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a simple altercation turned into a real sticky situation

there was a baseball team on the patio of the foggy dew yesterday (my first time there i know! i am better than you because i never killed a night in that place before)(it’s my new brazenhead, maybe) so i brave the chillyish dusk and kept my layers off so they could see me in this shirt.

i just collected more clothes from adventurehouse. i am resourceful nd good at making outfits out macgyver style but i am sick of it. hopefully style exchange is giving me another gift card today, and a stylist. one for teacher too.

veuve bottle will be a vase on the deck. is it going to be sunny again EVER? ughhhhh.


ahh just look at that beautiful rat tail. if i were a dude i would slap that thing right off.

yeah my eyes aren’t bad.

next up minnie mouse. i have under 30 days to get my body sex scene newd ready.

6 thoughts on “a simple altercation turned into a real sticky situation

  1. You can lose weight fast if you cut out highly processed food, alcohol, sugar (all kinds except in whole fresh fruits), and unfermented grains. I did and I lost 2% body fat and 2 inches off my waist in 3 weeks; now my measurements are 33/26/36 at 5’8″ and 125 pounds, and I’m still losing fat. I’m also taking a lot of vitamins and minerals to keep my energy up: vitamin C, vitamin B complex, additional vitamin b3 (helps big time with anxiety and depression) taken after meals, and cal-mag, selenium and zinc taken before bedtime. Orthomolecular medicine has really helped my physical and mental health. Send me an email if you’d like some advice!

  2. My homeopath uses a quantum biofeedback device that gets strapped to your arms, legs, and head. It reads your frequency information and then it tells you via a computer what vitamins/minerals you’re deficient in, what you’re allergic to, any metal toxicities you may have, what organs are stressed, and more. It can also help you to relax. Because of the results it gave me, I knew what vitamins and minerals to supplement, and I also learned which foods I should be avoiding. I think that’s made a big difference in my weight loss, it took the guesswork out of it. My homeopath can be reached at

  3. Lol not spam, just someone who is studying to become a registered holistic nutritionist, and who likes to share knowlege of natural health with others. Betcha never heard of orthomolecular medicine or quantum biofeedback before, am I right? I also recommend looking into Weston Price (he wrote Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, an amazing comparison of the teeth/health of indigenous cultures and western society), Linus Pauling (wrote a lot about megadoses of vitamin C and other vitamins), and the websites of Natural News and Mercola.

    There are so many ways to heal our bodies, but most people will never hear about them, and may never learn that they exist. Pharmaceutical companies can’t make money from natural remedies. Most farmers will never be able to advertise on TV and even if they could, they would be advertising for their competition as well. The CEOs of cancer charities would be out of jobs if a natural cure ever became mainstream.

    I’m sure that you’d like to be healthy in addition to being svelte (and everyone would get better weight results if they focused on being genuinely healthy ahead of being thin), so I’m just trying to shed a little light on a well-hidden topic :)

  4. i agree with you but generally dont get into the politics of health. i totally know the difference between healthy skinny and useless skinny. i imagine in the future i’ll only become more vitamins and turning the clock back obsessed. joy!

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