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falling down when you’re around

here i am in my other life, tickle trunk world. i had been avoiding my room for over a week. such a sty. when we have after parties they tend to end up in my room and all my girl stuff (clothes)(sugar and spice and everything nice too don’t forget that) i shove into my wardrobe or in corners, clean clothes in the laundry pit ugh so then i wake up and go i gotta get the f out of here, gym time then burlington and every time i come home to my museum exhibit of an after party i ask myself why the fairies haven’t cleaned while i was away? like opening an empty fridge, maybe something new will appear this time?? nope. anyway don’t i look like the wife of sir sean connery in a movie of us as authors and i am about to write in my moleskin and pat him affectionately on the back?

casie that’s your scarf.

cleaning time can be fun time you change outfits and it becomes productive two-fold, blog content. fashion show.

i have a feeling these are vintage lifeguard shorts. that’s how i’ve been selling them anyway.

it’s going to be christmas for awhile in here. remember in beaches when bette middler goes to the city and her nerdy friend follows and they’re in her apartment and it’s full of tacky cheapish retro junk? i think i just invented another trend. my projection for FW/11 is BEACHES which of course in a quarter inch think spread will look zany and out there, seeing the word beaches in winter.



i don’t get to wear this cos the chain broke. i need to make a charm necklace of all my best broken necklaces. ultimate necklace.


i was a happening in dollarama when i bought all these. i see that flower wall and i want to sweep by it with open arms and grab everything in my path.

clothing rack collapsed twice on me. i put it together backwards of course what’s the big deal it’s a pole what does it matter if i jam it in this way? oh it matters. i don’t want to talk about it. being b a k e d was an added obstacle. i hate cleaning i get cleaning anxious. i am stressed out and angry while cleaning almost violently tackling 5 things at once and tweeting shit along the way? it’s overwhelming when you live in a rainbow. so if you get stoned you become a cleaning machine but you have to fight your way out of being lazy and creative and easily distracted and move on to jamming socks into other socks folding shirts making an underwear pile and jamming it into the drawer satisfaaaaaaaaction ahhhhhhh.

my bag of hair and flowers. the flowers in my hair matched my burlesque outfit for age of aquarius.


now i have a desk.

and i can make use of this couch for something other than a massive pile of clothes. i think it will motivate me to be less of a slob. i dragged this out from the office. i think if that room doesn’t become organized soon i am going to be a severely unlikeable person for the next little while. a source of my stress and unhappiness is from being surrounded by clutter. i can’t do it anymore there’s just way too much shit in this place.

suburban lifestyles time i am singing la isla bonita here. i know it by heart so i danced with people and sang attacked them in their faces. that place is bumpin’ on karaoke nite. that’s lois and phil beside me they’re in the crew. see how i have two left feet, or two right however which way you look at it? cool one, white.

the cougs were chomping at it for that singer dude and that’s sean there in the foreground to the left. i met him during an oakville bender during the G20 he was like heeeeeeey and i couldn’t figure out how i knew the guy (i meet a lot of people and the older i get the worse my memory) and my mom is like HE IS CUTE GO FOR IT i’m like mum i know him i don’t know how but i do then i stared at him like a mental case for awhile and it clicked. ps. 80% dudes in tin cup during customer appreciation night half of which were hiding wedding bands in their pockets. fuckers.

another embarrassing one is i’ve been going around accepting compliments for my hat and saying thanks it’s my roommate’s, i’ve been hiding that i’ve been wearing it too. wearing it in FEAR. guess what, this is my own fucking hat. i bought it in kensington market with kamila many months ago. i think because it came into my ownership at the same time of moving here i feel like acquiring it and a whole new life i dunno, it’s probably melodie’s hat. yes, life is tough when you are a total idiot.

like my game show news reporter hairdo? ugh.

look how visibly uncomfortable that guy is.

THE FUTURE IS RIGHT NOW. is it bad how much i blend in here? if you can adapt to any situation or setting in life then you are a smart one i feel. every situation except maybe a meth lab life like in harry brown, yikes.

totally normal pose. way too many dude eyeballs on you which is great but i die under so much attention i am so shy sometimes.

blackmail photo mom. that bald guy got his ass tossed later on.

look i’m singing the swan farewell song to my youth while a coug hand beckons me onward toward the second phase of my life’s journey, prematurely. come join us raymiiiii…

i should be crowd surfing here. hmm i wonder what the daily specials were.


plaid shirt bald guy’s birthday. he had a thing with the first bald guy. ps. SO many bald guys but anyway first bald guy basically gets too friendly with the ladies all the time and birthday baldy had to put him in his place. a drink was smashed, lots of shoving. this was right after my own mini thing i’ll write about another day. i am trying to distance myself from the party girl personae but looks like it won’t be happening any time soon.

all coug’d out. til next time.

10 thoughts on “falling down when you’re around

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Raymi The Minx » Blog Archive » falling down when you’re around --

  2. Darling you look like a film/pop star in that blue top, especially with the hat on caption:”totally normal pose. way too many dude eyeballs on you which is great but i die under so much attention i am so shy sometimes”.
    I would have emailed this but can’t find the address. I need your sympathy, please! My blog’s going mental here, thanks to a certain shortage
    Have a glance (not at the post, what’s underneath!) and feel glad you’re not on heroin
    I am drowning in comments, a lot are from people who are desperate and what can I do to help them?
    You have won awards for your blog, lots of people read it. You must get so exhausted sometimes, surely. Just under the weight of attention. Constantly having to search for something new new new. Knowing you are under scrutiny.
    Unlike I, who never put my image up, you’re recognizable to anyone on the street. Which must be more exhausting still, at least sometimes.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered people are flocking to my site. I’m glad if I can help them in some small way. I’m also stressed and feel v bad indeed for people out there in dire straits. I’m on methadone, many aren’t. They are spending £100s on stuff with none or barely any real gear in it.
    I’m not asking for an answer. Just needed to talk. It’s nice sometimes to look at someone’s life and see that it can be done without a constant illicit chemical crutch. Stay happy, and if you can’t be happy be good. If you can’t be good, be lucky!!
    Hope you’re having a charming weekend :-)

  3. your room looks like it has lots of windows/good lighting, this makes me jealous.

    i think it is fun hanging out friends of mothers. they dote on you and think you are funny and cute and always have great stories to tell. at least that is my experience. we can learn a lot from these people…:)

  4. I recommend Adderall instead of pot for cleaning. You will get things done. You will get things TOO done.

    Might make you more anxious if you’re not careful, though. Then you need to take a little Klonopin on top of the Adderall. And then it’s a very slippery slope.

    Anyway, this is precisely my plan for tonight. In a few hours everything in my apartment will be organized by size, shape and colour spectrum, and I might end up scrubbing the entire kitchen floor with a toothbrush…

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