Here are three amazing songs and their videos I discovered last night.
This video just straight up rules. It’s creepy sad and the dancing is phenomenal. The music, I love, I don’t know what style this would be categorized as but it’s what I like at the moment plus forever.
This video is crazy cos the dude cheats on his wife and meanwhile she’s under the bed then sees his gun, hyper emotional what to do what to do???
This is festival music. Had no idea where the video was going but there it went and I dig that too. MTV.NL plays night videos and I figure it’s not the same garbage they’re seeing back home so why not share in the joy what my ears get to experience. You’re welcome.
Bonus video.
I can easily see swaying lovingly to and fro to this jam at a show. Thanks bye. Happy Saturday. I get to spend this nicest most gloriousest weather day yet cleaning out the garage ^$&^$*^.
More of this junk later.