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Saturdaymi the minx

Hi guys just a quickie hello because why not.

That’s one of my walks. I got to do that 14 times. Maybe ten. I don’t know how to count anymore, counting doesn’t count anymore when you’re flirtyish years old. Anyway, it was fun and a massive adrenaline rush looking out on the fully packed crowd, people (dudes) waving at you. I still grapple with attention and how it affects me. I think I got the shakes pretty much every time but it was all good.

I’m just going to start with the highlights that I instagrammed before I do myself a major malfunction in introducing other shots from various sources. I might have to reconsider this whole blogging thing because it is making me insane. The good insane. The fun kind. The kind where you don’t know anything and you’re always confused.

A famous fighter, world title guy, announced me at the beginning of the fight, after he introduced Mandy, she stood up and waved so when I stood up I did it like a gymnast finishes and lands their jump with their arms stretched out like it was the Olympics and spun 360 degrees to the whole room. Of course I did that.

Well that’s another thing on my life list of things to do accomplished. Will be doing it again in the fall, yay. Sitting ringside for fights it’s pretty gangster too. As the fighters got older and more heavyweight, the sounds of them beating the crap out of each other became so furious and such loud pummelling too I really am a sheltered clueless naive ding dong sometimes. Having hit my head twice last week pretty hard accidentally (from moving, not used to the new house placement of things I guess and the second time getting into my friend’s truck) I do not think I could make a career of getting punched in the face repeatedly no matter how much you guys would love to see it.

My next outfit will be more ridiculous too. Not going to try to be a ring girl in garb, will make the ring girls try to be me. I need a metallic one-piece unitard, something Gaga would wear and FULL ass cheeks exposed. Maybe that is because we all went to a strip club afterward too. Nudity becomes so normal after awhile.

These are the bottoms I wanted to wear but couldn’t find them plain at the AA store I went to, I would have worn these if they didn’t say Brass Vixens on the behind but in hindsight now I see that it super doesn’t matter anyway.

I have extras so if you’re a superfan I can mail you a signed one once I figure out what I want from you.

Jesus what a greedy post eh. Well that’s how it starts I guess. Right now I am negotiating my rate to be a naked dead body in a horror film and I can smell my omelette cooking from here so, lets try this again tomorrow. Have a great weekend ttyl.

And if you’re good and lucky I will share a little story about a massive dirty look I got yesterday at the event as well as some thing about some chicks trashing on me my friend overheard in the crowd. Lol. Sorry babes in general admish, couldn’t hear you from ringside. It’s nice we can all be mature here.

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