What’s been going down.
Buncha narcissism!
I just be chillin’ writin’ doin’ ma bloggy thang.
I accumulate webcam photos from day’s gone by. I constantly document, accumulate. Then forget about it.
But now I will share all that crap.
Lip piercing hole pretty evident there.
I guess this was a skeletor day, probably the reasoning behind these shots and, also I did not want to show my face.
Over-exposed feeling blogger who blogged herself in to a bloghole. And there, I just found the title for this post.
Ps listen to this song while you read/experience the rest of this.
Been listening to a lot of this lately. He seems to write about shit I am feeling at present. Similar to. Parallels.
I can tell time by the nail polish I am wearing.
And the thing I do, to feel better. Blog. I daren’t do. Can’t.
I was teeth-whitening so that’s why my face looks like this. Black Panther salute, I don’t have an explanation for that. Excraptly.
Scene change. I am listening to this song now watching leaves whirl by in fast motion and a polish woman looking at a cell phone, starring in my megalomania real life beauty scene.
I’m excited to get working/lost/immersed in my poletergeist performance.
This Christina as a blob thing is quite inspiring. I love her. I wanted to hate her but she just won’t go away and I think we are all exhausted by life right now to just give in. And how can’t you exactly? She is a breathtaking inspiration, the eye candy for this video her curves and eating cereal, hair, makeup, colours so en pointe and imaginative albeit cotton candy dumbed down mainstream with a little bit of “done before”, fine, I accept. When the pop-teen queens take one last swing at bat I dig that. And selfishly-speaking, I picture myself shmammered dancing my head off as a bar star in a shithole to this and everybody wins. #popcultureforever and while I’m at it, the Bieber puke footage? That we get to see stuff like that is how you know life rules.
Alright Erma, chill, we get it k.
Then we started getting ready for Nuit Blanche more like Nuit BLANKED oh snap. I feel like everyone floated like a kitten through that shit. Big-ups Scotiabank (I’m a long time custy!) next year give us more? Your event has usurped itself for a drunken mardi gras of 905-ers. Bech and I spent four seconds in it, meeting the girls at Bellwoods. 3 hot lesbro friends of Shannon’s, I scanned the park and spied a rave with Usher-green fluorescent LED strobe lights, felt way too Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky for my vibe at the time so we walked our bikes through the throngs of drunks. I wore my art pants. The Lesbros went their way, Shannon, me and Bechs ducked in to the safety of Brass Vixens for some private-revelry and a couple hours later the scene on the streets of Queen were legit-cray. Wow. PS. Scotiabank thanks for exploiting me in the FB sponsored ad I never agreed to, cool thanks? Everyone wants to buy my Benetton jacket now so they will be stoked about that. Influencing at work mes amis.
It was a cold/mild evening. I wore the thermal pants beneath my black milk klimt pants.
Anyway that’s what’s up. Gotta do some worky things, triceps, a run, only cos it’s so damn nice out. You will regret passing this day up outdoors. I already do. More later as uje. Going to Oktoberfest tonight with Bech.
psst. Wanna go to the Toronto Ski, snowboard and travel show? Stalk to me on twitter with the #torontoskishow hashtag and I’ll give you a pair of tickets. Limited quantities. It’s next weekend Oct. 11-14. I want pics of you on the slopes, bro. I’ll be on-site the eleventh. It’s going to be wiiicked.
Great submish Ashley!
AND these super hero hottie jock girls will be there too! Come for the Girls of Summer, stay for the Raymi.

Ain’t life grand?