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HAIR krishna

it’s gonna look good when it’s all messy. big and messy. just crawled out from under a pile of pillows and comforters so goin’ for that fell asleep in a department store duvet section look. bet i’ll get even more wig comments now.

no one even noticed at work.

tomorrow i’ll wake up and be like what have i done? blah i’ll be fine. i have so many backlogged photos with long hair it’s seems kinda pointless now. but no, it isn’t. still have to tell those stories.


good to know there’s some insane clown posse fans out there.

bent over and ripped a hole in the ass crack of my jeans that aren’t even mine. the booze pantry at work’s lock latch sticks out and clean cut a nick like butter right through my denim behind. awesome!

my hair is so soft you’d cry if you touched it you’d feel the warmth of a million sentimental hugs. the buzz after a good sneeze. other gay things. i am so bloated right now i look like a beach ball with arms and legs. pregnant fight club brad pitt (carly loves that one). i’m drinking some soothing tea. our house is almost in order i feel a bit of a heel for not being able to tidy up as much. don’t work til friday so tomorrow is total chill catch up day it better not rain. i have so much to do i don’t know where to begin. maybe i should just get my period and shut up.

36 thoughts on “HAIR krishna

  1. Holy crapola, your haircut is fantabulous! Another style that looks amazing on you! Congrats!

  2. dude it looks great!! you won’t even have time to miss the length before it grows back either. but i bet you love it, own it!

  3. funny. had a friend whos hair got SUPER soft too when surfing the red tide. she was a real blonde. they have like less follicles or sommething.

  4. First time I saw it I gasped… not in a bad like a surprise way. The second time I looked at it I said UMA!

    Very cool!

  5. actually i am a human being living my life but thanks for that lazy insight of yours, sam smith. ps. yahoo email address? what are you, 1999?

  6. AH! You finally listened to my prayers – Raymi will get shorter hair… It was more like a mantra, actually!
    You look cuter.

  7. Ha, I’m not even 1999 with my yahoo address… but anyway, hair is rad, cut totally emphasizes your features!

  8. All those compliments and which does Raymi answer? Ahh well, I noticed the angle of the cut right away- and like 99.999 % of your readers, think it looks great.

  9. laila is it possible for you to not be that guy who is like ooh you look so much better now? i loved my long hair and intend to grow it back but for now i’m enjoying this.

    annie, the hipster word gets me going that person’s comment was a fly-by fuckface note having nothing to do with hair love but thank you one and all. still getting used to it.

  10. crude, but i agree: it’s like a butch justin bieber grabbing the back of garth’s neck. so wrong. yet. so hot

  11. oh dont you love the “you look so much better now” comments when you get a hair cut, new clothes, lose a few pounds?? such a back handed compliment.
    anyway, love it. looks hot.

  12. My deepest apologies. I won’t do that ever again. But I swear it wasn’t meant to be taken that way. Maybe it’s because I am a non-native English speaker/teacher/blogger/asshole who can’t get her words through at times. Whatevs, you “new” shorter hair rules and I am digging it as well.

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