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sighing in the new world

having a chat about love vs money with a gal right now. i told her i was recently told to marry for money, not love. fuck love, they said. she agreed with that. i don’t. i’ll wait to be jaded for when i’m actually jaded. she said the older you get the more you crave comfort and security. “forces of desire wear down on ideals of romance.” i say for now i’m enjoying my gypsy wanton ways. i’m drifting kinda. initially i said my mom/uncle were bummed i didn’t leave with the pilot. she said her parents were angry she didn’t become a trophy wife she married for love to which i replied yeah love is the reason we are here. that’s the meaning of life everyone keeps scratching their heads about. so effortless and true. she goes, so confounding and complex as well. money kills love. then i reference the being told to marry for money by the red flag. ten million red flags later much?

so we all want money yet we are obsessed with movies about love.

getting loads of mileage out of this hat some drunk left at work.

i cannot exist without loving someone or something. it just isn’t possible. i don’t consider myself romantic at all but i know i have a deep heart and i fall in love every three seconds. the heart is always hunting. but i’m hot and cold. i enjoy company but i super dig my alone time. like right now for instance i’m layin’ around in my underwear (had to put a shirt on there’re hipsters out on the roof next door wonder how long til they know they’ve a nudist view) in my sunny ass room window open very warm coffee lounge smokey-headed. this is fine. even sleeping alone too. i’m getting into that. i still sleep on one side of the bed though. taking up as minimal space as possible but when i have a bunk buddy i am up all over that. someone must study sleep behaviour like horoscopes. what does that say about me? needy, clingy. most likely.

i was such a tomboy growing up but i am so attracted to soft pink now. teenage me would baaarf all over now-me laughing. stoner calling me barbie the other day got me going a little. please child at my age you want to look like barbie, trust me, not crazily-dreadlocked street raggamuffiny. just sayin’. however the dreads if they look clean and well-maintained enough are ok by me. i’m breaking some of my rules all over the place.

but goin’ back to money now. i need to be wealthy so i can buy frivolous shit such as this. i’ll tell you, life as a blonde now, totally different world. you can get away with practically anything. get someone to carry you something for an entire toronto city block if you wanted to. (ps. here our blocks are actual blocks not street-lengths away that essentially are the size of my bedroom).

i like melodie’s better. my mom said this was tacky. guess how i reacted to that.

i die.

melodie and i are going to do this to many other t-shirts. this, i bought like this.

massive opening in the back, dips pretty low.

the pilots were feelin’ this, those are not them in the bg. hilarious night. tell you about it another time. hello fellas if you’re reading.

23 thoughts on “sighing in the new world

  1. Why do people feel like they have to get married? Maybe I am reading wrong? It just sounded like either you have to get married for love, or you have to get married for money. I say fuck it altogether. Who the fuck wants to get married? Well.. a lot of people.. but most of them will be divorced in a few years, will they not. Especially “marry for money” girl. You watch.

  2. when you’re married it’s more permanent. harder to throw the towel in. you can’t just up and leave and go welp, fuck you then this is done. it’s mutual respect for two people. not everyone goes for it. but some do. i have a lot to say on it naturally, as was engaged. another day…

  3. I really enjoyed your company this time around. Stay strong on your own for awhile, there will always be someone waiting to love you out there!
    Money is nice, but if you marry for money, you’ll earn every cent of it!

  4. Lovely sentiments on love and life. Made me feel all warm and buttery inside. I also really love your necklace, is that too many loves? Ha.

  5. marry for love with someone who facilitates your personal growth, not hinders it (and vice versa). and everything else falls into place. eh? eh??

  6. it’s even harder and sadder when you see what was once love turning into money. i’m glad i have lots of love and minimal money.

  7. People have been telling me the money not love thing forever including my mother, but she married for love too, and they are still together (my parents) and have been since they were 18…so that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I guess she just says it on days when she is mad at my dad?

    I used to wear pink, but I am so over it. I like orange. :)

  8. Two things:

    1. You always have to be in love? Easy. You’re obviously in love with yourself.

    2. Marrying for money: who the fuck even says you’re entitled to it? Seriously. I cant believe modern women even come out with this crap. Think of 5 years of shagging some bloke you don’t even love or indeed, like or fancy. Jeeeeesus. How could you live with yourself?! Not you, raymi, but these hypothetical women. Gag.

  9. a) LOLZ @ Udel — gag

    b) you are obviously a romantic! in the best sense of the word — the romance of language and music and art and loving the world and all the whimsical beauty in it. Obvi!

    c) no, no, not for money or convenience. only for true love only because it is the thing you cannot not-do.

    d) it’s much easier to be an honest-worthy partner for anyone when you’ve got your own shit sorted and making the best of things, money or no.

    e) also, I was thinking, I liked you a lot with dark hair and also with blonde hair. yeah, both. JFYI.

  10. so jealous you can put up your middle fingers around your mom. i’m 29 and yet if i did that they wouldn’t want me around–too uptight/christian religious/conservative.

  11. All you need is love.

    Jesus said it.
    The Beatles said it.
    Dumbledore said it.
    I say it.

    Money makes things easier, but love makes life worth living.

    I’d rather live in a cardboard box with my husband than a mansion with some rich guy I married for money. Sounds cheesy, and maybe it is, but it’s the truth.

    My friend’s husband died last week. I barely knew him, but I couldn’t stop crying because I was empathizing with her so much … thinking about how I would feel if my husband died.

    And, it’s okay to be in love with yourself. That’s where it all begins. People always say things like, “Well she’s in love with HERself” like it’s a bad thing. Not bad at all. We have to start somewhere. It only radiates from there.

  12. your Nana and Papa stayed together
    of course, on her bad days she would say things like

    “Its just as easy to fall in love with a rich man, then a poor man”


    “when the money is gone, love goes out the window”

  13. A dick? Really? Just stating the obvious. Did I hit a nerve, Mom Raymi? Jesus, no wonder your daughter is a basket case; not even Freud would want analyze that relationship. In the same way that you most likely vent frustration that men no longer are interested in you but rather, your daughter, men aren’t interested in women who just want to spend their money. Frankly, it’s cheap and vile. You want some cash, why don’t you work like your daughter? Maybe, however, get a degree first. Or settle for a diploma.

  14. we were good til you turned into a whiner here just now. watch your mouth only i can speak to my mother that way.

    i am not interested in men’s money. the end. why take my emo whimsical post and go “there”? this is not the place nor do i have any sort of time/patience for this shit in my life right now.

    also, tons of men are interested in my mother. she is a catch.

  15. Why would you even give that Udel Dick a platform to speak his angry woman hating ugliness?
    You don’t need to give this abusive type a voice here, just hit delete, seriously, he’s a warped negative hater, hit the block button.

  16. can you show us or link to how you are gonna do that to a t-shirt. my brain is too small to try to figure it out myself!

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