This is from Sunday. Its been so long since you’ve looked at me, so. I changed my bathing suit from one-piece to this about 5 times. Tash wanted to go to Cabana. I am glad that didn’t happen though. Follow along little hombres…
Dude look at my eyes! Too bad I have David Bowie Iris’s. We just had a funny discussion in the office trying to figure out what the word for Iris even is. Office humour is ridiculous. Anything can set you off. Well, me at least. I have so many good ones on rotation you’ve never heard before. I am going to blog again, or more often so that I can eventually get to all of them. Write. Period. Have said that many times before but this time, I tell ya!

I’ve finally begun biking to and fro work. I leave looking excellent and arrive a sweaty, tanned mess. I wish I started sooner this summer I just think about all the money I have thrown into the Uber garbage and I go into a guilt spiral then I worry about upcoming colder months and how there is no way I am biking in the cold-ass morning I’ll end this tenure of cycling whimsy in October and hopefully we’ll get a long Indian summer at that.

When I take on anything physical I have to be the best. Today for instance I did a trick off a speed bump while gunning it south down Carlaw and a stroller mom was all HELL YEAH. I caught so much air and bounced like a bad ass. My time getting to work is pretty impressive now. I can’t believe I used to ride around town without a helmet on before blasting music completely oblivious to impending ice cream trucks Fed-ex vans and shit. I’m a lot smarter now albeit athletically reckless because my physique allows it… just don’t ask me about my ride back home.

Oh yeah I’m going kayaking after work today. Have been meaning to go with my colleague all summer. Better late than never. Which also means I have to bail on a going-away party. urgh.
It’s the dog days of summer. I have to remember that I am around Millennials whom have likely not seen the cinematic masterpiece Dog Day Afternoon before. Someone recently asked me what “dog days of summer” meant. People usually don’t know what I mean anyway so it’s one part Raymism and one part “an actual thing”. Dog days of summer means the ass end of summer. But you already knew that didn’t you because you’re so smart.
I lead an interesting life if I do say so myself. Instead of extrapolating something not much out of nothing I now have an even richer, more full-bodied way about things and I don’t ever write about any of it. Shame. The writer is a peculiar sort. They can only do it when they want to do it. Or it’s simply supreme stubbornness. I usually blame it on exhaustion, social media, and all the things I do that I dare not say.
Now you’ll find this hard to believe and only special to me but, the dog days of summer tend to DEPRESS ME EXPONENTIALLY. You have to be Canadian to understand this. You have to endure 8 months of winter every year for your entire life to get it.
I am actually listening to Fred Eaglesmith’s Summer is over right now here are the lyrics. Gorgeous. You know how I love the beauty in sadness.
Well, summer is over
The turnstiles are seized
The Ferris wheel turns by itself in the breeze
And the big diesel engines
Idle out on the lawn
Summer is over
And my baby’s gone
And the roller coaster
Pulls at its pins
The bumper boats drift out
And they drift back in
And the September breezes
Are bringing winter along
Summer is over
And my baby’s gone
And the ring that she won me
Is broken in pieces
And I sat on the hat
Now it’s got extra creases
And she didn’t answer
The last time I called
To tell her they were scrubbing
Our names off the wall
But she left a message
And I should have known
Summer is over
And my baby’s gone
Yeah, summer is over
And my baby’s gone
Love this. I live in a magical land of make believe this is suiting af.
I pass here often. There are many famous faces on the other wall. If you know it then you know it.

These are up all over Leslieville. I collect them. Something is f’d up about each one. Also yes payphones still exist I am glad that they do you’re not funny shut up and goodbye. When things are of a bygone era and still around, let them! Aren’t you afraid of the future and time speeding up? Don’t you feel old and thankless? I am at both times modern and nostalgic just deal.

I like this guy. My fav is the Mickey Mouse with his brains exposed like that scene in Hannibal when Ray Liotta is fed his own brain. BARF.

First bike ride before work selfie in case I died. I also like “uniforms” ok nevermind ha ha.

Left-over party accoutrement.

I could not resist.

This is how I build/implement office culture. I try.
I’d like to take credit for this. Just the coins and the bust of Apollo I got from an old man’s garage sale in Muskoka. I keep it on my desk to feel regal and I also keep eyeglass solution to feel needed by coworkers and possibly liked.

A mellow yellow afternooner.

I have never actually linked our company Full Stack‘s website on my blog yet before (we are still waiting on that revamp which will be super soon fyi) but when it launches I will for sure be all over that.
I went to Nando’s on Queen west. I love their chicken so much. Their price point is absurd to slightly ostentatious but they can get away with it because it’s delicious af.
A definite treat yoself moment in time.
How hungry does this make you? Actual art yo. Let me know if you want to ever send me Nando’s and/or take me there. I’m a bit of a lone wolf tbh and can often times be irritated by all company so good luck with that.

My work buddy joined Tash and I on Sunday Funday.
I used to talk shit about the east end all the time and now I live here. It’s quaint. It can get isolating because everybody seems to live everywhere else. Whatever. You know where I am if you want me. Do I sound bitter rn? GOOD. (Just kidding).

Hello again.

Dressing the part is half the work.

I decided I wanted to be hot for the rest of summer. No I’m not fishing I’m stating.
Treats from America. Thanks Tess. Love her.
Here’s one where I am emo.
Then smiling with an instagram filter.
And in a dress.
Yes I wear these glasses a lot. They help me see better when I bike ride and also at night. My vision is starting to crap out on me. Okay I have “real work” to do now thanks for dropping in ttyl xo your pal Raymi.