new favorite drink is fireball and coke holy crap my face lit right up. more photos to come.

i’m still baffled over how many people chose to be personally offended by my shitty blogs post and how several were like i don’t get it, are you being ironic?? doi duh durrrurururr. the answer is no. i was being honest and mean and yes in my archives there are ten gabillion same pose photos of my head with the same look on my face though that was back when i smoked 5 joints a day and each picture i took i thought i looked hotter and hotter in it and now that the smoke has cleared i realise hey dude there’s better things to photograph out there, i was saying that if your blog has not changed at all from when you started it up until now then IT. IS. A. SHITTY. BLOG. and no i did not go seeking out specific blogs to tear apart either. ps. people who harp on me for more nudity just shut the fuck up already.

i filled up on crazy pills yesterday finally, i was getting a little dizzy-weakling-crankysaurus there and i also got some special cream for the weird thing growing on my back. there’s just oodles and oodles of things wrong with me. fun! i bought some pocahontas-like boots and they’re a tiny bit small so i have blisters on my heels but whatever on that because i am like so totally vibing with style now! i dreamt last nite that i got in a bar fight with some trashy slut who said i talked shit about her on my blog and i said no way jose, you isn’t even worth writin’ about and then she lunged at me and i popped her in the eye and my voice turned into arnold’s in T2 and i said NOW THAT EES WOOOORTH WRITEENG ABOWT!

there are maybe eight sketchy cats that live next door and hang out in the yard and bushes and fence and one is siamese and i wanted to pick it up and hug it but it looked really fucking dirty and mangy and would probably give me cat aids or something so i didn’t. all of the cats look like they’ve been hit on the head and their jaws are fucked up but still they’re cute and kind of slow which turns me into down syndrome cat demander when i see them.

i slept with my left hand in a fist and my index finger pointing all nite long and when i woke up it felt like i had only one finger oh and i also ran out of crazzy pills yesterday so the next couple days including today should be rather interesting. going to toronto soon where i left all of my money and stopping off at noel’s first so now i don’t have to take the streetcar which means i can totally spend that 2 dollars and twenty-five cents right now!

i dreamt that i had a crush on this totally nerdy jewish kid who was kicked out of high school and i walked all the way there in the rain and walked past all the cool kids and told him that i loved him and so we gathered up all of his clothes and he drew an anarchy sign on his shirt with a tube of wasabi. fucking genius.