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the world can wait

passed out hard last nite the second i got home. had the maybe i should go out itch? it’s saturday nite afterall. then i remembered every nite is saturday for me so i cashed my sleep check. biking by every bar and club on my route home is hard to avoid temptation of especially when people are screaming your name and you can hear it over your tunes. but then one drink turns into 3 in the morning and then i’m a useless tit the following day. useful yet useless. never compromise a day off with a hangover.

late nite fat fucking.

i’m goin’ west after dance today to weigh myself at my dad’s place. hahaa. and to watch tv and play with the cat. hopefully the weather will be good tomorrow so i can tan in the backyard.

rhonda and i have become fast friends. she’s hilarious and classy and classless and smart, like me. watching and listening to her talk is like watching myself. total spazz ADD five stories at once what was the point of this anecdote again? fully. melodie and i are like that too. i am picturing a craft circle and the three of us. boom. rhonda is leaving for ireland soon. why does this always happen to me when i meet a new friend?

pimm’s. see you soon new orleans.

get him to the greek, hands down hilarious. choke laughing scenes and diddy brought it. I’MA KILL YOU! SMILEY FACE. catch phrases for days.

ok bye.

10 thoughts on “the world can wait

  1. they have internet in Ireland, right?
    and one day you could go there, in case the place needs shaking up at all

  2. Wear sunscreen on your face, neck and hands every day, winter and summer. I don’t care how dark your skin naturally is. Wear it. You’ll remember me when you look in the mirror at age fifty. Always keep in mind that Your body is directly connected to your spirit. Look after your body. Exercise, floss and brush your teeth. Put nothing in your body that can permanently harm your spirit, including the wrong man.

  3. are you going to new orleans? do you need a passport to get there? does canada have passports, or id’s for that matter?

  4. Just wanted to let you know that they have your site blocked in Burma (along with most every other site (sweet military dictatorship)) but I persevered. So, hi from Burma!

  5. Hey it’s Rhonda! Oh boy boy was I ever having a manic weekend, so it’s no wonder I was motor-mouthing it at full throttle. I suppose the cougar drinks and rose had a li’l something to do with it too. Yeah, it sucks always knowing that you are going to leave. It makes you hesitant to cultivate what could grow to be lasting, meaningful and complete friendships. I have never had a Pimm’s Cup. Looks vitaminny and I’d loves me some V, wha! So yeah, we should meet up for a Pimm’s at Harbord Room one day soon :)

  6. you’ll have plenty of pimms chances in ireland where i will come to overstay my welcome dont worry. lets hang this week princess ronda.

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