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product placement super star

this pitch is very Zach Galifianakis and the vodka campaigns he did i can’t wait to hit it big time so i can piss off many more clients.

team adventurehouse + stew have matching red phones now. kind of a relief. i am greedy and competitive, even though i love red i love everything else too and then more plus extra, and again and still that’s not enough.

andrew sent me along with snot rags, halls and pms chocolate. awww. inhaled half the chocolate and didn’t take vitamin c pills cos i didn’t want that choc orange flavour taste mixture in my mouth. PRIORITIES!

feel sick still. am sick still but doped up on meds. have the itch, the sick itch, urge to go out and do things despite knowing i need a break. had three double americanos today that might have something to do with it.

i am so tired of rudeness it just feels like it’s this never-ending ocean of choppy bitchiness waves, gossip, passive aggression and foul spirits surrounding me and trying to get in. everyone always has an excuse or reason to justify being a bold faced twat to me. it starts out by me slightly humouring it then progresses into the fascinated by it stage, then that doesn’t last for very long and i become severely irritated by it. people ask me a lot how i deal with negative comments constantly and that they wouldn’t be able to handle it. i take it and i accept it but every so often it reaches the tipping point and i have to decide to either flip out, make a scene, call someone on it. ugh. but then how does that make me look? not very good. so i cannot win. i am just supposed to deal with this abuse and not give the losers airspace.

we all teamed up on a racist moron last nite out front of mitzi’s were saying our goodbyes and lucas goes to this guy smoking, what did you mean by “those fucking asians”? just wanted to know because my mom is asian (Phillipino) and he tries to lip us off like it was nothing and too complex for us to possibly understand. lucas and mel walk away then the guy gets drunk brave and says yeah tell your friend to fuck off and all this other garbage and then i go you know what id rather be asian than fat and short like you. he goes women always gotta chime in on things as melodie came back and we were seriously going to scrap. stew was ready for it too. this guy’s friend comes out to shoo us off him and the guy tries to barrel out the door at us again for more. called lucas pimply. i said are you serious he has the most clear skin ever, probably cos of his ASIAN ancestry. the moral of the story is, don’t talk to strangers. no just kidding. these moments happen and while i am told to let things go and rise above, no one else seems to take their own damn advice. lucas was the only one who heard him say that, he could have ignored it. i’m glad he didn’t because that guy had to go sit in the bar and think about what he said for the rest of the night. we gave him a chance to explain himself, i stood on the stoop and arrogantly bowed and said now is your chance please do enlighten us yeah it was kind of an ambush, people mutter stuff thinking they’ll get away with it. not in parkdale. not on our watch. especially when we’ve been drinking 5 hours and the waitress was a total sow to me. again. unbelievable. i was the only one targeted. i wouldn’t even open my mouth just to prove my point and she totally slammed only MY drinks down. i was so angry i almost told her off when i went to pay but i held back. i’ll save it for a rainy day. a raymi day. stewart ordered my wine for me like a gentleman and to be passive aggressive.

excuse me miss notice how i am the one coming to pay the bill here? maybe this tip option will give you some BEING NICE TO ME NEXT TIME incentive. i was so flabbergasted i tried to do the math in my head of how much money i have spent in that establishment, the tweet mentions, you name it. it’s beyond self-entitlement too. i am a paying customer, a regular paying customer, i bring people there and this employee is just nothing but moody and rude and you’d think she’d be nicer to me seeing as everyone i go there with has been going there years, we’re all friends, pah, but no. it’s the hair, it really is. another parkdale regular said to me he was going to judge me based on my blond hair but because of who i was sitting with at the bar i was therefore acceptable. i’m like meanwhile dude i reviewed the restaurant you work in heheh. you never know who you’re speaking to in this city.

laundry sweater mountain is growing.

here i am reflecting on my manic day. at least it was sunny. still can’t find my winter boots. or one of my jackets. or my favourite sweater. grand.

Salena says

Getting drunk and working out doesnt merit needing a business card. You are basically a kept wife, minus the whole “husband” thing.

that is the dumbest comment i’ve ever read. i wouldn’t be able to get drunk and work out if not for a business, or a card. you’re beyond backwards and the icing on the idiot cake is this whole kept notion. kept women don’t work. i work. in fact today i did three business-related things across the city, no wait, 5, all before 3pm. what the hell did you do? oh, read my blog, said something catty and incorrect on it. cool life you have.

10 thoughts on “product placement super star

  1. thanks I’ll give it a go. I dunno if it would look as good on me as it does on you. not trying to kiss your ass but you can pull off a lot of things most people can’t.

    sorry for one more question but i am wondering if the clothing swap is still happening?

  2. Raymi, this city, in spite of being multi-ethnic, has a nasty underbelly of racism. Good for you for calling that idiot out.

  3. Also, it is “warrant” not “merit” in the hater comment. Sorry I’m an anal writer; if you are going to insult, be articulate…

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