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superish post

it’s 4.12pm thursday afternoon and i’ve finally hit the wall. i haven’t showered for the after work party in libville. if i had a real job there’s no way i could juggle having such an involved blog so it’s funny to me to be attending an after work party when my work involved sucking on a pot of coffee like a (princess) dirtbag with a hangover and the “real” work hasn’t even begun yet i’ve been cranking out material all damn day. i’m going to do this in instalments and live blog what’s going on in the background (no i’m not) as each update/addition to this super post arises.

as we were walking to the caddy to meet darius i said this is going to end in a bbq i know it which stressed me out cos the state of the roof, hostzilla was just dying to come out of her cage. turns out i was right but the bbq would not be chez “the tower” (does that name suck?) but instead a la rob’s. on hobbit tree trunk toadstools in his lush urban williamsburgesque back digs fire-escape included! (maje w’burg requirement aka hip). parkdale is to toronto what williamsburg is to brooklyn/nyc at large and now the rent is rising, much like williamsburg’s did so the new williamsburg i guess will be the junction, we’ll all be living so far west may as well live at my dad’s.

good times raymi was on the scene glad she showed up again.

building a collection of these. maybe i’ll start another tumblr called TOO COOL.

it is unfortunate that i cannot share the backstory of this photo with you in as gritty a detail as i would like. we’re at mezzrow’s and that is a clothespin in my hair and i really love tanning.

melodie your scarecrow jeans and hat and striped shirt are a perfect combo. girl can throw it together. when i first moved in those pants were loose on me, i was skeletor central. then i started working at THE central and got booze weight. ugh. not to mention suicidal. miss you guys!

now on to my grainy blueberry (haha blackberry i mean!) pics. i love how media always harshes on blackberry civillian reports. sorry if you were excluded from the xyz event and normies were on the scene and got the scoop, deal with it. it’s not like you can’t tell what’s going on in cell phone pics and the news/story is only true and real if a photographer was hired and sent with a professional camera. it just irks me. when everyone is running around with pro cameras what then buddy?

meat grease gave my photos a vaseline lens quality. ha.

i was soaking the fork in meat juice. we were so barbaric and kept sawing away til it was gone then the chicken came out, i didn’t have any, so craving it now though.

melodie kept trying to woman us around, the parkdale boys club was having none of it.

we are classy creatives.

i was a bit of a hot mess. yesterday was not a day for a hot shower no siree.

the boys met teacher and bromanced it up. i was outnumbered by genitals and eventually declared i am not having any fun at all when i felt teamed up on.

all the way down the end you can see a girl in a long black maxi dress, boring and hot, they favoured her. when she left i was like, that one? seriously? i’ve seen plain bread more interesting than that. there were loads hotterer girls on the patio but i guess when the majority settles, it settles, no matter how much you protest. all our staring at her made a weird emo goth couple think we were staring at them like crazy. it’s great being a pisstank in the sun. when people get the first drink in them and start to think they’re invisible, like picking your nose in the car and then you start talking louder and more obnoxiously offending entire sections of patio ahhhhh tell me the hole and i am there.

al’s shirt matched my nail polish, i noticed the buttons were of good (thick) quality. when a guy puts on a pink shirt he is basically saying to the world “I want to get in to a fight” come on bring it. so true. the other day dan left us in his pink shirt to drive around in his convertible, now if that is not looking for a fight i don’t know what is. andrew was so livid (envious) he yelled at him as he was leaving TMR hahaha.

mmm baby teacher just came home with a bottle of what i drank at tyler’s. in the good books again heh.

scary storm was so close i don’t know how it blew over? nerds please explain in the comments.

my phone unbelievably got a lightning strike, it makes the clouds pop more. zeus was angry with darius.

see for my shot not as electric?

rob is such a dude and always throws out guy wisdom and v keen on the differences between men and women i am now recalling a chat just before we left that i brought up about how women (allegedly) are less secure of themselves when speaking so they’ll typically tack on a “you know?” or some form of looking for reassurance/validation whereas a man would just make the statement and stand by it even if it’s wrong, dudes stand by their word, strong as wood bullshit. i find that when i augment this apparent handicap of my gender when i am speaking with people, trying to land a deal, if you are more aware of it, you almost (saying almost in this sentence lesser emboldens what it is i am saying, see?) enter a realm of mind-control, your word becomes fact, solid, stone. anyway the point is rob built a manly-ass fire with his own bare hands no bells, whistles, or bullshit.

we took turns playing guitar (i cannot play guitar, i am hoping tyler will teach me drums or follow through with his band suggestion. i told my dad and i could hear my dad pleasure fainting over email) and drinking like merry old gypsies.

we are all saucaholics. al ran and got this from a portugeuese place, so delicious and mysterious. from caddy we divided to conquer the bbq. that we did. solid gold success going down in the PBC hall of fame autobiography.

it got a little shire. sigh. how impossible would it be to screen that with your friends? i would be doing most of the talking of course.

mel and i were bristling over bbm then i ended up down the street from advhaus where i knew she was and would be a dickhead if didn’t call her over. i love this girl. it’s retarded how similar we are and challenge one another to be better, have one another’s back, keep our distance when required and no matter how much we clash it’s over instantly cos we know there isn’t a point to be enemies. as i age i become all about the village and community. be there for your people and they will be there for you. that’s why i am always touching melodie in pictures (i’m usually touching someone in every photo) in a kindred manner. girl just gays you right out. lately my thing with her well last night really was to just be me and when melodie wanted to debate my stance i just stayed true, no matter how offensive and racist i was being ahah.

i will look like this when i’m a fuzzy ol grandma with fuzzy wild hair. one day i bet i will be sponsored by depends and wrinkle cream. I BETTER BE! btw all the other bloggers doing shit for free? stop that. you are f-ing with my and your livelihood, if we cover the same shit repetitiously gratis, then what the f–? i think one day there’ll be a blogger’s union and all these emails for free shit placed on my (your) blog from PR companies making bank will recognize how insulting it is to email to do their work for free and expect free advertising. don’t even get me started on influence, target audiences and traffic. like you can send me free stuff but you won’t get a link or your ass kissed proper like you are wanting/expect, got it? if i get as much traffic (in some cases more) as “___” media blog why do they get paid and i’m not in your budget? so stupid. psst. for advertising inquiries especially since there’s been a study and findings revealing that bloggers are MORE influential than celebrities. that ping pong chick’s twitter has under 100 followers, she’s a model and a ping pong champion. i am nearing 2400 followers (granted my audience pre-date/will never be on twitter, nor follow me cos they hate me yet are addicted to my blog) and i am not a model or a ping pong champion. do they make an entire party devoted to me? no. will people buy things cos i say so? yes. CONUNDRUM. another thing. me being so racy and edgy and the city being so allegedly corporate and conservative? newsflash people, for the billionth time, this caustic edgy voice is what draws people here and you are falling into the ego-trap of not aligning with me cos of tits and f words. FAIL. next week i will be deep within the coolness vortex what is NXNE and this blog is going to be blowing the f up now, can your squeaky clean nerd bloggers bring it like i can/will/have access to? denied.

i’ve tried everything la vielle ferme makes. i love their label. that’s a daisy vase for sure.

what butcher did you go to rob?

ok i am killing this now i’m late. real life beckons. xo.

7 thoughts on “superish post

  1. The clothespin pic is one of my favorites, although I’m thinkin that’s a reprint, i’ve seen it b4. You had a classic one the other day too.
    We got that crazy storm in new england too, hell officially rolled in.

  2. That broad in the dress was hot. I don’t care what you say. I would have drank her bath water.

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