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She’ll come back as fire and burn all the liars

just fuckin around baked. no i’m not a rake anymore, don’t care. what am i saying of course i care. what i mean is i don’t care enough to not share this breathtaking video of myself with you (i’ve a longer more stupid one processing as we speak). stoned exercise is the best it never occurred to me before my brother said one of his buddies gets lit then goes to the gym. makes total sense cos then you’re just a machine straight pumping not thinking just doing. keeps it entertaining as we all know exercise can be pretty dreadful and boring. if hippies knew about stoned exercise we’d have all these ripped tea heads roving the city. it’d be awesome. might even become a pandemic. almost as good as my scary b movie idea no one’s stolen yet about bikes that come alive at night when the city sleeps causing mayhem and destruction and when the sun comes up they go back to where they were locked up and the city is all confused as to who’s trashing the place. when you film it you can just shittily ghost ride a bike down a steep street ahah or some brutal stop motion cgi whatever so funny. ok maybe it’s nothing like arnold schwarzenegger stoners but it’s up there in the GREAT IDEAS THAT ARE ONLY FUNNY TO ME department.

oh ok alright alright here’s my rape joke: i’m too slutty to get raped. it received many slightly disgusting reactions. cool. speaking of, we haven’t seen my tits in awhile so here they are.

jumper bathroom visits sitting nakes on the john, shivering with a lineup outside.

the snaps popped at least 300 times. what are the chances of teeny safety pins in melodie’s purse that i borrowed? awesome.

here it is in action. very low cut in the chest. can only pull off if you don’t act self conscious about it like damn straight i know you can see nips maybe if you are a pathetic loser gawping straight in there looking for them. if you catwalk pose then everyone’s just oh yeah duh, fashion, that makes sense. this just in: people are stupid.

post on the way check ya later love you long time.

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