I am a minx WTH did you thinks
Hi hi. Sunday funday beginneth. Nah. Sunday funday means getting blasted all day long which is nice and all but I’m not 23 anymore but don’t worry I’ll never cross a day drunk off my list of most desired activities. Anyway, yesterday we did the garage and the dump then drove to Germany to hit the pool with the steep water slide and this time only I went down it and I whipped myself down it with too much momentum and did not enjoy the outcome. First of all it is TERRIFYING looking straight down that thing as you’re going down it and it’s too late to turn back and there’s no way you can prevent water from going into every hole in your body, ears nose mouth eyes yes there and there too.
I wore my ymca baywatch suit which is always a little confusing and attention grabbing at a public pool where the lifeguards (dude ones) also wear red suits and I henceforth look like the laziest lifeguard ever, tanning my back with it pulled down, or fighting the waves in the wave pool with snot coming out of my face and holding on to the wall with the kids and my bf and then geronimo catching a wave yeah this chick is definitely not a lifeguard HOWEVER I am a trained lifeguard, trained to be one so if someone was drowning I could save that shit or if someone was and I did nothing about it I would be charged for not doing squat, that`s what our trainer told us once we made it to the last and highest lesson in lifesaving right after telling us all these scary stories of jumping in flash floods and rushing water rivers to save drowning morons ughhh. Like how karate bros hands are basically weapons and if they engage in a street fight and pulverize someone who attacks them the grey area of self defense is mega-blurred cos like you’re Chuck Norris and that guy is just Chuckie Cheese in comparison, not a balanced fight essentially.
Wolf whistle. Don’t worry IRL I’ll wear a bra with this guy. I don’t know how I ever got through life with a straight face before w/o wearing a bra much to the chagrin of my mother plus every boyfriend, I enjoyed the freedom but I remember one day in Brooklyn when I was 18 on 7th Ave. it was a bit much, I had men following us in the street we had to stop for pizza to shake them off us. I just tried to find you guys a picture of that day but my archives are too messy so FT.
Here’s the pics I uploaded yesterday, a very hot day and now it’s blazing hot we’re gonna go for a bike ride after. STOKED. I mean, I am normal levels excited. Time to stop talking like a surfer now. Yeah right maybe when you all stop talking like a betch which will never happen so surf’s up bro. Anyway, went crazy discounts shopping with ma and then sis the next day, these earrings I found 3 pairs for a Euro. Yeah yeah hell yeah.
Gorgeous farm country I’ll never get sick of, makes me appreciate places like Milton a little bit more. I enjoy the European flare more obvs though but who wouldn’t?
Can fashion stores not be purveyors of proper quality nail varnish? This stuff is better than AA’s at least. Going to paint a nice metallic light princess pink I got from the pharmacy and see how that goes.
Tractors urrywhere here.
I like how the roads look here you drive with the line between your car and take up as much room as you want til another car comes toward you, sometimes in a narrower section you’re pressed up against the trees and brush as a mega truck goes by sphincter-spasming hella close, it’s basically like chicken a lot who gets to the teeny bridge first, some drivers are a-holes others are courteous and polite.
Festival bracelets. All I need is to go to one now. Got a pack for my niece. And a sweet shirt that I also got for myself.
Sweet. Jockolate bars. Cool story bro, eat this.
Regrets. Was havin’ a skinny day then we did this. At least sis had one too.
KFComa. People watching on that patio was the best. Then we hit up the electronics store, where I saw mini Jay-Z and then Ikea. Ikea here is exactly the same as it is in Canada. Every time we go BF tells me the horse meatball story again, barf.
I see you. After shopping the sun came out.
We tried to go for secret ice cream and henceforth secret beer but bf summoned us back.
Always time for a cig and a street photoshoot though.
That shirt has thicker stripes on the back and the jeggings are the best, pockets in the back got another pair in a darker denim wash.
Bicycle bombs away.
Liar I don’t have prancercising camel toe.
I bought the most beautiful and uncomfortable hot pink sandal flats now I know why they were reduced to five euros. Maybe they’re just for like, floating in? Who designed them the cardboard man?
In that bag (the embarrassing store apparently, you know you buy stuff from a certain place but you don’t want people to know it? That kind of bag) are three pairs of shorts thank god. People who wear pants all summer long are insane.
So I wanted to hold her pretty bag instead while I am talking to bf about secret ice cream. It’s not a secret if you tell everyone about it. We were SO CLOSE.
Nice hat I have yeah. No one takes photos here cos it’s like, no big deal to the non-tourists so I always look crazy but you know what’s crazy? Taking this scenery for granted, idiots. Tot ziens!
She got me the same scarf, I wore it yesterday. She bought me an entire duplicate outfit to one she got herself cos there’s a twin competition here LOL we have yet to enter it though. We’re the same age, height, same size for the most part and same hair colour and are both hilarious and sneaky so why not.
Euuuuuuuurope, You’re up.
Cool face bro.
Sis was changing beside me and goes are you taking pictures? Ha yes.
Sister scored the same onesie. Bra shoppes are hidden outfit gemtasticals.

BTW don’t forget about your best friend MY BOYFRIEND IS ANGRY! Shower time excellent.
I like your picture posts.
you look absolutely gorgeous in the first photo of this post! i love reading about your tme in Europe.
Got bra issues? Lol!
How many BROS BEFORE HOES jokes were made?
a cigarette stand clerk looked at me suspiciously after i took that and i pretended I did nothing so no jokes were made ha but all day long they do especially biking with no hands COOL STORY BRO CRASH IT AGAIN.
horse meatballs?! noooooo! but really, the only variable with what is considered “acceptable” meat to eat is culture. makes me think of this: http://www.npr.org/blogs/13.7/2013/07/01/197453457/chest-hair-breast-milk-and-human-disgust
horse meat is actually more expensive and refined however less socially acceptable. Don’t you know about the whole ikea horse meatball scandal? They were passing it off as beef/cow.
no, i get all my news from your blog.
okay good ilu