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anna, just one more thing girl.

dear raymi,

Seriously, I’m thoroughly impressed with your individual style as a blogger. Some people might think it’s so simple, but it’s not. It’s authentic. I’m writing a book called FAKE that’s actually about authenticity and how hard it is to really be yourself these days. You seem to nail it and you also make it public. Refreshing.

I work for big corporate companies, as well as small ones. I self-contract as a writer, social media consultant and a life coach (had my own practice for five years). My point is that I study A LOT of blogs, both personal blogs and blogs for business. And I work with people on being authentic. You are a poster child for how I believe people should live – out loud and free.

One last question: what do you think is the number one reason your blog is so popular? Just curious how you would answer this as a blogger.

xo – zz

This sounds like social media brain picking for free ;)


Sorry you thought that question was social media probing question, as if I wanted “free” info and sorry that you feel the need to be paid for such a genuine wonderful question.

Actually, I was looking at it from a life coaching stand point. I interview and ask a lot of questions to successful people and they are usually very happy to talk about their success in a pay-it-forward sort of way. I’ve never had anyone from corporate executives, to television and radio personalities mind when I asked them what they think makes them a success.

The reason I ask the question directly is more because of curiosity since I can make all kinds of assumptions but was wondering what your take was . For instance if you compare your blog to Dooce she is obviously a more skilled writer and photographer, but her slick presentation also gives off a sense of hiding and doesn’t have the same appeal as yours. I don’t feel as close to Dooce as I feel to you. I think your popularity has a lot to do with the fact that you are willing to be thoroughly and utterly human and authentic even if that means not looking pretty and not always writing the perfect blog or sentence. That, and you are consistent and offer tons of images. But if I had to nail it to one thing I would say you are willing to look bad, willing to keep it real, and in doing so the audience appreciates this more than a polished blog.

Anyway – you get the gist.


taken after crying, after some news that displeased me.

Somewhat flattering albeit wickedly insulting. Dooce is a better photographer? Who isnt great at that these days.

Your vocation is my vocation so we both know words can be valuable which is why i hesitated in response also i was probably stoned at the time.

I admire your wit and obvious intelligence. We’ll chat.

Good points about the photographer part. Didn’t mean to be “wickedly insulting” actually I can say for myself that there are many better writers than me, but many of them don’t have the balls to be simple and to the point.

I really didn’t mean it as an insult, more as an observation on how “polished” some bloggers appear and I struggle with that all the time. I know I’m not going to make it on my writing talent alone (in many areas) but I value my simplicity and ability to get to the core.

In my opinion I think speaking to the masses is much more important than being polished.

Okay – i’ve got dinner plans.

sorry if I came off snarky. pms and long day.

Pms over here. Out drinking chat later xo.

i want to blog this because i am insane

re-ask the question i pissed you off about

dooce is big cos she was fired for blogging and she rode that wave. it’s harder in canada. also i am a fuck up lazy and if i worked 5% harder than i already do i would be rolling in it more. 2011 is the year of raymbo.

go nuts. blog away! It’s what I love about you.

I know dooce’s history … I also wondered if it was harder in Canada.

I think you are rockin’ it. I check you more than any other blogger – arguably I check you more than facebook, since I don’t check facebook daily. I also show you off to people – which I think is what differentiates you from Dooce. I tend to read Dooce and that’s it. I rarely tell people about Dooce, either because I assume they know, or because I just don’t find her as transparent, and thus, not as interesting.

Also, I realize that Raymi is your blog persona and you are Lauren. But you seem to make it feel like Raymi is you.


Im transparent?

I mean that in the coaching-good-way.

Sorry – language gets skewed on email.

Not as in “shallow” at all…(is that what you thought?not sure…anyway)

In life coaching (and when we talk about social media consulting) the word transparent means “real and authentic” – people call me transparent all the time (in real life) because I talk about everything from my itchy ass to my crazy mother to the great sex I had….

it just means you don’t hide.

yeah i am totally an open book. it’s just interesting to get feedback and opinions about this person called me that i spend way too much time with, i didn’t know i was a personae until they told me so and when i do bad things i can blame it on her. it’s like encouraged schizophrenia.

OMG , that’s genius. “encouraged schizophrenia”

I wondered about the pressure and all the oddball feedback you must get. That’s a lot of shit to carry. Way more than a reality TV show where they only shoot for 6 months and then everyone goes home. With your kind of personal blog it never ends, even when you’re on vacation…and btw. I’m thoroughly impressed that you kept your breakup off your blog. nice work on keeping it real there too. I know people thought the opposite, like if you were “really real” you would have blogged about it, but I think it shows a sensitive side that makes it more real. Fuck the voyeurs, they get enough of you.

Okay – I’ve got some poems and an article to write and all I want to do is get high and watch movies.


you’re kind of fantastic you know

i re-found you not too long ago i left you a comment right?

i buckled and broke breakup silence when a cunt left me a comment “muahaha what happened where’s phil” something like that. my immediate response was caps lock yelling I WASN’T DUMPED and a photo of myself in a burlington kitchen where i was having a very private public rebound. i cannot believe that made headlines. my new tagline should be if you date me you will be in the newspaper.

i have been emailed for years for blog tips. when i finish this book everything you could want to know “how” to do it will be in it. i just cant retype 4000 personal emails anymore. my job is talking to people everyday all day, email phone blog real life. i am all talked out and hyper like the micromachine man motor mouth. i live and work like monsters are after me and i get death threats praaactically every day on youtube videos. i will definitely without question go out in flames one day many years from now. i seriously hope not.

20 thoughts on “anna, just one more thing girl.

  1. its true, its cause you’re wicked funny and you have style worth emulating. amoung a million other things of course but those have always been my favourite things about your ‘uniqueness”.

    digging the adventurehouse love as of late btw.

  2. I agree that you’re wicked funny and unique. And honest.

    I found Dooce boring…I didn’t even know she was still around actually. I only read your blog so I guess that’s why I didn’t know.

  3. i too am a major fan but can’t narrow down why to just one reason. you are very funny though. but you are also incredibly insightful too whereas so many people aren’t.

  4. Your responsibility to be so much you, that you give other people permission to be so much them. I think you are doing your job perfectly and you give the world permission to be themselves (those that dare)…

    I love this quote and it fits you,
    “Be Yourself. The world worships the original.” – Ingrid Berman.

    (even if that means being crazy, and neurotic….which I am too. ) =)

  5. You are the opposite of Dooce and any other polished blog. Alot of bloggers think very hard about how they are going to be percieved. You don’t. You just let it all spill out.
    The way most people want to, but won’t.
    You take bigger risks and don’t care about the fall out.

    You also don’t hide your moods.

    As for comparing your photography to Dooces.
    She does not have superior photography skills. Who wants perfection when you can have raw reality.

    Always better to keep things simple and real with a touch of funny. Makes you more human and less like bloggers who come across as trying to hard.

  6. Maybe you and zz should get a room? In 1950 transparent=what you wrap a sandwich in. In 2011 transparent=compulsive over sharing and eyes glued to your fucking navel. Feel free to “hide” occasionally

  7. Hey Christ, Thanks for the plug. I’m looking forward to getting a room and a drink with Raymi someday so we can sit around and rag on dickheads like you. ;)

    I mean you can’t comment on this blog and simultaneously dis the transparency issue without looking like a fool!

    nice work.

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