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a tan from standing in the english rain

the neighbourhood lawn mower boy here is fascinating. he is autistic. touched. super friendly, happy, optimistic. hard working. loves rocky (our cat). my dad and brother are good to him. he routinely does the lawn, hedges, snowblows the driveway in winter. comes back to blow the lawn cuttings away. good kid. his parents come to help out too. they do the entire street and must be raking it in. PUN TOWN. he is like 20 maybe older possibly. makes you wonder about those types, destined to be alone or maybe have an unrealistic amazing adventurous life like forrest gump? hopefully. he’s actually quite attractive too.

i ate like a pig yesterday. last day of such shitty indulgence until dance rehearsal this coming sunday MAY 16th at REVIVAL i better see all you lunatics there afterward we get down and revival becomes our own dancehall. super fun and hugely how i became a harlette, i feel. showed off my moves i did and it was kinda funny cos my ex’s good old pal was there and so was red flag and i could tell old pal was having moral struggle with whether he should engage with me or not meanwhile ex and i are cool enough and he is well-informed of all my mystical bullshit anyway here i am motown hustlin’ my hung ass off, it was just a funny scene and i really really wanted to burlesque dance with these girls. so i got in. you’ve been following all along anyway so you’ve seen the psychotic evolution and now you get a chance to witness and experience in real life too. say you’re raymi’s fan and you’ll get $5 off at the door.

either my life is bizarre or i am.

taught my dad what the term crush fucked means (super stoned/drunk combination thereof). funny he mentioned it on his own while we were dining at chap’s. i had the southern sweet potato poutine and jalapeno cheddar sausage smokies, and a coors light. he had the chicken and ribs special. gawked at our surroundings and the clientele while watching les habitants rip it up. lots of people give up in the suburbs BUT they at least interact with one another unlike isolating toronto.

i notice a difference in the coffee, i’m drinking maxwell house and buzzing like a fly around the house. at home we have organic. the chemical difference is well, stronger for sure. i already drink poison diet redbull often so maybe if i make a personal bean change i’ll become more productive, burn out quicker, sooner to bed and sooner to rise.

i am so glad i came out here i needed this mini-staycation and plan to do it every week.

please rain hold off at least until i get to work. it’s clem’s birthday. gonna be a right piss-up. told him i have no idea how we all have functioning livers.

ooh gotta go that’s baby you’re a rich man blasting on the stereo time to dance it out.

i love you sincerely, know this well.

wow shit i just ate two massive globs of wasabi on supermarket sushi that was an intense moment just there. damn it’s starting to rain. off to train. bike. shower. dance. work.

12 thoughts on “a tan from standing in the english rain

  1. Chaps is deadly for those with zero self control, namely myself. It’s the candy store of awful chain restaurants. Ridiculous.

  2. my nurse sis (who is a lush like me) swears by milk thistle for the liver. taking mt daily will combat alcohol effects. i haven’t done any research but she’s hip to a lot of the health loopholes out there.

  3. Apparently the lighter a coffee tastes, the stronger is actually is, because the longer they roast it the more caffeine cooks off.
    That’s why you can drink some fancy dark roast, then take a nap 20 minutes later, but Timmy Ho’s is like a pipe full of meth.
    (My girlfriend worked at Second Cup like six years ago. Their training is major. I helped her study.)

  4. “i had the southern sweet potato poutine and jalapeno cheddar sausage smokies, and a coors light.”

    that sounded so good i had to read it twice.

  5. REENY:

    yes it does.

    i’ve heard marmite described as “aquarium cleaning sludge” as well. i grew up on marmite and just look at me now!!!

    btw that pic of katrina dc riding an electric horse in the shopping mall was hilarious

  6. hmm poutine
    and here I thought Coors Light
    was only good with
    hearty Iceberg lettuce finger sandwiches

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