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from the mind of billy mystery

I think you should take down all of that “king of the blogs” stuff. Its looks gay. Who’s it for? Nerds that visit your site know that you are number one anyway. Take all the “advertise here” stuff off too. Ever considered actually approaching someone? Marketing morons are beneath accountants on the boring job ladder so be careful with them. Why would you leave a message on your site asking them to pay you to fool people? The only thing those retards will get is the fact that you let the “market in on the plan.”

Problemo: Everybody is ripping you off right now – which would be fine if you were getting something out of it too. Newspaper guys are filling there blogosphere article quota, masters of sociology are plugging their books, gaving mcinnes is selling merchandise to your readership thanks to one blog post (and no more), and you’re getting what?

I don’t think you really know what your demographic is (and it’s mega-profitable). What are you doing? “Writing a book” No offense man, but even if you were talented, that shit doesn’t sell anyway. Forget about the hipsters and start pandering to (and profiting from) retards who need you to tell them what to do.

27 thoughts on “from the mind of billy mystery

  1. Yeah, so his suggestion is to…charge per pageview? Sell an advice column to a newspaper? Tell people to stop ripping you off? Oh, mysterious advice-giver, please tell me your solutions are not as stupid and asinine as you are hinting!

  2. ahahaha. i love his authoritative tone as if listening to him will really set you free and enlighten you on the finer points of writing a successful blog. dude obviously has credentials.

  3. at least he gives you a funny blog post to profit from, right? people are idiots and suddenly everyone knows everything about selling themselves and what everyone else needs to be doing to be successful. barf.

  4. well…dude’s idea is right in a way…and in the business world lots of people ARE dicks so that’s dead on too…but HAHA on someone offering up unasked for advice yet again, priceless and hilarious…

    that’s all, keep on truckin’ or whatever.

  5. wow…buddy seems to know it all, so we ALL better do what he says and quit making art/music/writing out of love for it, because unless you make money from it it has no value, apparently…
    “even if you were talented”? “start pandering to retards”?
    the free advice from this worm is worth even less than what free advice is usually worth, when you factor in his errors in spelling and grammar, which are so numerous as to make his comments about writing even more laughable
    good for a chuckle (at his expense) anyway
    xx, eh

  6. A propos of nothing, did you see the episode of “House” on Monday night? Life-blogger went into the hospital with an illness that couldn’t be diagnosed. Blood, vomit and everything! Anyway, the episode was a fucking abortion, but given the subject matter (and despite the ham-handed rendition), I thought of you. I look forward to you polling your readers on whether you should get a pig’s heart valve put in your body. Seriously. That was the plot. Ugghh.

  7. He’s right.

    I can’t see how it would make much of a difference to remove the ‘awards’, though. They’re certainly not rewards for any discernible literary skill but, rather, are merit badges for a narcissistic disaster.

  8. he gives me an idea: to profit more off your blog, and eventually to weed out all the haters, why don’t you add a charge feature to all those ppl who have left negative comments on ur blog? so whenever dorks like that guy wanna leave any feedback, they have to pay before doing so. that is, if there is a way to only charge them and not the vast majority of your other commenters.

  9. Pingback: Raymi The Minx » Blog Archive » here’s the thing

  10. Mila, I must say… my votes that went into those awards were at least partially for Raymi’s writing skill. I’m sick of people giving her so much grief for capitalization, punctuation, and other insignificant drivel. Her ability to convey thought is on par with some of the greatest minds I’ve had the pleasure of reading.

    It is amazing how many people in this world try to express themselves accurately by writing and wind up totally betraying their sentiment.

  11. I don’t have a blog. I didn’t keep a journal when I was 13 either (I wasn’t a fag).

    I just don’t see any ads on this site and the product placement is expertly expertly expertly hidden.

    I guess a blogging convention is alright (though gay). It’s like when dentists quit general practice and sell their secrets to younger dentists. Ew.

    I checked out Oceanaria. An excellent blog.

  12. peking duck is one example of how dumb many of your readers are. I do agree you should profit more off them…because people like that will truly buy anything you wear or talk about.

  13. you just proved peking’s point (who at least makes an attempt at an online persona while you have nothing, bring nothing to the table or worse, are too cowardly to stand the fuck up to shit)

    you would pay to leave a hate comment. you are the loser here.

  14. Hey Mila – what the shit? You’re agreeing with an incoherent rant and adding your own haterade. Why come here and read this blog if the author has “no discernible literary skill” and is a narcissistic disaster? That is so completely not true. The writing skill and unique style is obvious to anyone that has read Raymi for any length of time. As for the narcissist comment, well, at a passing glance I guess I could see how someone would mistake tons of photos of themselves on a blog as narcissism. In fact it’s more the opposite. It’s also ballsy as hell and braver than probably anything you or I have ever done.

  15. My english is too bad, so I write in french (hope you’ll found somone to traduce).

    Je n’ai pas pour habitude de réagir sur les blogs auxquels je suis abonné, mais là, considèrons que c’est un forum!

    Petits principes d’éducation à l’attention de M. Mystère:
    -Jamais je ne donne d’avis sans que l’on me le demande,
    -Lorsque je n’aime pas quelqu’un, je lui dis en face,
    -Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un idiot, plutôt que de parler et confirmer que l’on en est un…

    Sinon, je suis ravi de suivre les péripéties d’une femme magnifique à tous points de vue! A la limite d’être mon alter-égo, sur l’autre rive de l’océan.

    Hope to see you one day

    P.S: If I was an editor, an agent or else, you’d be on first place.

  16. hello,

    he’s kinda douchey about it but he touches upon a point, i think where you’d make money is if you went on some cool naomi klein-esque anti-advertising tear wherein your blog was totally NOT for sale and then after awhile of that, compare the offers. i think they’d want in way more if it didn’t look like so easy, doesn’t everyone want what they can’t have? advertisements are rightfully afraid of coming off as advertisements, and the glaring “your ad here” thing just devalues the real estate, you’d never see a “your ad here” sign in the big city traffic, maybe in a dying newspaper or a ghetto skid highway in NWO. you know this stuff yourself: market it as better, treat it better than “your ad here” and it’ll be treated better.

    i should probably be emailing this idea so you don’t have to post it but i feel like he’s got a point, if selling out straight up isn’t working then it might be more profitable to make a stand, and then sell out.

    “no logo” by naomi klein’s a good book to check out.

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