casie claims to not have known that i bought these shoes and i call mad bullshit on that despite how much the woman doth protest. you saw my UO tweet about the shit i had coming in so how could you have missed the incoming aldo shoes tweet? heheheh. whatever, i am not one of those only i can own it types. in fact, i heartily welcome uniformity. twins are hot. fact. go to redtube, type in twins. you’re welcome. if you go out dressed alike you get more dudes cruising you because you gave them a means to get over the insecurity shyness barrier: matching outfits. now they can approach you and say something unclever about being sisters.
i thought i was stronger, or she lighter. man i am just full of compliments today.
haha ahah hey remember when i tried to carry you ahuhuhhaha yeah that was funny.
do you remember what i was saying here?
oh who cares.
requisite blogger photo. sean, keri, carly, breanna, CASIE DUH, and crystal.
lady blogga loves it when i make fun of her. she’s pretty quick, but i nail her every time. the more challenged i am socially the more i fucking bring it. nothing personal. casie was making a point of (way too many times) informing me that apparently there is some sort of rival between us? um, i don’t even think we’re comparable. we’ll address it another day. i mean, if you want a rival, we can script one a la paris/ritchie. also, lady blogga theme party?
went meta a few times. oh look it’s me looking at me looking at me. cool party. no seriously it was i showed up late and i’d like to think everyone was half in the bag already. not breanna though, she’s cleansing (pussy).
adorable. her twitter thumbnail is FULLY to blame (thank) for me going back to bang’s land.
so many silent lurkers last nite. you guys are annoying.
i am so glad to be back in the city i cannot even tell you. i am very happy i’m so far west too so i can just saunter down to the beach by lakeshore. what’s the name for it?
oh what a spread, who’s the culinary expert?
time to get down to business.
didn’t bring my camera down to the pool/tub area as i knew it would be underwater in seconds. oh well.
some people were actually interested in the oscars.
casie’s roommate sabrina did this. stealing the idea!
after swimming inhaled these. i am so bloated right now i want to go into hiding but i can’t, covering for kamila for a few hours. why not it’s gorgeous out i should go be somebody today.
caring is the new failure.