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Adventurist Parkdalia

Almost gave that onesie away on permanent loan cos I was like, there is no way I am going back down in size to a shrunken 2, the time I bought it the zero also fit me so yeah, but, looky-loo how’doya do?

Our walk to Mezzrow’s for our first patio date together ever was straight ridiculous. As was our patio antic entertaining for the regular rummies. Teacher met up then we went for a Bison burger waiting for it on the patio of Stampede and proper saw a store walker take down of a shoplifter, yikes the look in his eyes, was moments prior watching him chat up his friends, who then got to see him get busted. I cringed ten jillion times and got our burger to go.

Stella got to play with Al’s dog Quinty. I didn’t want to take Stella out cos I know of her neurotic deficiencies but Al has ancient dog wisdom, I have zero, his dog is famous in pdale, so he was like it’s fine it’s fine bring her. NO not fine. I was, ok this is going to be TMI but, I had a tampon emerg and knew STella would be dragging me the entire time totally flipped out. There would be Parkdale obstacle course chess pieces in form of lunatics and derelicts that jump out of shop doors like a funhouse ride, I needed to get to a pharmacy and get to Mezzrow’s but go the back way and do they let psychotic dogs come in to stores with you? The way I have always done it is just bring her in. Sometimes I actually pretend to be blind (I have a blind fan who reads this so I am sure he will be pumped about that haha hi bud!) and it gets funny when I start reading things off big bags of chips BLIND ACT OVER.

So we get there, it all worked out. But then she tried to nose her way on to the patio 300 times. I don’t think dogs were bread with patio beering in mind but maybe they were, I feel like a lot of their lineage is britishly-linked and Stella is a border collie blue healer which i envision (do you like how all my facts are based on feelings and beliefs rather than factual fact? Ahahahah YES I TELL YOU WHAT THE F-ING NEWS IS TODAY) revolves around tiny towns with moors and pubs and cable-knit sweaters so, Stella’s great great great grandma-ma sat on the cobblestones of the McMaster Arms back in her time while her owner cradled his pints. All we do is watch big brother uk now so I am learning all kinds of new accents to fake. I love how Tara Reid is talking like them too, one part based on premature dementia and one part just the nature of acting.

Always loved this house.

I had to go have a relax on the patio cos yesterday I worked non-stop on all projects presently on deck. Get someone who is already busy to do something for you and they will get it done. Throw it in their cyclone but not only that I have no other choice, all projects need a lot of love in the building stages however, I had done enough and it was absolutely gorgeous out and I got in this line of work to set my own damn hours and damnit It was time to take a walk. We are pushing our luck with these sunshiney warmish days and I have SAD plus it was the red tide, I deserve a break why do I feel guilty (somewhat) even while “relaxing” my mind is chomping through mental workish data, all the writing I have to do. Blah who cares. I was so going to wrap this up but then I wanted to add one more picture which turned into ten more so, yeah.

I like how my toasted marshmallow hat matches my hair, it reminds me of Pamela Anderson’s furry hat. I like how she told that posh guy (bbuk) to stop hunting foxes, and BAD SPORT. She is such a lady. All I do is talk about big brother uk now and apply every single life situation to it, I use it to justify my shitty behaviour as well as to defend it, I use big brother examples hereto and sunder and now I am talking like them too. It’s hilarious and bringing back my time in England and how absurd it is that it’s normal for them to talk like babies about wanting cuddles and such. Also I first ever watched big brother while in England and the addiction to it as a Nation, it’s pandemonium, Beatlemania-esque and I got to experience it so watching it now helps me regress back to 17 again on that couch in Wimbledon. At night I’d smoke cigs on the drive and step on huge snails, they’re everywhere and massive. SICK. I started wearing flip flops after the first time.

Then we were lying in bed, silent for ten minutes, and I pick up right where I had left off downstairs in the kitchen about Aden or some’ingk (That’s Newcastle accent, Jay is a Jordy boy and talks like that aghh get out of my head!!)

But I am actually getting pretty good at it so I’ll have a full-blown proper fake accent ready for you in about a week. Right in time for Oktoberfest, which would actually require a German accent. Ugh. Teacher tricked his kids the other day and didn’t tell them there wasn’t a difference between a German and Austrian accent. Hahaha.

He shows some of these pics to his colleagues. One guy shakes his head and repeats IT’S NOT FAIR. ahahahaha.

Ok that’s enough fussin’ about. ps. CHECK OUT Mykel’s Etsy. Get your little ghoul a necklace like I got my Hailey one. BOO!


13 thoughts on “Adventurist Parkdalia

  1. I think it would be fun to hang with you someday, but I hate Big Brother. I would always be like, “Do you have another reference to back up your feeling/fact?”

    Come to London to cradle some pints.

  2. hey Raymi, I saw the quad blogger video on vimeo today. The one of you and your friend dancing in and out of the screen. The best part was when your feet just appeared out of nowhere, floating in the air, I laffed out loud!!! Awesome video, deserves a repost!

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