i am wishing that i bought extra food yesterday so i could eat some right now i am distracting myself with pointless tasks so i don’t have to leave the apartment to get food and i have been awake since 8am it is like 2:30 and i have eaten nothing except espresso and orange juice and i think that i actually lose weight or feel skinnier after a nite of steady boozin’ but after nites sans booze i am like EXCUSE ME WHY DO I WEIGH AS MUCH AS A GOLF CART?!
it’s true, i have the worst eating habits EVER and i am a lazy piece of shit.
anyway the other nite before me and fil, uh, started hugging, i was like HEY FIL ARE YOU GETTING READY FOR YOUR BIG MOMENT!?!?! and he’s all “big moment”? and i’m all SORRY I MEANT 45 SECONDS.
ps it would be awesome if i washed my face before passing out at nite so i don’t have to go through an entire box of q-tips every week getting all the shitty mascara out of my eye crevices.
pps i think i am losing my vision that, or i am losing my mind OR i am dyslexic, that’s all.