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here’s the thing

how many of you have a famous blog right now? no one? ok right, that’s what i thought.

and if you had one, would you even begin to know what the fuck to do about it? people coming at you daily telling you what’s up, how to play the game, what the next move is, all nice and welcome thank you for it but seriously, back the fuck off. you come under the guise of “help” really? you want to help me, then fucking HELP me or shut up. your help isn’t help if all it does is engender a circle jerk. pointing out stuff we already know isn’t help. telling someone to be this or do that, not help.

i’m famous because i’m doing everything right. i have hustled my ass off to get what small time i have right now, this is my field, my area, not yours. whatever you’re doing do i tell you how to do it better? of course not. what gives you the right to come over here and solicit shit advice? do you think i even LOOK at my sidebar or fucking care what garbage is posted on it? half my blog roll i don’t even read, or is even blogging anymore. who fucking cares? clearly YOU do, but I don’t, so don’t put that shit on me. what the hell do you want?

i’m living a whimsical life and i’m blogging about it and i have a massive audience. BIG DEAL CITY. i simply want to be an author, that is always what i’ve wanted cos that is about as far as my dreams go. sorry to disappoint you but, this is all you’re getting out of me for now. this blog is just a launch pad of laziness.

i wanted to publish books but i didn’t want to write formal documents selling myself, pitching my ideas. i wanted to be accepted based on an oh of course we’ll sign her method. we know my books will sell because they just fucking will. build your audience while building your brand, get loyal followers, endear yourselves to them. write a fucking book and then they will buy it. oh boohoo the print world is tanking, no one wants to read anymore, waaaah. bullshit. who wants to read a novel on a tablet, what are we in i-robot? get your head out of your ass, that is not the wave of the future. books are not going away. maybe the shitty ones are, but still, there will always be a market for them.

i had a crazy post in the pan i wanted to share in lieu of this but i guess i should consider it more. i wrote it in a state of rushed anger last nite before heading out to meet melodie and i was already late. then billy mystery’s email came in and i was like, fuck you, but then decided no, i should just go with it.

people say i’m pretty sensitive, for someone who puts so much out there, why so sensitive? like, how dare you be sensitive.

it’s because i am sensitive i have such staying-power. it’s because i react to things and have emotions. think of all the blogs out there trying hard on their “voice” and how disaffected they’re attempting to be, hipster runoff for example, no feelings, just all fun and games and snark. invincible. how much does hipster runoff consistently capture your attention and captivate you? cos after one two three hipster jabs, i think you fucking get the point right? haha hipsters are being hipsters omfg look. but then what?

you want to feel things right, i presume, and you can’t really feel anything over there but here, feel away dickhead. don’t tell me what to do cos we both know i’m not going to listen. unless you have a tangible means to make shit happen with/for me, don’t waste your breath, or my time, or more importantly, don’t hurt my feelings. it’s exhausting compartmentalizing them everyday. don’t think you don’t have an impact with the shitty things you say. you think you’re so tough right? live a week in my shoes and see how you fare, i honestly don’t think you could hack it. you’d crumple into a fucking fetal position and pack’er in pretty quick.

do you even know what it feels like to be hated by so many people? could you handle that? could you handle pointless disdain? i don’t think you could. i don’t think you could rise above shit, in fact, which is why you are desperately trying to get my attention with your negative slurs all the time. seriously, what does that even do for you? luckily i am able to get over things pretty quickly and you make me fucking laugh but honestly, you hate me because you don’t have the nards to be your own person, script your own identity, lead the life you want to be living, fuck, not my problem.

i’m happy, for the first time in my life despite manic depression, i am fucking happy. i like me right now and i like my life and i apologize for nothing.

but if you want to have a REAL discussion regarding all this, step up and buy a ticket to this, put your money where your mouth is. for once in your fucking life. tell me to my face what i’m doing wrong.

and in the words of midlake, “it’s hard for me, but i’m trying.”

bahhahahaha ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

28 thoughts on “here’s the thing

  1. I don’t like to think about people hating you. As kiss assy as this sounds, you are a beacon of honesty. Personally, I’ve started scripting a blog pertaining to my life and I don’t know how you interject so much depth into it and stand above people that attack you for it. What you do strikes me as relevant & artful… maybe b/c I am self-defeating so much of the time and realize how hard it is to put something out there that reflects who I am??

    If you’re happy though it doesn’t matter- YOU WIN!

    Mr. Mystery if you can add to the happiness with marketing dollars I hope you step up.

  2. The best writers always write what they know (clearly), are up front and honest (points) and always get flack for it.

    One word: Jealousy

    While one of the strongest human emotions, also one of the dog-damned meanest.

    You have a huge following because you are rocking this. There is no way to ‘skip’ reacting to asshats being rude and stupid, and I gotta say – its good fuel to write your heart out!

    Keep it up. Your blog is great, and we all know it.

  3. I don’t think you should listen to anyone who says you are pretty sensitive, cus it’s just not true.

    I don’t think you get angry *enough* for the amount of crap you get. I get sensitive enough over my fucking twitter account!
    And that’s only because I can actually see when someone “stops following” me, not because someone is sending me twattish emails telling me where I fuck up.

    I can only imagine what that must be like. Tbh I am an anxious person anyway, I think it would just make me nervous to check my emails incase it was more bullshit.

    Your sticking power astounds me everyday. <3

  4. Ps. have you ever thought of adding a paypal “donations” button? I’ve always thought of them like a monetary version of a Facebook “like” button… and, of course, you can buy beers with it.

  5. there’s always something to be said about people who give out constant unsolicited advice. i am working with one of those people and everyday i feel like i am viewed as a baby that has never lived a life or had experiences because there’s always someone telling me how it is, or what not to do, grr. insecurities, man.

  6. 1. You’re not a good writer.
    2. Many people read your blog because a) you’re not ugly b) you post topless photos
    3. What you do well is regularly update your narcissistic photos and text barfs

  7. you hover my blog like craaazy so you know that i rarely show tits. when was the last time?

    i’m a good story teller and my writing style is unique, not the same as everyfuckingbody else. people like it. fact.

    if you think i’m such a bad writer why do you live on my blog?

    as per narcissism, it’s content. i am the subject of this blog, so i’m showing myself off. DUHHHHH. there ARE other pictures that are not solely of me on this thing, but people choose to focus on the ones of me. how i look inspires reaction. i know this. this is how i fuck with you.


  8. PS. Raymi, I would read your description of the last shit you took. That is how much I love your writing. You are talented, funny, beautiful, original, amazing. No one else compares.

  9. your blog is your blog and no one else can tell you how to do it…and if you weren’t doing it “right” (whatever that is) you wouldn’t be getting the speaking engagements that you keep being invited to…
    anyone who has seen Picasso’s early drawings knows that the guy had it down, so if he wants to draw like a chimpanzee in later life it isn’t as though he can’t do it any other way
    so, with writing, if you want to leave out stuff or invent words, it’s re-defining writing the same way Picasso (and others) re-defined art
    the aptly-named Chuckles (who is a joke) has probably been writing to James Joyce complaining about Ulysses…and not noticed what century this is
    being sensitive is part of what makes a person creative…it’s to be proud of, since it also allows us to feel compassion, and it’s part of what makes people love you and your work.
    the haters just don’t have the bandwidth

  10. you are awesome. and im still waiting for you to become a childrens book narrator!!! i would totally rock a team raymi shirt.

  11. “i wanted to be accepted based on an oh of course we’ll sign her method.”

    I designed my whole career, for good and ill, on this very precept.

    Love the honesty and passion. People will underestimate you your whole career. good. They won’t see what you’re up to while you’re quietly taking all the money, attention, and opportunity.

    There have been times when I wanted to break your head, times when I’ve wondered when you’re on about, times when I would have done something different, but it’s moments – and posts- like this that get me madd passionate about blogging and about how we’re peeps, and makes me proud of you.

    Fuck yeah.

  12. i like your point about feelings. so true. so rare these days. therefore your rawness = so refreshing. curious, though, about billy’s insights on “your demographic.” wonder who HE thinks reads you?

  13. what bothers me the most is that the negativity isn’t even inspired. it’s just some ugly guy or oldish, lonely bat sitting behind a computer and hammering away something illiterate and hateful to project all their dissatisfaction onto somebody else who they’d never even be able to approach in real life.

  14. the probability for writing success is a fairly simple formula: from your contract, find what your final cut (percentage) of each book that sells is and you will know how many you have to sell to reach your profit target.

    sadly, as with the music industry nowadays, a writer’s cut is very often less than $2.00 per book. it’s another middleman conundrum that basically begs the question of whether the marketing/advertising that the people representing you take care of is worth their gigantic cut of your book sales. if the answer is no, publish on your own, market on your own and collect all of the profits (after your publishing and marketing costs). either way isn’t easy to be sure, but it is doable. bukowski didn’t get famous and rich from writing until he was 50, but he did it.

    also…cliched but true: have something to fall back on. if you end up 30-something making 40k a year in an office like every other average shill, at last you can say you tried and that’s better than most.

  15. @Chuckles

    1. Yes she is.
    2. I don’t deny that Raymi is attractive. Is that why I read this blog? See #1.
    3. You have issues. Seek help.

    I hate people that offer unsolicited advice too. As a web developer I put up with this on a daily basis (although my heart goes out to designers here, WAY WORSE). People that can’t even use googlepages tell ME, a professional of 12 years, what I should or shouldn’t do. It DRIVES ME INSANE!!!!!!

    When I started reading this blog it inspired me to start my own blog. I’m constantly on here reading your wise advice and applying it to myself and it FUCKING WORKS! When I attempted a blog before, I gave in to so many people saying you should post this or post that. I now say FUCK THAT. I post what I want to post. Don’t like it? Shove it! (see I’ve learned!). So it’s ironic to me to hear that people do this to you as I often find great advice within your rantings and writings. You’ve lived it and learned by it and because of that I’ve learned without living it!

  16. I think Chuckles should buy a ticket to The Guide To Social Media Success so he/she can come tell us how we’re full of shit in person. Everyone there will think he/she is a douche, and we’ll have his/her money!

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