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The lost visit

time for a timewarp post fuck yeah livin in the past RUUUUULES! rolling out a new blog post series, uh, whenever i get around to it and it’s called, THE LOST DAYS. maybe we will come up with a better title for it, who knows, don’t bank on it. this one in particular we will call THE LOST VISIT. this is from mid march, back when i was 26. (unofficially) dating the red flag, steph came to visit for a week blah bla etc etc i never posted these pics because they weren’t very flattering and they got lost in the fray of my manic life at that time. it was near st. pat’s, i was also two-timing with another guy i just remembered. working at the central, my blog, men, me, the mtv party oh right i was burlesque dancing also i was basically trying to juggle everything at once and it wasn’t happening. well it was for a bit.

my idea. it’s just around the corner again and that still fits me.

steph is now engaged to a guy she met through my blog ahahahha nerd. just kidding. guess who gets to take credit for their union from now til the end of time, and to their kid too oh man that is going to be the fucking best. ryan, her future husband, and i have been online buddies since 2003. that’s right, i put up with his shit for that many years. then i met her. then he drunk emailed me about her then, like anybody would, instantly forwarded it to her and he was like noooo ultimate embarrassment. but it worked. she fell in love then moved away to thunder bay. this blog makes true love happen.

the tickle trunk back then. way less cluttered seeming. red flag gave me that flower.


i looked like this wicked brassy hair. it wasn’t as brassy as it looks in photos but still it was pretty orange yellow. i was still going through lifting the colour phases gradually so as not to destroy the hair. it was getting gnarly in the ends. part of why i lost my game around april was because i cut all my hair off. when spaced out hippie spinsters go on makeover shows and sob their heads off when their to the floor length braid is snipped off, that shit is real. the day of you’re in shock but as it sinks in throughout the weeks and months to come, fuckin’ right i was miserable. long hair was my identity for years. like one who hides behind glasses. oh well. it’s growing back all soft and perfect now so it’ll be my destiny once again, always is. i am also amazed that i was able to use my laptop on my bed without it bursting into flames and shorting out at one point in time. wow. look at my beautiful hand and nails.

these were the worst because look at our thighs. high bed angle from below, try to avoid having your photo taken on my bed like this. ever. always. forever.

who went home from my party with that emo cupcake painting?

those pants don’t fit me at all now. the hat i lost, at mitzi’s one night.

i just gave myself bangs too. that was a big deal, changed my whole perspective on shit. well not really i’ve done bangs so many times before. the funniest part was this fucking twitter chick lost her mind about it and got mad kifey, we had a confrontation at the mtv party casie invited us all too and we wore peach berserk dresses. i was a scary skinny courtney love skeleton but my dress was fabulous. this hater girl with bangs got drunk and passive aggressive surly it ruined my day. if you can’t handle being out-shined, shine brighter then.

haheh so cute and dopey.

gnarly hair see why i cut it off. my top was platinum and the ends were gathered up bindles of hedgerow.

showing her the national post profile on me where i can’t even remember what i was saying, and was misquoted too hah.

i wanted them to meet, the chemistry was palpable. steph made me look cooler, therefore more appealing, henceforth we dated a little longer.

ahahahahaaa ah. i am glad i don’t do the peace sign anymore.

it was a pretty white trash afternoon. it was awesome.

then we went polak. i like the polish district of roncessvalles it’s like, uh, ok? i’m going back to whatever bar me and mel went to a couple weeks back to flirt with that bartendress (she was perceptive to all the stupid things i said) and play crappy music on their jukebox (they have terrible selections).

the hot pics just keep-a-comin’ i am wearing those socks right meow.

i noticed that the booths match the couch in my room, same family of furniture set. my couch is meant to be a take your shoes off, put your boots on hallway sitting implement.

gill i know for fact i left these at your place in a bag of stuff please look for it.

keira gave me these. i gave them to casie. melodie said i can’t wear them anymore because i am always wearing my hair and it’s too much. see how someone can influence you just like that.

then we went fubar.

all good now.

ooh ooh i spy a dimple.

look look. oh mhmm very nice.

and now i look like this. i dunno if you can call looking better dibs because i never know how to view myself. i have image issues BIG TIME. not to mention people daily telling you how you look and only acknowledging the negative comments. it really does warp a person.

def tired looking and a wicked marilyn monroe zit. when i was red flag skinny i was underweight and i habitually (obsessively) weighed myself on his wii fit, i got lighter and lighter. i told him i am trying to get back to red flag skinny, oh i had you at your best then? yeah i think so. no, he goes, you were too skinny then. what? no i wasn’t! now the kind of skinny i am i like way more. i feel stronger, and i also don’t weigh myself. i am not going to weigh myself for another two months and i know whatever the number is will be a reflection of good health and fitness.

10 thoughts on “The lost visit

  1. yeah look at “our” thighs you are so full of shit. also my fly is open so i will forgive you for posting these because that’s just funny. but, worst collection of photos of me ever. but also, awww. i guess. hahaha.

  2. Assuming this is about you? via Unbrelievable:

    @KateCarraway I had a notorious trainwreck make fun of my boyfriend and I on her blog. We get the last laugh. about 7 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to KateCarraway

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