cat colony

free feral kittens! like parkdale isn’t crazy or makes you feel crazy enough. jesus. these guys just roam free and mew their brains out. old coot bubbles next door feeds and keeps them alive, multiplying. come by take some please.

just playing and wrastling in the sun. adorable.

there’s ten of them. maybe more. not even including the adult ones that laze around. at least 30 of those guys.


there doesn’t seem to be a solution to this so animal lovers spare me in the comments alright.


this is the view out of my window. alicia would diiiie.

absolutely retarded.

my title fonts are fucked

it is so hard to blog in this weather. it’s hard to anything in this weather. at work, don’t even get me started. at work i look like how i used to look when i’d bike to my web chat modelling gig pre-makeup did. sweaty and red and huffy. the sweat is not doing wonders for my neck skin. this always happens during summer. fake gold chain necklaces plus sweat and i have a green ring around my neck every night. time to start wearing hemp. here’s a new one, guess how behind i am on emails and everything else concerning the internet and blogs and photos and stories. i hate it. nothing can be done about it. well, maybe better time management or maybe some garbage weather.

yesterday i sent an email about how i don’t even have time to be sending said email. balls. and now i am being harassed by some lunatic via twitter DMs. claims to know me from oakville. i swear to christ if it’s who i think it is i am going to dismantle them. final straw. fuck i don’t even have the time to be scared of being stalked. like oh are you a rapist over there in the lamp post light? yawn. sorry guy maybe next time i have to go home to bed. i’m going to try stand-up very soon. all the comics are encouraging it. i’m collecting jokes. everyday is material enough you just have to wake up, have a day and there you go. rhonda went up last nite i was very proud of her. she comes in every week and writes material, watches the show, we test out funny on each other. we talk about rape jokes a lot and if they’re ok. grey area is the consensus. she has a funny rape joke. she’s all talking about hanging out late at night with dudes and her dude friend goes aren’t you worried about getting raped that’s dangerous. rhonda says why are you a rapist? then i laid some down but as if fuck i am going to blog it here. no one deserves my inappropriate jokes on the internet anymore. the headache isnt worth it. you can say it on a mic and then be done with it but on the goddamn internet the flame wars are always smoking. assholes get a life and a sense of humour. also, there’s just something about me specifically saying it that isn’t allowed for some reason. OH THAT RAYMI LOOK AT HER BEING ALL SELF CONFIDENT MAKING FUN OF STUFF RRRRRRRR AAAAAAARGGGHH NOT ALLOWWWWWWED!!

anyshit, how’ve you been? me? not bad. i had a car commerical audition (that i was requested for, specifically) yesterday i don’t think i got cos on the way out i saw one caster eyeing a broad in my audition group. also my look is probably too severe. also they probably shouldn’t have auditions so early in the day (noon is early for this guy, i stay up late, i cram as much into every day and night as possible) when i’ve been up til 3 in the morning. we’ll see if i get a callback. not sweating it. EXCEPT I AM ALWAYS SWEATING.

so i got to cruise from the east end over to UO to blow some money on a tshirt to go with my tube skirt for work. mistake. two dresses one jumper and socks later and no shirt. i don’t need a new shirt what i need is dresses. big girl dresses. i can’t dress like a kid all the time. sabrina said my haircut makes me look like a 16 year old yesterday. i was also wearing a teeny nautical romper so that drove it home but anyway sabrina made my night with that one. year even. we have a sapporo party tonite in the distillery. supposed to dress geisha. i think i’d sweat through that in seconds. i’ll wear my new jumper. buying clothes on a skinny day is dangerous. dangerously stupid. or optimistic. who cares. finally have my sugar cravings sorted out thanks to those chromax glucose pills and i’m holding off on the carbs too. kinda dumb in this stupid heat but so is being fat.

i have a billion dating site gentleman callers piling up, so overwhelming. might hold off that shit for awhile. a bit much. and everyone else no i’m not mad just busy your insecurity is stressing me out. yes your photos will get blogged, yes i will exploit our time together, don’t worry. as for the post below i think my intentional throwing off of events (in the pursuit of anonymity) made people read into my tangent slightly too strongly. here it is straight. girls are bitches and i’m sick of them so fuck you. if i was a bitch to you it was deserved. i am tired of pandering to insecure brats who don’t have the gusto to exist normally around chicks they may feel threatened by. what the hell do i have to do with you? nothing. so why do you have to turn into a wet blanket just because i showed up? how is this in any way my fault exactly? oh i dress slutty? puhlease. do you freak out every time a hot girl walks by? cool life there.

raymi, you are playing the game, but men made the rules. if someone hotter, sluttier came up on your man, you’d be giving the same cut eyes you are complaining about. -from a chick who is socially inept, sends me cunty emails all the time then apologizes

Fuck you I never come up on anyone. I was casually hanging out w my own friends and introduced to these women who never fucking give me a chance. If they’re threatened then maybe they should step it up. Sorry for saying fuck you but no I always compliment hot chicks to their faces. I’m severely a girl’s girl and never compete. The end.

don’t worry about it. i’ve heard much worse. i have crackpot feminist theories. i am too old to read your blog and it get me riled up.

Stop email pissing me off please then I can’t deal I’m stressed and sad enough as is

yeah i did think you are stressed and i shouldn’t start anything. sorry! don’t be sad! life is awesome!

and for the record (and i don’t ever want to have to repeat myself on this ever again because it is beyond tiresome) if a hotter than me chick rolls up on me, i let her know it. i make it uncomfortable for everyone assaulting her with compliments. i love that shit. people making effort, expressing themselves with style. being hot and owning it. don’t confuse me with you ever again please. i love chicks. if they put on a better outfit than me, they win, i clap my hands. done. discussion closed.

i found a twenty dollar bill friday nite. it was awesome.

so i’m getting skinnier again thank god. skinnier now than in this picture. all it takes is some self control which i have very little of. self control and time, a few days. elyse is turning into a rake now that she’s cut out gluten which is found in basically all carbs, so cut carbs, like how i’m doing and it’s a skinny-off!

met up with my aunt after dance on sunday to have a post-birthday (hers) sushi, get some dvds off her she made of our performance and then had white wine mango sangria at her place. such a great day. she’s going to help me with my book proposal. i fainted with relief when she offered.

check this little door stop my other aunt gave her. comes with a little receipt! dying!

i love these wonky dr.seuss wine goblets.

a rager was thrown in the dollhouse.


randy quaid in lampoon’s xmas vacation, “shitter’s full.”

suitor number one from dating site. he said it was weird to meet my family so soon. it is? meh. people who prescribe to normalcy i do not have time for. this guy has mad dimples. he says dimples are genetic flaws, dead nerve endings create the facial divets known as dimples. ps. every dude on the dating site wears those old man hats. pretty funny.

ate at public. pretty good. they’d have to be for replacing my beloved mini market.

harlem underground has a sweet back patio.

showing up on a date (err, “meeting” as my mom says they’re called haha) wearing the same shirt as the guy you’re meeting makes you feel like a wiener. whatever.

blackened chicken quesadillas are SO good. they put syrop on everything. the rum drinks are the best too. that place is deadly. syrop is a funny word. syrup?

plantains. throw me in the ocean i want some now.

i love this photo because meredith is blinking and i am making a triple chin. we are hot and eligible.

see those chicks behind me? way hotter, younger and better style. do you see me blowing my head off about it?

can you blow up my tires? oh you’re adorable. capital DUH.

i have videos of this too because i am a prevert.

it was cold. those tubeflops come in handy. i want to surf.

ok bye BYE!