next time i am going to bring out like a huge bean bag chair and ask you to watch it for me all nite long while i stand on the opposite side of the room.
plan ahead like i do before going out, i look at all the crap i think i will need and decide ok do i want to hold onto this all nite long yes or no? can i deal, what if i want to dance, if i lose this umbrella is it that important to me? so say i do all that self-prepping minimalism for myself (which i do) do you now get how beyond frustrating it is to be asked to hold onto YOUR stuff? from now on do not ask i don’t care if you have to go help someone barf, BRING YOUR PURSE WITH YOU.
k now back to smoking beef, sometimes i can barely tolerate going out to a show but i suck it up and go along with otherwise the couch would suck me in completely and dust and cobwebs would accumulate all around me permanently anyway, i went the distance to be a good sport and join in on your reindeer games and liquored myself up to tolerate the tedious boredom what is every fucking band that sounds the same to me (not the ones that i actually like) so don’t make it worse for me by fucking off like that, basically.
i mean, i totally get the wanting to be fancy flirty free while out havin’ a good time and all, smoking with yer hands free is great but sorry not at MY expense if you want to be fancy flirty free leave your humongous fugly purse at home, or get a smaller one. haha i can’t get over this at all.
the only time i don’t care is when i’m shithouse drunk and so is my smoking friend and if they have one more cig it puts them over the edge. seriously, step outside after several rounds, gulp in some oxygen and you realise how trashed you are – then you make the mistake of having a smoke and it’s spinsville. you deserved it haha. that is my ONE gift to you dear smoker, take many many deep breaths when you step outside before you light up a smoke to regulate your oxygen intake i don’t know what the scientific explanation is other than it is magic and will save you from the spins, gulp up that air and you’ll realise hey man i am looooooooaded i do NOT need this smoke, i want it because i am loaded, but i so don’t need it. you can email me to let me know that you did not take this advice and instead chose to go down in a spew of glory.
what i’m getting at is, who wants a girl’s non-smoking dancing nite out?
file this under: SICK
Hey sexy BODY GIRL
I’m Daniella origin from west indies and my BF : GG from Mauricius island wouaww omg, my jaws were down and my BF chocolate raised (-: and we both love your divin sexy face with that revolver eyes (-: well here some picture of our HOT evenings in PAris taken by my BF, he loves to see me with other girls! we would be pleased to invite u in PAris don’t be afraid i never eat anyone just licked till… (-; it will be a pleasure for me to be your PErsonnal body guard (-;; sweet heart in PARIS, the romantic city for a romantic tour lol waiting to talk with you by webcam
I’m Real Bi girl and my BF straight and we’re a fun loving couple from PAris
HOOOTT kisses from both of us where it gives you a max of pleasure
Daniella and GG
i will let you use your own imagination as to what their photo stream looks like.
i go a little cray cray on the burt’s bees before bed and especially during winter, it gets just so damn dry!
we should get a humidifier.
fil is growing out his beard, sort of a tie-in with movember though he already had a moustache to begin with, so yeah, more beard it is and i like it.
Ryan: hey crossword help – The Force was with him, 4 letters (jaws was never my scene and i don’t like star wars)
me: luke
Ryan: thx aw it was YODA 4 letters some geek you are
me: ahh oops i thought some one said may the force be with you to luke they also say it in church haha no wait they say may the lord be with you HAHAHAHA i kind of want to go to church now to say that
Ryan: hahahah be like oops i thought because you wear glasses you’d know that shit so it’s my own fault for asking then they go AND WITH YOU AS WELL eh
me: blast someone away with your invisible phaser beam
Ryan: i’ll bring my r2d2 cooler it’s sweet
me: no they say and also with you you have to shake everyones hand around you its really creepy and annoying and stupid
Ryan: here they say and with you as well from what i remember but yeah it’d be funny to be like ew germs and not touch anyone maybe you’re right i’ve only been to church once
me: thats like the different ways of getting married – saying i do or i will i will just rubs me the wrong way
Ryan: people say i will? ew
me: yeah how pretentious
Ryan: i will take out the garbage and get the coffee right
me: HA
Ryan: yeah that doesn’t sound good
me: its not proper english DO YOU TAKE THIS MAN? I WILL you will what? i think they answer it literally cos theyre nervous WILL you take this man then they say i will if asked DO you take this man then its I DO ok i just figured it out thank you nevermind
Ryan: will is more future-tense, do is more present-tense now that i think about it’s like
me: right
Ryan: obv they DO if they’re there getting married so the priest wants to ask if they will later, too
me: haha
after coffee more of my skid wares will be up for you to pretend to give a care about – really it’s just content fodder and look at my ass again material.
ps. i have no intention of barraging you with vote for me for the canadian weblog awards shit this year, if i win i win, so no this is not a ploy. (you can still keep nominating and voting for me though hah) i’m getting older, i’ve hated my body for the longest time, i finally weigh 125lbs – fuck it i’m goin’ bowling.
pps. we are so screwed, look what’s opening up in our hood: smoke’s poutinerie! check out the menu they have butter chicken poutine oh man oh man oh man.
i FINALLY purged my sock (ha i just wrote cocks) and underwear drawers, filled up a big bag for charity (no skids relax you fool, alicia did it as well cos po’ folk need ‘em some underwears too man) and set aside some stuff for you pervs to bid on, all about to go up on raymistore (woah what happened to that template??) and you have one week to lay claim, request/make an offer otherwise to charity it goes. i don’t care how gross you may think this is, you’re gross! some of these things are just too stupidly sentimental to give away to strangers for free who won’t know the wimpy little tale behind a bra i have held onto since i was 16 and could not ever fill out. plus, maybe one day you know i might just ledge out on ya and you’ll have something seriously fuckin’ priceless on your hands. i practically never even wore these things anyway, so chill.
since posting those stupid dance videos in my dress the entire pervitory of youtube has subscribed to my feed, i’ve been getting the cheesiest comments on other long forgotten dance videos too and then this piece of genius:
I hope your expression with this video was about the addictions that lurk within people and being set free from them…because this is a very real song and artform that should not be mocked or exploited by trying to be cute in front of a camera for the sake of views or whatever your goal was. …I mean NO hate or harm by what i’m saying…just curious because its a beautiful and very real expression with class and long time favorite of mine since it was released by Prince Paul & Automator.
i am continuously amazed by the stupidity of the youtube person and how totally oblivious to the rest of the internet they are. yes, i took this very real song and made a very real video about real addiction, because i keeps it real and i take the internet, my music and dance videos on youtube SO VERY SERIOUSLY.
here’s another gem:
111 oh wowowowwwww are you reallyyy from Canadaaaa???
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii im from Indonesiaaaa
and this
info do u have myspace?
and this:
Interested in makign great money working from home, part tie, making videos? I run a paysite that allows girls just like you to start a site of your own and earn amazing money ($100+ per hour, thousands a month) for making sexy videos of themselves dancing flirting etc.. please apply here, or on my website at
I’d love to work with you and get your site going, please get in touch if you are interested!
do you wanna read a story of what i’d love to do with you?
now, while i don’t exactly expect engineers and doctors to be lurking around for ass videos (hmm well actually…) i am boggled by these dude’s inability to take just one second to look up at my profile and click my fucking homepage link, why can’t these guys bang two rocks together and figure out hmm maybe she’s just using youtube for her blog? the same goes for flickr. ugh! srlkjgbdfk;bgdfbndf
duuuuuude never ever saw it comin’ nope never. ever. fil says if that’s all he gets indicted for over the next four years he should consider himself a very lucky man.