A beautiful day in the Raymbohood

Remember this? I covered all of my favourite Queen & King Street terrain to University and back again to show you what’s up in my world plus the girls covered their favourite naybe hang spots too. We smooshed it all together and voila: a professionally shot and edited video sponsored by Menkes (thanks guys!) that is how we roll. ENJOY!
Big-ups to my Camera girl Heather for her amazing camera and her skills also her assistant Crystal. It was fun filming, being filmed and producing my part in this. I want to lend a special thanks to Brassaii and Spin, they treated Raymi to the VIPLEASE treatment. I didn’t want to just ambush everyone so on the second day of shooting I DM’d Zanette ahead of time on a whim to see if she’d nibble (She does their pr) and while that coverage didn’t make the final cut I think HKD and I can do something with that footage, likewise the photos on the patio with Stella the dog who also makes her vlog debut in the Menkes video.
Fun fun super fun.
I’d love to get better at hosting, well, scrap that, I AM better now. Thank yew *takes bow*.
Stella and I went on an adventure together. Her first cab ride! I think? Also, I look like Eileen (my nana) huge time.
I had a drink here, no, two, and thank you so much Brassaii ILU. Then we had on the house tacos at Spin. I love Spin. LOVE. I took my mom Lois and Bech there afterward (after dinner at Habits) for ping pong so it was worth their while (it always is with bloggers) and next women’s tourny mom and I are def attending. We’re uber competitive.
This was the very beginnings of summer, okay spring. Now that we are in the throes of it this video helps me stop, reflect and appreciate it. I am a major sun worshiper. Is there a god? No. But there is a sun and that is enough for me. Shamon-RA! (Sun king chant that Heaven on BBUK sang out to the sun every time she was out in the yard haha she so cray).
It was a closed set shoot on the patio so Stella was allowed. We had a nice tour of the inside of Brassaii and learned about the history of that old-ayse building. So grand.
Stella loves her mummy.
I made papillon hair.
Divalicious. Now I’m like okay lets go do what we just did at Brassaii but at Spin. Remember when Susan Sarandon wouldn’t pose for a photo with me (a story that is now infamous and oft-repeated) at the opening gala? I really wish she did now, haha, but anyway life is funny and I keep going back so her Rocky Horror powers worked on me.
Intern stayed out with the dog while Heather and I had tacos and I played a Spin employee (kitchen guy or bus boy lol) in a round of ping pong. He was good, but so was I.
There she was justa walkin’ down the street!
Singing doo wa diddy diddy dum diddy do. Not to give in to “the man” or anything but I play for team Starbucks. I like Second Cup but there’s less of them to go around it feels.
Beer sample line-up. I didn’t imbibe, Brassaii hooked it up enough for me on that front ;).
Glad I wore these shorts and that they will be forever encapsulated in corporate film now that they are gone the way of the forgotten bag in a taxi cab. Can I get a count on how many times I’ve blog mentioned that to date? I’d say 3 times now. A super fan LR (Little Raymi)(or a Lauren Raymi haha) has gotta know.
Look how clothed everybody is also look how gorgeous this neighbourhood is in spring. I love running along King (or Queen) and checking out all the peeps, smiling and singing my way through them. Yesterday a guy ran backwards with me while I sang No Reply (practicing for a future Dr. Robert gig) and pretty much every single person I blazed by loved it. Gotta love a cray. I look forward for going for a jog or two in Aruba. You get to let your freak flag fly on vacays, hurray.
Angelo knows the owner of this place. They do grilled cheese sandwiches too. The mural in there is tres adorablah.
I love british culture, the awning here is reminiscent of little candy shops. I am into buildings and architecture, bricks, seriously. Why am I going here ahaha. Anyway, there’s a reason King st. is so populated with movers and shakers, yuppies, chic elites, revelers because it is a great stretch of playground and there is something for everyone. When I used to see an older man when I was twee I never forgot this bit of advice he told me about getting rich and it is to live and be around rich people, live amongst them, it rubs off on you. I didn’t really understand what that really meant at the time other than nursing a martini in Yorkville as slooooowly as I possibly could but now I get it. Start hitting up those joints because they’re more grown-up. I’m an adult now (but don’t tell my younger demographic brands please shhhhhh).
The one that got away. I see.
There’s your friend the CN Tower. I walked on it and don’t you ever forget it!
Cooler than Bueller. I was most proud of passing the breathalyzer test. HA.
Stella and I were pooped and my feet hurt. But we were satisfied with our hard work. Lets do it again sometime @menkesLife and welcome to the neighbourhood!
Stella rewarded herself with…
A nice crap! Doesn’t she look like a little reindeer? When we cuddle on the couch she looks like a kangaroo. If you can marry a dog I would marry her.
Then I got dressed like a gold digger and prepared for dinner. What an action packed day.
Nail party tomorrow night at Magic Pony!
Meow what a fox in this one!! Always fun working/hanging out with you babe! http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7254/7551283972_6ca805694f.jpg
After watching that video I’m kinda wishing I lived in your neighbourhood. Maybe I’d meet you and Stella in a park, or maybe beat you at a game or two of ping pong. Also, the last three pics in your post are just stunning!
Sweet Video, well done girls!!!
thanks for the memories, it was a fun shoot! and i lost 5 lbs running around those two days. LOL
Love it!
love the stella cameo in the video
Ah here I love the last 3 images (-1) especially how there is 1 the cat on the stair then 2 the dog legging it up the stair then 3 no animals did they go through the vortex?
The animals are a stampede and a parade.