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i’m PISSED i just took off the sheets and duvet cover and pillowcases and other washables down to the laundry room and it was locked, the super’s wife said it’s closed (tomorrow the water will be turned off all day) i do not understand why it has to be closed today do you know how fucking annoying it is to take off a duvet then put it back on DIRTY when you were expecting to be putting it on CLEAN. putting it on PERIOD makes me mental enough, putting that thing back on dirty swg;oireh greo igfdvbd/lvbdwvewb gfewgfbvwkbvewgfew; eflrehgreovgbv’ etcetera. i did not grow up a duvet person, duvet/comforter whatever it is, i think it is more of a dude thing, my arm-spanse is not that of a fucking eagle’s i canNOT deal with holding a corner then the other corner then flopping out the mother fucking blanket like parachute day in kindergarden and then T-bird jumping it on the mattress and smoothing that shit together just so fuck you meanwhile cid is hysterical all around cos it is laundry day and fil sees it as an opportunity to tell me like it is and to be a grown-up and to do it myself and i get severely nutzo stubborn yes i am basically handicapped because i am unable to do the duvet-thing by myself what if someone bought me one as a present and i lived alone in the middle of nowhere and it was laundry day?

one thing i DO enjoy is when fil cleans the litter box and how immediately afterward cid takes a big dump. he is like haha fuck you i am forcing out this dump just for you.

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