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last night’s carnage

someone said i need a boob job in my comments. why? like you are ever gonna fuckin touch them guy. another person asked why i’m not 118 pounds anymore. why can’t people ask me more interesting questions? we stayed up til five in the morning and i am a disaster right now but i still made it to my gym and snapped off a good session and i wore so much makeup last night when i awoke this morning i looked like a game show pageant hostess total party statue. i looked amazing is what i am telling you. felt like hell though and james was like wow raymi you look great i’m like what really i can barely make my eyes function right now. look at the sleeping brock. i brock blocked him like crazy only because i am competitive. casie was like go fuck anybody you want tonight baby and in my head i was like yeah fuck’n right i’ma check bitches all over the place whoever bought him can have him another time i am pissing all over this just for the hell of it. he’s twenty. maybe even younger. this is a trophy snapshot of one of my kills. haha kidding i left him there and shawn drove me home. shawn bought me last night. i think my friend scared off other bidders no one wanted to bid war him he was overzealous because he really wants to bang me and hasn’t and we keep hanging and not banging and it’s slowly driving him insane. i put him in the friend section. i am terrible like that. anyway i had a phone in bidder for $100 then it went up to $200 and i was too shy to drag it out more (unlike some mega egotists up there) so i demurely said i was fine with that to the host (who was that guy?) and got off stage.

ok be right back i just wanted to punch my time card here with a mini hello while my judgment is poor to nil, like always.

brock is lucky he didn’t wake up like this. though if he looked anything remotely like this he would also be waking up without any pants on and there wouldn’t be time to draw that shirt on. i took this photo last night downstairs by the bathrooms, how prophetic am i? i am trying to convince one of my dodgeball teammate’s to do this tomorrow. our team theme is the chilean miners. i don’t know what to wear and you people are all useless. and selfish and not offering up suggestions. that’s two charity gigs for me in a week, i’m like, so generous right now.

11 thoughts on “last night’s carnage

  1. That guy Shawn didn’t seem too intimidated by your “friend.” He got a deal for $200, you’re worth every penny.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more incriminating photos of Brock that have yet to surface, I bet half the gay guys in the city have the KY on standby for that.

    A good Chilean miner costume needs: sunglasses, maybe a hard hat (if you can get one), a reflective vest (like cross guards wear, white shirt and coloured duct tape will suffice) and make sure you smell like shit. Body odour and breath. Helps if you speak spanish, if not just say “yo queiro Taco Bell” over and over.

  2. Great post. I am always amused and entertained by your post. I would have loved to had the chance for the last date with Raymi. I feel like $200 is a bit low for that honor. Alas I missed my chance. Anyway adorable pics of you and Cassie got to love the free love vibe those pics bring. It is always funny to hear peoples comments upon seeing a little flesh. I mean if your a person who has a body no one wants to see then by all means cover the fuck but those of us(says I who is unseen) who happen to look good naked more the power to ya.(But I assure you I do happen to look good naked). Now I personally vote for you to keep taking those lovely shots of your body. Mainly cause I think your hot and have a great body thats looking better all the time but also because you have been doing it for so long and it seems to be part of your self expression and if you are to be in a truly happy relationship then your partner should be understanding and fully approving of what you want/feel like doing right. In a perfect world that would work. Anyway miss Minx keep up the good work, hate on the haters. If you ever need some back up let me at em

  3. a jumping nude, that would be c00li0 (like a Ryan McGinley piece). i just had this odd 007 sort of dream: toronto late night.. out with styled intellectual chicks i don’t really know.. a strange bar in a dark alley.. i’m known as “an american” with all this stigma attached.. but i can’t talk back at anyone speaking to me, its like i’m muted.

  4. i too would like to join the raymi army. i am impressed you made it to your workout after staying up so late. pretty dedicated!

  5. I totally said a light on your forehead and a stuffed canary on twitter. How one would wear a canary or even find some sort of canary contraption is up to you however!

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