we HAVE to beat this fucking game so we can move on with our lives!@!!!!!!

we are both playing it, taking turns, with our own saved games, fil is ahead of me and then when i play he watches while laptopping and i scream for help and then i can’t express properly what kind of help i need because i have been sitting in the same position on the couch for three hours and everyone gets frustrated GOD!


i’m waiting for it to be my turn again, fil is playing right now and he sneaked on when i was on the phone, well played there fil.

he also tried to hump me a thousand times last nite in his sleep while i was busy watching tila tequila. he pulled his underwear down off one leg and i said uh i am on my period then he fell asleep immediately. he said he woke up with his underwear off and i explained why and he was embarrassed, apparently he is going to kill himself later by jumping off the balcony.

that’ll free up some mario time for me.

he especially hates it when i reenact all the pawing at me he does with sound effects.

i think this guy is called leisure man.

i let fil borrow him to bring to work and display some of his (my) street-cred.

he didn’t last very long and soon was sent to live in fil’s drawer and now we are re-united.

these guys too what’s up?

we went to the beer station to watch the game last nite, this picture is quite blurry i was trying to be stealth, anyway, we barely go to that shithole. (jameson’s is 4.10 a glass and they aren’t stingy on the pouring fyi) this guy is always there at the bar, he has greasy grey/white hair in a ponytail with a scrunchy, and not like artist/poet kind of ponytail either, more like girl-style ponytail 1980s era, i can’t figure it out and i stare at him secretly all nite long.

during a game, wings are half price if you get a pitcher.

ten minutes later.

rented live free or die hard last nite, i already saw a bootleg version of it, anyway it is great except for all the totally impossible things that happen which i still enjoyed. feh.

deb took this photo last year when we stayed at thor.

Love the website so I thought Id send you a pic I drew

Hope u like it and keep up the good work.


wow you certainly captured my nose

an hour in the life

haha he was reading VICE, what a phony, a real punk would have kicked my ass for taking their picture.

that’s not relish, it’s sauteed jalapenos.

melt in your mouth grilled cheese w/ garlic butter and tomato ahmahgahd.

cid as gremlin.

oh man that mario game is stupidly addicting, it is turning me into even more of a lazy ass than i already am, i feel like i am friends with mario and i can’t stop thinking about playing it god i need friends. ok here are some pictures of the scrambled eggs i made not too long ago to trick you into thinking productive activites take place here.

just about browned enough.

should’ve bought better olives, oh well, next time.

how to not be a fat ass.

does it still work if you inhale 16 egg whites though? well, 8 each actually.

you’re beautiful.

oh hey, look who joined the party.

the egg whites take on the sweaty brown onion grease colour, way to go guys.

about a third of feta, try not to let it break into too tiny clumps cos it gets lost in the scramble and bonus it acts as salt so no need to add any of that you heart attacks waiting to happen.

let it sit for a bit then fold it over and over.

i wish the final product looked less like barf. it was very delicious.

ok fine finish off with these instead:

sophie wasn’t feeling well on sunday.

she is the smallest friend i have.

unless i became friends with an ant or something.

chicken curry mmmm.

fluorescent is delicious.

meet fredrique, he lost his eye in a fishing accident three years ago and is quite sensitive about it

but laugh at just one of his jokes and he’ll hold a special place in his heart for you forever

he enjoys 80’s cartoons and idolizes fred astaire

he is allergic to butter and has a little bit of a french accent
that he fakes

don’t question him about it though

email me at raymitheminx@gmail.com if you want a fffek,

(felt friend for emo kids).

sorry for the biref hiatus i’ve been playing super paper mario on wii all afternoon and now i’m making some of my felt dudes, busy busy busy, dig dig, chop chop.

the dude who runs the place we go to get cid’s special cat food looks like santa, err, father christmas, and you can bring your pet for a christmas picture with him, i KNOW! he is a very gentle and sensitive man and a little bit shy too, i’ve been going there with fil for three years now and we’ve only just worked ourselves up to saying hi to each other, so cute!

eightish or so cats live in the store, all abandoned, most are siblings and they all sleep on the various cat trees and bags of dog food, it’s fun walking around trying to find them all then you pet them and get their purr motors going and leave.

the aftermath of the santa claus parade was so disgusting, fucking families and their mcdonald’s trash, chip bags, candy wrappers, pop cans, tim horton’s coffee cups scattered from bloor all the way down to fucking queen, just everywhere, and these are the same (suburbanites) people who say toronto is SO dirty and then they storm the streets with their fat little kids in snowpants and litter the place up and the city has to put extra garbage peeps on the clock to clean up after them. STAY IN MISSISSAUGA NEXT YEAR FUCKFACES!

if you want to join my club or start my club where we get together and discuss this in a positive way for like six hours a day, cool. if you don’t understand then just stop reading my blog now.

why come the only youtube vids of that song are quiet-like? this will be one of the things we will be discussing in the NO ONE ALICIA KEYS RAYMI CLUB.

good thing i’m not a pothead and have the ability to harbor immediate wicked guilt and deleted the more embarrassing parts of this shitty post.

no matter what, i will not take back my love for that song.