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raymi and the bed

i’m at the salon right now with gobs of dye on my scalp and it’s itching and burning like craaazy gahhhhh ughhhhhhhh i’m scratching at it with the end of a comb. i had a one-hit on my way in and that was fuckin’ interesting haha some old lady was here and apparently i was to “know” who she is? so i played along. while baked. i hope my hair doesn’t turn out as brassy this time.

tonite i am going out to my first big girl party in aaages i am stoked for. i don’t even care what i’m going to wear i haven’t been social in forever. and i might have a bartending gig lined up too i love talking about things before they’re finalized but if it happens you have to come drink and watch me work at the wrap-around bar. checking out new pad tomorrow. funny cos it’s lucasaids/melodie’s place in parkdale. if you know the history, lucas and i were roommates many years ago. we’re all grown up now so this time it won’t go to shit. the room doesn’t have a closet though so i’ll have to get multiple clothing racks. big room apparently too. i’m super jazzed. i tried really hard to make burlington happen but the novelty wore off. dave is movin’ to the ham for a change of scenery also.

i am way less miserable now. go life!

ok this shit is burning off my makeup gotta go.

40 thoughts on “raymi and the bed

  1. you use people when its convenient for you
    why not really “grow up” and get your own digs for a change?

  2. oh are you privy to personal information concerning my life and private matters? like i didn’t anticipate this shit. i’m 26 and am just out of a 5 year relationship i can live under a bridge if i fucking want. you don’t know shit. there are never conveniences in life. if i could afford my own digs i would. my friends need to rent out a room. voila.
    am i not allowed to have any life changes without some fucking asshole imparting their bullshit opinions about it ever???? dave has to move (nothing to do with me), we are solid companions. eat shit fuck you and get a life you awful person.

  3. I like those one-hit encounters myself, end up with that wrinkly smile after a few thimbles of serenity in the car at the far edge of the lot. Need a blog about good spots for one-hitt’n …

  4. ur scrambling

    Go fuck yourself! I’m sure you think you know all the details here but i assure you that you don’t nor do you or anyone else deserve to know them.

    I will tell you that Raymi is my best friend and friends help each other out. You think you know Raymi. I assure you that you don’t. You should be so fucking lucky.

  5. I’m moving to parkdale on Feb 1st from a place with no closet, to a place with a walk in one.

    I have a clothes rack I most likely will not need that I can pass off to you.

    Welcome back to the big smoke. I’m sure I’ll see ya around the hood.

  6. i finally figured out why i like this blog so much: it’s so freaking relaxing!

    even when the dramallamas come, i just sit and read and it’s like flipping through a magazine on the toilet except the magazine is this blog and the toilet is life?

    …i’m sorry, that was awful.

  7. That purple shampoo is called Silver. There are other brands too. It is awesome to take the brassiness out.

  8. i read this blog when slacking at work. its exactly like reading a magazine on the toilet. thats another favorite place to hide and do nothing.

    im not sure about the toilet being life, but its always fun to look at raymi.

    I know that secretly she really wants me. And restraining orders are just proof she is still thinking of me….

    just kidding!


  9. Redken pure pearl treatment (blonde glam line) is my de-brassifying product of choice. You only need to use it like twice a month for maybe 5 minutes before rinsing (or it can actually turn your highlights purple).

  10. What a ridiculous right of passage…

    “Make sure you pay rent on your own, no sharesies, sharesies are for non grown ups.” Oh except for the married ones, they are allowed to share again cuz well you know, makes sense.

    Get bent.

  11. Raymi I think your blog is awesome and I read it everyday but sometimes I feel so out of touch with my peer group when I read it. It’s the slang! Like reading one-hit and looking it up on google or urbandictionary and still not really knowing what that meant and then aha! Weed! I’m only twenty but I feel super old sometimes, haha. Need to brush up on stoner culture, methinks.


    go fuck yourself you scag!

    What are peoples problems? Cause you really have so much solid information supporting your saying something that bold. You’re wrong and rude

  13. And you know, Raymi, that people like UR Scrambling only accuse others of what they themselves are most guilty of. Best of luck with the move and making the right decisions for yourself. Love your hair!

  14. Your hair is awesome, but I still believe you should go for a shorter hairdo. I think it will make you look younger and less gloomy. You have such a pretty face that gets hidden behind those long threads.

  15. it hangs in my face cos my bangs are growing out and i look gloomy cos i am entirely stressed out and depressed at the moment but thank you for saying so

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