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friday night photo dump

it’s all weird slanted cos of the speed, weird eh? like how when you take a picture of airplane propellers in motion or a wheel’s spokes they go so fast they’re not moving it seems?

my perception of boring or things of interest is now officially skewed though i might assume its always been slightly offkilter. look, this salsa, i dig it. i ate it, i endorse it. there you go? bloggable.

totoro the thirteen year old cat that i just named, at age thirteen. like how i get a say this late in the game? she jumped into the tracey bag. her other names vary, one being the terrorist. she’s quite nice to me though. animals these days quickly and swiftly fall under my spell i find. don’t bite the hand that naps all day with you.

tracey and someone needs to do the mirrors. not i though, not my home. heheh.

i have filled the teacher’s fridge with sauces and juices. so easy you should do it too all you need to buy for dinner ever are cucumbers some cheeses, prosciutto, whatever you know? some wine, some toob.

i found blythe danner to be epicly fabulous in little fockers. as was babs, and those outfits, oy vey, magnificent! the movie full on jumped the shark though, no doubt, however it was brilliant and we laughed our asses off. completely. maybe i’ll watch it again stone cold sober (won’t) and think differently? did you like it?

had a new client to meet today, wanted to impress and make her think i was a grown up. grown up stooges dress like wieners for the most part. i knew my beauty and overall coolness would shine through (and big mouth), it always does. well, it’s possible to fall flat sometimes.

she said i had beautiful skin like, really good skin. phew. immediately disarmed me with that one. a lady always knows good skin and while i’m told this frequently i don’t really believe it as i wear lots of makeup. she asked me what my mother was, like, a mix? awesome. i said part french. then i blabbered a TMI about how we have an oily t-zone (what? shut up!) and how the oil of our skin is what keeps it young. erg. mom tell me why we have nice skin ok?

i was so flattered and felt guilty for texting one word BUSY’s to my mom for the past forever that i called her when i had a minute today from adventurehouse and told her the good news about our skin. all the times i seem to be exasperated about my mom the listener is just like, dude, call her man. she’s a mom, your mom.

the teacher just asked who “the listener” was. haha. it’s plausible there is an acutual “the listener” out there, some guy called the listener. ok fair.

i liked how my bag looked like a dress.

not exactly a good sitting outfit for close quarters of being photographed in. another chick lady customer was all ooh what are you doing, modeling? FLATTERED! i was striking poses by the cake showcases et al. by the way this is carole’s cheesecake, the and of where my birthday cakes come from. i’ll be rolling this post out next week amid my cleanse as i won’t be doing any cake inhaling that week and will be needing content. what does the blogger blog when you take their food away? ha, blog day 7, here i am wasting away like a skeleton barely able to dance slutty in the teacher’s living room. ok i can’t finish this joke/caption, it’s friday. i think we’re on the same page. lucas’ mom bought that shirt for melodie, it is tiny in the arms area and now that i have pipes i look like a shy meathead trying to show their brains in normal people’s clothes when really they should just stay in gym rat clothes. am i right?

got to sit at the family table. carole’s mike reads my blog everyday and says that my photos the way they’re composed or done, someone knows what they’re doing. i was gesturing to my colleague but he waved that away, he knew what i meant i mean, i’ve been doing it over ten years. i was touched. amazed that he reads daily. dude is 70ish and has the attention span for this blog. hi!

my gorgeous salad nicoise. i’ll tell you about the cafe next week. stop making me spill the beans!

longest lasting balloons evs.

i like kinda sharon stonery here a la casino trainwreck skinny oh yeah.

would you pay 35 dollars for this shit? ugh. so annoyed. tell you later if i remember. thumbs down bier markt. abuse of power? meh. you guys continually disappoint and i never learn.

and they fucked up the beets and we clearly didn’t want more yet they brought more and not a free drink, as was requested.

i was fixated on the simplicity and elegance of these two paired together.

oh, hi there.

this is now my facebook profile photo and people are digging it. someone asked how much i pay my photographer haha. i pay in smiles and kisses.

fluffernut bunny. i thought my mom would have a field day with that caption. um am i obsessed with my mom or something?

ok tea post tomorrow xoxox.

11 thoughts on “friday night photo dump

  1. The pink and purple shorts outfit is making me drool.
    For some reason it reminds me a lot of Kirsten Dunst, Virgin Suicides….and also Unicorns. Awesomeness!

    Must try and mimic!

  2. Did you notice how when you called me I was dumbstruck, I went all quiet cause I thought maybe someone had died.
    It was a shock to be called back.

    Do you think maybe the listener likes me or something?

    regarding our skin
    Your porcelain skin is beautiful because for as long as I remember, you never ever baked your face in the sun.
    Unfortunately, as a dumb teen, I sometimes did.

    My skin does look younger then my age though, or at least I am told that. I don’t have any big grooves or crepey skin just yet.

    My secret is using a face cleanser towelette to remove makeup every night. Then I apply under-eye moisturiser. I end this routine by applying oil to my face(and sometimes body) and sleep this way.

    And yes, the oily t zone has kept the skin youthful longer

    Your heritage is French/Irish/British

  3. your hair looks amazing the length you have it now, and the sleek straight style you’re rockin these days makes you look gorgeous.
    just sayin’/completely jealous.

  4. Blythe Danner, boo hiss! In 1992 she was in the miniseries CRUEL DOUBT, a story claiming the murder of Lieth von Stein was caused by the 3 teens in the murder case playing Dungeons & Dragons. Her daughter was played by Gwyneth Paltrow. To make it seem like the pastime of the 3 teen boys had anything to do with the murder, the producers pasted a fake piece of artwork into the pages of the real D&D rulebook, with a dagger and backpack likened to the ones used in the real murder. Why they thought they could lie on TV about a book that was already a million best-seller, fans who knew every page, is a mystery. The producers, director and actors in that piece of crap are like Simon Legree to fans of D&D like me. But one day, we shall overcome, or maybe we already have since some of us already manage the world’s computers and can slash their credit-rating to shit if we wanted to…

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