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what do you think is the number one reason why your blog is so popular? Just curious how you would answer this as a blogger.

my blog is popular because no one is doing it the way i do it. yeah it’s easy to take pictures of yourself that provoke and disgust, enchant, things you do that you take for granted that someone in the boonies might do once a year. i live like i am going to run out of living and i showcase all of it. when i spazz out in the living room to one of my favourite songs, “dancing” i am offering content for you. whether i am a good dancer or not isn’t the point. the point is i made a video of a girl, a girl that is a news item in your daily online world. you hate this girl. you love this girl. you just have to keep on her ass. she is constantly pissing you off and “saying things” and in this cyberspace dominated by people who think they’re interesting world, i stand out because i am already more interesting because i was here first. there is something about me. there isn’t something about everyone. i’m sure there are many who are more interesting than me (it is possible) but they’re not me. there is no number one reason why i am so popular. i had a self-reflection moment in elementary school when i was leader of the pack, i could see on some of my peer’s faces that they did not actually like me, but feared me, yet still followed. the fear of being left behind. or not knowing. not being apart of something big, there is that theory and then there is the other obvious one that hey, this is actually good and interesting material all rolled into one mega-opus of a blog and what the fuck is going to happen next? we must know. i can’t even tell you how many times i’ve been written about in the paper, linked to from blogs, featured, been paid to speak to people about this blog and blogging in general (which happily blows my mind) or just be a tap dancing monkey at events. it isn’t a popularity contest. i’ve just been better at un-cracking the code of being interesting forever.

this blog is a diary of my woody allen traits. (neurotic people are super fucking entertaining, no brainer there) it’s a narrative of a girl who is borderline empty, takes things for granted because of depression, is excruciatingly defensive and impulsive yet likeable. i use my looks to my advantage. i look different everyday. i am a trendsetter and forecaster and i have been influencing people since kindergarden. sometimes my intelligence is hyper-scary and cruel. i’m also better than a trainwreck, i’m a plane crash. one day i am courtney love, kurt cobain the next. my latest way to be is arrested development i hope i navigate my way out of it sometime soon.

ps. adventurehouse tumblr is blowin’ the eff up.

8 thoughts on “what do you think is the number one reason why your blog is so popular? Just curious how you would answer this as a blogger.

  1. R,

    Are you talking the band or the TV Show? Neither?

    I disagree with some of what you say above.
    I agree with all of it.

    You got a bead on blowing up the fourth wall.

    Now that you are cross posting to FB, I find I don’t go the the actual site anymore. I click on the links I find interesting.


  2. I wouldn’t say you more a train wreck, or a plane wreck

    maybe more like a runaway train, we like to watch cause even you don’t know where you are going to get off.

    The neurotic thing you do at the end of posts are funny. You go into this fascinating Kerouac rant then end with a neurotic unfiltered statement about a zit on your face,a bowel movement,your dirty hair, or whatever is bothering your pretty little head.Its as if your neurosis is just as important as the insightful post you’ve spewed out of your mindful guts.

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