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you’re hot i’m bothered

i went to shopper’s to grab a trimmer for down there. i use one of those 5-in-1 things that are meant for dudes but they all trim trim (heh) just fine so you don’t have to get one specifically for ladies. i’ve been secretly using melodie’s and the batteries died so i thought i’d just go get my own. of course i drop it before it’s even out of the package and the one best attachment breaks off and won’t affix back on. ever. i sat on the ledge of the tub and stared at myself in the mirror and watched steam come out of my nose. the other attachment will work and the trimmer itself isn’t broken but it’ll take ten minutes longer to clear the teeniest area and it’s quite the jungle down there. awesome.

dragged the family to wrong bar last nite and it was a dub step night which essentially is the same old garage music, jungle (two jungle mentions in one post!) house whatever the crap that ecstasy makes palatable in your ears. i didn’t wear short shorts beneath my risky business dress this time. my underwears are booty shorts anyway so who cares. i complimented these hot rich lame chicks on looking good, said one looked like sienna miller, they ignored our drunken gaggle then lucas gets all offended and starts beakin’ they say you talking to us i say no i was talking to the cab, that cab looks exactly like sienna miller. then inside in the bathroom one of them says i look good, not putting it together that i started the compliment war but anyway that was an example of how positivity (no matter how obnoxious) spreads. no way that girl would have doled out a prop if not for me, not the type of girl you know, snotty, competitive-seeming. hope she sticks to being a saint like me.

speaking of here’s a video of me crappily drumming as a brunette at my dad’s house from 1964.

i just wish my face was more orange here.

so my dad’s band DR. ROBERT is playing tomorrow at the central 3-6pm afternoon show so bring your kids on by for lunch or your crew cos finally it’s convenient to see them playing not in a suburban location. i will not be drumming don’t worry i’ll be getting paid to listen to them for once. check their posters…

bring your moms and dads and every wasp in the annex, they love this shit.

dudes in bars chatting me up please have better breath next time thank you.

what the fuck am i doing inside right now looking at pictures of last nite?

there are a ton of hilarious shots i’ll blog later. also from our sapporo party wednesday nite with the central crew. shit show!

poor rob. while this was being taken his place was being robbed. hello i’m rob and i was robbed. good thing he wasn’t there at the time though, not safe. i hope he’s not thinking but maybe IF i was home they wouldn’t have come? at least they didn’t jack his longboard. that sucks. go parkdale!

if you haven’t seen rob’s movie yet by the way (he’s made many) and you live in (or hate) toronto, you really need to.

still doing waif-like diet. the headaches are the best part.

guess what?


13 thoughts on “you’re hot i’m bothered

  1. brunette raymi looks like an old tired witch. N-O spells no. i have spent at least $1000 lifting that shit out why the hell would i go back?

  2. confucius say:
    girl who shave friday
    make big plans for saturday

    [or maybe it was Sun tzu]

  3. Taking care of yourself upstairs and downstairs makes you feel more confident and pretty. Doing a manicure, pedicure and waxing/trimming, especially while your dating,helps you to keep your SEXY on.

  4. Your Dad Rocks !!!
    Dr.Robert smack killed those tunes!
    If I was up there in that godforsaken Canada,
    i’d by gotcha be there!!!

    If by chance your dad doesn’t have a Sean Ward print
    of the “Ballad of John and Yoko, i’ll gift him one!
    Sean has my address, he could send it to your dad
    and Bill me.

  5. eat lots of raw greens, quality raw (cold-pressed) oils, and way less animal products, meat most of all. sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s the #1 way to get healthy AND skinny plus you will have beautiful hair, etc.

    /holistic medicine geek

  6. Do you want to know a secret? That was listless, non-committal drumming. Oh, wait, that’s not a secret! lol Make them drums feel battered Rihanna-style, hahahah!

    I am flitting from obsession to obsession lately. It must be because my job is all of a sameness. Whether it’s obsessing over the rules of RISK 2210 or my last gasp at being all “DJ Piërresto” before I grow old and die (see Website!)

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