not a crazy evening, went for a tan chez A‘s had some brews and watched the wrestler, so good.
stripper movies with onion dip do not mix, happily, cured that craving pretty much immediately as well i totally forgot to bring out the chocolate bars.
something‘s up at our regular loblaws and there’s loads of produce in the crisper i can’t be bothered to worry about. awesome guys. well we feel fine from that red thai curry from a couple nites ago so i’m not sweating over here, just a bit grossed out. i’m also bummed cos our last visit there forgot to grab some bottles of the light eggnog i’ve come to crave in my morning espresso, yeah yeah life is tough. now it’s back to boring skim.
working on my tan lines.
george doppleganger, dhani sigh.
woke up to antarctica.
time to feed the monkey brb.
oh carlton.