so we ventured to bowlarama who the fuck knows where, troy picked us (fil steph me) up (his 30th birthday!) with natalie and off we went despite my being in the middle of a, say level 6, anxiety attack and it was stop and go saturday traffic along bloor with five manic personalities going at once, music changing every two seconds, some on crazy come down drugs/medicines, interesting ride to say the least. once we got there and annihilated a corona i was on easy street.
ole pinky was the favoured ball.
new pants already need a shrinking i look like i just got off a mcdonald’s shift.
oh so nerdy. yesterday’s bowling outfit blew it SORRY i was in the middle of a panic attack and almost shoved ten things in my purse holy britney spears. i settled on one extra sweater thing thanks to steph who enables my costume changes. steph i know you watch intervention religiously so you KNOW what enabling IS and thank you for it.
a serious pose.
purple was also a fave.
stressed much? this is why we don’t bowl, someone takes it extremely seriously, the fact that they aren’t very good. seriously, WHO IS? it’s meant to be fun and a reason to stand around drinking and talking shit about each other. relax pill, fil! HUG.
tech’d out!
ok we GET IT episode of roseanne, chill.
you write one little anecdote about acne then mount suvius erupts out of your cheek (MENSES TIME). ahh that lighting is so flattering.
party bar.
i requested girl shoes and the guy just gave me duds with ninja turtle laces instead, fine close enough. i totally spied some yellow/orange fluorescent pairs don’t lie to me!
more pretentious. next up, will be a series of abandoned small town gas stations and decrepit motels at sunset.
i’m winning.
still winning, so a fluke i didn’t know what was going on at all. poker with me isn’t frustrating at all.
anxiety attack relief, this little genius recreates the sensation of popping bubble wrap over and over and if you stop a little japanese voice says little japanese things to you. it saved me. steph also went to town on it.
then out came the ginger and the flasks. what do you got, cc? me, crown.
oh just a regular guy, you know?
guy behind steph in the green shirt is the brother of troy (birthday boy) who took bowling one million per cent seriously and did not at all enjoy when natalie threw her ball down their lane (my idea thanks to my brother) when troy was going for a “world record” hahaha. they broke their machine by punching it a few times. intense, intense players hey guys come to fun town sometime maybe, being us.
OH OF COURSE the disco comes on at 9 exactly when our games ended, way to go bro so fair.
birthday troy.
oh like you didn’t know it was coming.
so much pressure what pose to strike HA pun, or pin??
oh yes.
we went there.
seriously, merry christmas.
we almost kiefer sutherland’d it.
someone wanted in the prize room which probably wasn’t the prize room i think it was just a store more importantly who cares.
a birthday embrace.
trying to figure out what the fuck next some were a little more impaired.
check ya later hosers!
dad drove us home. nat’s car was broken into a few weeks ago and a ton of shit was stolen out of it. she was like yeah that’s nice i work my ass off i’d love to do drugs all the fucking time and break into cars and steal shit too, awesome thanks. natalie, don’t leave expensive things in your car!
¿Por qué
then i changed my insecure outfit and we went to tortilla flats, it was nice, that’s as long as i lasted though so no dancing and intense personal trainer hugs at stone’s place were had for this guy, steph came back to sit on the couch and talk through television with me.