Bathing Belle Designer Swimwear
Ready for a giveaway blog post starring tons of pictures of my weirdly shaped body? Perfect.
Bathing Belle Designer Swimwear and Raymi the Minx have teamed together to bring you a sweet contest open to all lovely ladies worldwide. Just follow Bathing Belle’s instagram and tomorrow, you could win this custom designer ice cream swimsuit which retails for $189. It was my idea to do this contest because I wanted to give something back to the Little Raymis and I don’t think it’s fair to always be like me me me look at what I have and you don’t. Plus we get more engagement this way so thank you to everyone for entering the Bathing Belle swimsuit contest.
That water was refreshing alright. Toronto has been struck by a heatwave for what seems like forever now so when Danica said lets go upstairs to take pictures in the pool I was more than game.
This has been my twitter header for awhile now.
Work it girl!
It’s hard for us ladies when it comes to swimwear and we know that store brand sizings come in sizes like 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 or 1, 3 ,5, 7, 9 like wtf no matter what I am always the in-between size that doesn’t exist because of my love handles. Small, medium, and large sometimes isn’t enough options either. That’s why custom swimwear like Bathing Belle is your friend.
Bathing Belle has a lot of other designs available and the most adorable printed suits for kids.
Thanks for your help with the shoot, mom.
Burger prop. See my scrunchie? Bathing Belle will hook you up with a matching scrunchie for your suit if you so desire.
Great photo Danica. You “found” me.
The prints Bathing Belle has are endless. Check the etsy!
People are going crazy for the fries suit.

Melty melty ice cream.
Thanks for the suit and the wine Danica, ilu!

Here’s my hot new two-piece in action.
Getting ready for the pool shoot in front of 6 strangers trying to expel the awkward deep down.
The bottoms were made for my behind which was happily just eating them right up lol.
Do you want to talk about my bun? Or the fact that I’m also a trained lifeguard? Nokay?
How about now.
I love this knotted halter top so much. Danica is wearing a black one in this pic I noticed when I was doing my Bathing Belle homework and I wanted it. Turns out she got my telepathic want and made me a pink one. She also KNEW my size just from eyeballing me on the internet. Swimwear guru. She’s going to be making youtube tutorials for how to make your own suits so look out for those. I have always been a fan of DIY. I used to try to make my own stuffed animals with paper and garbage you don’t even want to know lol.
Those ladies were nice in that they totally ignored me and I returned the favour. They were having fun and I tried to figure out what their story is. Are you curious like that or are you indifferent?
Look at this beautiful tree. Lets use it.
When I really laugh I make this face and a loud voracious laugh comes out which makes people laugh harder too. My friend Amy has a cackle laugh that is loud and contagious. She told me it’s disarming. A piece of advice I never forgot. Just make people laugh if you have no idea what you’re doing, basically. That’s why I’m always laughing cos I have no idea what is going on. I will probably be laughing in my casket. Knock on wood.
Trying to ignite my abs. My flabs. I got my period the day before, day of actual shoot, so lay off me.
Quite the bun yeah. See how it’s just sitting there on the side of my head like a hat?
If the pool was empty can only imagine what these pictures would have been like.
Someone on my facebook said they were pretending this was a selfie stick LOL.
Treading water is great for your core and to also look like a leg is sticking out of your head. Bottoms are looking great there. This is a Las Vegas poolside bikini for sure.
A lot of effort goes into a shallow existence. You can think what you want but, you’re wrong about me. Who was it that said it’s very expensive to look this cheap? one of my sayings is it’s a lot of work appearing to have an easy life. Something to that effect.
Warning, you are in a shallow area so suck in your gut.
Back to here now. Don’t forget to follow Bathing Belle to win this ice cream swimsuit (in your size) you can pretend to be Taylor Swift because she is addicted to highwaisted swimwear. I am glad Katy Perry ripped her at the Superbowl by having dancers in Taylor’s suit no offense swifties but that girl kinda deserves to be torn apart just a little bit.
Long hair problems.
Girl crush!
You can’t help but catwalk in a suit like this.
Planking is sometimes necessary.
I should have just stuffed this one in my purse lol. What bikini?
Time to add more blond to my locks.
Oh look it’s that bun again.
And that’s that! Thank you for pool partying with me everyone. Looking forward to finding out who our winner is tomorrow, be sure to be on the lookout for that. xoxo
Oh my god what a refreshing and invigorating post. My mind is swimming with these images. Minx soup.