Went to the Sultan’s tent on Friday…more like the INSULTAN’s TENT! LMAO
I say no more! if you wanna hear my stories ya gotta pay for ‘em because I am fleshing out a set and I’m going for it. I think you have to say yes to as many insane things as possible before you die, it just makes sense to. I don’t remember (I never do) who I was talking to but I essentially was justifying my cut loose attitude and how I am a different person now than I use to be AHH I remember it was Brosz7 saw him the other night. Funny people are always funny, we laughed as we jadedly shot the shit of our current affairs.

Some people are not happy with their lives. I know, shocking. Some people are complacent, some people always worry, others plot. Everyone has anxiety. But I find the moments in between are the best, most crucial part. It’s super hard to enjoy your life or be the happiness is a choice-set because like in correcting one’s posture, you always forget. I mean, I don’t. I walk around like a happy go lucky Jimminy Cricket sometimes, the days I am lucky to be cognizant of JOY to just go with the flow man.
It was rush hour when I got back to the city yesterday and I found myself walking against the herd of commuters and, you know, I felt SO RELAXED TO NOT BE THEM. They were all miserable, grumpy-faced, and I was casually speed-walking at this point with my knowing bloodhound maneuvers left across Front and up University etc and so on and people were aghast I wasn’t a lemming like them going toward their train. Any time you’re going the opposite direction upstream glaring at your former-you it’s surreal. I honour it. Fuck my mind is so quick I don’t ever miss a stupid thing.
It floors me when it floors them that I stop to capture the sun setting everyone is so busy rushing around they never stop and but then they DO stop because they see this blonde freak woman doing this. I remember I was taking a photo of the most breath taking sunset once and people walking into an outlet mall were all ??? and I said TURN AROUND!!!! They did and were transfixed. SEE! I said. Sometimes you have to shake people the fuck awake which is why I pull no punches in just speaking my mind right there in the moment sometimes those were the best conversations.
Anyway this was a boss walk home it was mild, more mild than had anticipated so the warmth was soothing and as we know this child hates her winters so get it in ya when you can and smoke em if you got em cos it’s goin down (fav track right now my neighbours hate me).
going back to my stand-up material I feel like I start a lot of topics then go on to the next, it’s bad I know.
I mention it because I want to be a finisher. Omg wouldn’t that be an awesome sister to the Punisher. Just think about it I’m going to leave that with you.
Fuck are we done looking at buildings yet I know I am… the weekend I went to Burlington for Thanksgiving was the first time I saw trees changing fall colour I felt SO sorry for myself for being a Torontonian in that moment like all the trees changed colour without me. The majority of my life is spent being sad about the most inconsequential shit I know this you don’t have to tell me LIKE I see this too you know!!!

I went to the shark club this night to watch the game. I say no more. Hahah.

I believe if I knew when I was a little girl that all I’d ever want was to be outdoors in nature I’d probably be married sooner/already but let’s not go there rn. This is one of my most favourite places to hike: Smokey Hollow falls don’t copy me but you must go and make sure you don’t have bad knees kay.

Dear Diary it has been 3 hours since my last mirror selfie I cannot cope, the people do not know what I look like right now please give me the strength to locate my next washroom I don’t care how shitty it looks in there, they have a right to know.

Ya guy Nan’s boudoir what up b this was before Swiss Chalet. Next year we will go to a nicer place so my Nana won’t complain I said you have to stay alive for that though okay?

I am slowly getting slimmer I am afraid to mention it lest I yoyo back again haha but just letting you know because I think the selfies increase however, I know I take just as many when I’m thiccer so idk what to tell ya I don’t care just look at me and be quiet. I am so sick of being online bullied about every single thing it doesn’t matter anymore I made it to twenty fucking years assholes Nov 28th will be my 20th year blogging. WHAT!!

So you can just kiss my ass. skskskskks sorry for the ego problem. Dialing it back now.
Do you want to hear about my Sunday? Okay it was the best day and knew all along was going to be gorgeous weather it didn’t disappoint.
Give me LOTR or give me death.
Trust me I loaded up my phone and fucked up my instagram stories like I did on Nuit Blanche just so much Faaaaaaaaaaaall.
There was some kind of major accident we had to park on another street and walk down I really love my disaster p0rn but we didn’t make it in time cos we was tailgatin’.

This was a massive slow burn said he had a beer for me with a mirror on it then gives me this yeah thanks bud who are you my brother? I think that passes for romantic if you’re a country boy.
I had a big weekend I slept through my alarm so as I was getting ready to head out to the burbs I had the opportunity of being sweaty frantic and anxious the entire time you know the feeling FUCK then I came down with something Monday, complete useless write off and felt right as rain Tuesday because I drank a quart of orange juice and just sweated it all out is this TMI I can’t tell anymore and I also don’t care.
I love how so many Toronto little front yards are over-growing insanity Toronto people are busy enough have they enough shit on their plate and just cannot deal with the green thumbery. I have lived in a variety of places in the city the majority of which had the zaniest backyard garden set-ups going on talk about English gardens yeesh which is run wild to shit.
A new spot in our hood goody good.
The money shot.
Will prob result in being the front cover for some theatre’s playbill I hope.
I’ll be in the area later today and shall report back if there is a new billboard here yet. Feel free to tell me first though.
oh ya this night I say no more haha.
You’re pretty.
Blogging this is inspiring me to get up off my ass and do my errands sooner it’s sunny out! (update: now it’s not).
Nana’s roses. When I took jazz I would always get a bouqet of roses from her garden after my recital awwwww.

I wanted to razzle dazzle ‘em at swiss chalet so….
mmm ya
Now that was a friggin choppy water day wow.
Literally all the patience I had uploading pics yesterday for this post enjoy your day now, enjoy your life xoxo!