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it’s a tumbly day in the raymihood

can’t be arsed for the moment to slam two blog rocks together so if you want your raymbo filler you’ll have to head over to RAYMITHEMINX.TUMBLR and maybe something magical will happen to you over there. i have tidying and loose ends to putter around and attend to. might get heavyweight tmr pics up a bit later here though.

i spilled a bunch of indian on myself last night. of course i did.

i also scooped yogurt cucumber (raita?) on a piece of papadum that was essentially a funnel half pipe in my mouth and it all poured out like vomit onto my plate. teacher was like you are the grossest cutest thing i have ever seen. yeah i’ll take that and won’t contest. it was kind of like the part in aliens when the guy gets ripped in half and barfs up a bunch of white stuff. cousin alex and i as tweens were eating a stack of pancakes we spent HOURS unsupervised making one saturday morning. we fed them to the dog because we were so sicked out because we had just spent a long ass time making pancake batter that looked precisely like robot faux human dude’s vom. i have a photo of it in my facebook tagged as my brother but i don’t feel like barfing right now oh and speaking of i extracted a ton of pus out of my finger yesterday from a shard of glass or some kind of sliver i left in there a week ago and it got infected and very painful. i performed the operation all by myself with rubbing alcohol and two different kinds of tweezers sitting hunched over my medical table while lucas paced around dry heaving. i finished it off with a snow white band aid. i have NEVER been so successful and brave like this before i am basically a surgeon now so if you are in a gang and can’t go to a hospital for your gun shot injury you can come by tickletrunk grove and i will perform the bullet removal for you because i am the wild west (more like roadhouse) and i calls it likes i sees it jesus you see what happens when i sit down to typing here i just keep going. see you on my tumblr


PS look out parkdale boys club!

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