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i am an anthem for girls

pretty much sums it all up nicely.

there it is in warmer lighting. cheese boutique has graciously given me their reusable bags to use for my VIP party bags. they’re really sturdy. i keep worrying about what i should eat later but then i remember CB is taking care of that AND palais royale. as awful as everyone likes to think i am i’m sorry but having two (amazing) food gurus cater your party is no small feat. in food world if you’re not liked, no strings get pulled in your favour. i can’t wait for you guys to be eating FOR me for once and taking photos of it. takin’ the night off guy. bring your cameras.

went through raymi’s tickle trunk last nite and selected so many things. three bags worth of clothes, that entire rack, plus more bags of knick knacks, nail polish, jewelery and i haven’t even tackled my shoes yet. i’m going to set it all up by the big mirror on the second tier of wrong bar so you can try all my crap on. donating half to sistering (learn all about it here).

wanted to get a tan in last nite, didn’t happen.

i should probably bring a normal raymi outfit in case i get shy or all partied out so i’m not sitting in a pile of crinoline, sequins, and feathers.

cindy downstairs (happy birthday!) gave me this from a swag bag. i want stuff like this for my swag bags. i guess raymi army needs to multiply for that to happen. get to work guys.

love the details almost a shame to brush them away.

this is me in a paralyzer stress moment. all my stress went away in the night. everything is taken care of short of a package arriving yesterday and i wasn’t here for it so who knows if it’ll get to the forwarding address in time, i feel it’s vital ish for my stupid bags that have been consuming my brains for a month.

i made six of these. dollarama chic. i’ll get the girls to fix and make them look better, maybe stick the beetlejuice glittered foliage up the middle so it’s more like a bouquet. will construct the rest on site so it’s easier to transport.

boxes of stuff all over the dining room.

i went to dollarama with fake flowers feathers and beads on the mind. it would have been way too much work and i’d be covered in hot glue burns by night’s end so i came up with this? i can’t tell if they’re stupid or yuppie enough. you can take the glitter things out when christmas is over and leave it in a sitting room beside your books on wildflowers of new england photographs cos you’re a geek like that haha. (i’m raffling these off).

spent $75 not bad.

this makes me feel crazy. i better not start dreaming of these stupid wicker balls.

ugh dollarama nightmare. people do NOT know how to maneuver through this joint. the teenagers are especially irritating trying to be all adult in a store getting in my crafting way oh yeah girl in uggs this is your future SOAK IT INNNNNNN. (ps. i could have given away some pairs of uggs tonight but i wanted money on top of it as i have made fun of those boots for years, kind of a hypocrite if i went ahead with it right? my greed got in the way of your love of uggs. sorry).

pipe cleaners for bags also um, i needed them. girls and stationary, office supplies, pens, we have a mental illness for it i do not know why but i know several other chicks who are like yeah, and this drawer is devoted to my post it notes, duo-tangs, swirly pens, paper clips, and erasers. duh.

earlier at Redd gettin’ roots did and conspiring over what my hair is going to be like tonight.

if it wasn’t for redd sponsoring my head there’s no way i could afford being platinum. i mean, i could afford it but i’d be poor and platinum. wait, i AM kinda poor so, i’ll use that another day. good band name. point is, redd is very girl-supporting it is always a treat to go there, very sanctuary.

all the girls will be out tonite too. shannon is teaching them how to do man cuts. why doesn’t someone become a billionaire already and invent hair mannequins you can reuse the scalp hairlines of? they’re so expensive and also such a waste and every single hair salon goes through them. sure i’m not the first to think about this idea. i guess you can’t just put in new hair as part of the idea is to work with the hair lines coming out of the head and if you inserted new hair…? there, that was my brain just giving up.

this is going on my head in an hour must remember to wear a button down shirt. i bought a stocking, they’re stuffing it and pinning it and then somehow making me look like marie antoinette i am so. excited.

kiki style anoinette of course.

gorgeous. spectac.

i wish i had my ears pierced.

i’m going to cut some flowers and other things to stick in this. my favourite updo from this movie is when it’s like a foot high, everyone claps and she goes, too much? meanwhile it’s about to cascade right off her head so ridiculous all these inserted feathers and birds and bows, dreamy.

i need a big emu feather. feel free to bring stuff to insert into my hair all night long.

ok we get the idea.

he’s looking like a raggamuffin but we are not shaving him this time. he’s so much more cozy to cuddle and inside all that is a really teeny cat.

i’m in blogto today and i am visibly tired. i always look tired but especially so from planning and stressing over an event i’d like to see how you would look.

positively mental.

ten years of blogging, that’s like being famous for picking your nose heheh. i am also featured in eye weekly: Raymi the Minx: a decade as Toronto’s most famous oversharer – Raymi Lauren White, who has been blogging for a decade as Raymi the Minx, offers some perspective upon satisfying Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule i wonder if it’s in print today too?

Illustration by Roxanne Ignatius/Torontoist.

ten years of blogging makes you look like this. i also made Torontoist. i sat on the best quote i think i’ve written lately for a couple weeks. it’s hard to contain yourself as a blogger when you write something for someone else, it’s like gossip, just itching to type it in caps lock on your heart blog for all the world to see instantly.

Instead of worrying about what others think about me, they’re the ones who should be worried about what I think of them.

people thinkin’ they’re so great all the time yet have nothing to show for it, nothing to back it up, all anonymous. what projects are you passionate about? what dreams have you that you’re accomplishing other than wasting your own time being sour grapes over what i have achieved?

my life isn’t any more interesting than anybody else’s i’m just blogging it. there are loads more annoying and obnoxious wastes of space out there you’ve never fucking met or ever heard of at least i’m the real article here, i know what is and isn’t annoying in the world, i comment on it so you don’t have to. i’m pretty sure we agree on lots.

wrong underwear to be wearing with those pants.

my dad can’t believe that cutesy pictures of me and witty things i say warrants such hatred. i think the haters have gotten enough airplay and actually you know what, you’re in the minority fuckers. we coulda been good you know, i’m not a snob like some of your other idols who would no doubt shun the fuck out of you. i’m actually open and receptive to all walks, that’s the irony here.


overheard a table of winners bragging, discussing, and cross-comparing DUI stories while getting hosed at this pub.

ok dudes, see you later, thank you for celebrating this milestone with me and for inspiring, encouraging, supporting the raymi spectacle after all these years. i guess i have to make a speech tonite? casie can we stream it? also sjm is going to mic me and film everything, i dunno how i feel about that as he’ll get down all the little secrets and dumb things i whisper into your ear. also the mic will interfere with my dresses. ok no mic.

Dearest Lauren or your persona “Raymi”

Congratulations on your 10th year of your blog and it felt like it WAS just yesterday that Bob and I were drinking our favourite beverages with your Dad while he told us how you were starting a blog. “Blog?” We nodded as if we were very informative and knowledgeable about blogs, which of course was not true.

Look at you now!

But seriously, give yourself a huge thump on the back for being consistent (stubborn if you may say so), and for your awesome talent! Have a great night tonite my dear cause you earned every accolade you receive from your fans.

Sending a little box/pressie with Bob so plz make sure he gives it to you!


shedoesthecity will be putting up a Q&A in a little bit too. here’s one thing i said to get the ball rolling,

If you could have drinks with anyone, who would it be?

My grandpa if he were alive today, we would be drinking scotch, he would be actually and I’d be drinking Jameson and I would ask him to explain why the fuck he drank cheap scotch all the time, it tastes like shit! John Lennon (plus weed). Kurt Cobain, Gallagher brothers, (either or though I think their drunken accents would be impossible to make out what the hell they were saying) and one more why not um some kind of big mouth hot shot with opposing political views as my own in a Bay street bar where he is one part agog by me and one part totally fucking infuriated. I love me a good argue.

18 thoughts on “i am an anthem for girls

  1. I love how you leave everything to the last minute to contribute to the insanity

    I’ll take photos but bring me yours and I’ll snap from that one also;
    Oh, and add your uncle Mike to the guest list.

    See you tonight ox

  2. Have a great night Raymi! I am looking forward to seeing the pics and reading all about it. wish i could have met you in person, I tried..but no luck! I still like my idea about the dating surprise!

    take care and sleep well on Friday!


  3. You’re amazing and have inspired me for years to be freer and unafraid..or rather even when afraid, to push ahead anyway.

    Marie Antoinette!! My fave movie…you are going to look amazing! Good luck and have a beautiful FUN night.

  4. Pretty sure it was usually single malt by the time you came along, maybe just cheap looking labels from Islay…

  5. Party like u aint never partied before, Raymi!
    You’ve entertained me for most of the 10 years, and so I thank you.
    One day, Ill work up the nerve to buy you a drink or 10…its not that you’re inaccessible, its that I get sorta intimidated around beauty and brains together.
    Anyway, here’s to the past 10 years, and the next 100!

  6. congrats raymi! i wish i lived down there, i would have come.
    in an interview kirsten said that hair hurt like a bitch! but it is gorgeous. that whole movie is gorgeous.

  7. HA! I love how you picked out that “visibly tired” comment (it’s what I would do, too, so I think it’s funny). To clarify, I didn’t think you “looked” tired as in eye-bags, etc. but that you “seemed” tired, like there was this exhaustion about you. Naturally. You’re planning an event, right? No hard feelings? :)

  8. on my way up to the lake now. that’s what you should do. rent a little cabin somewhere overlooking a lake with a big glass window and a wood fireplace and a bigbagoweed and chill for a few days!

  9. Congratulations on 10 years, Raymi! Wish I could have been in Toronto to help you all celebrate. I’m looking forward to seeing what you get up to in the next 10.

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