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in a forest pitch dark

Glad to know that you’re OKish.

It’s funny, I was thinking about how this Tao Lin guy; as far as my limited understanding of who he is and what he does, he reminded me of you. Except he has some published stuff in magazines (i have published stuff in magazines too), and lives in New York, and I think it’s mostly publications in New York that give a shit about his writing.

I remember reading about his books, never his blog(s?) and maybe an excerpt from the Shoplifting from American Apparel one and thinking…I wonder if Lauren knows this guy, and how I knew about you before I knew about him.

Seems like you’re both coming from the same family of writing (whatever that means). Also, I believe you guys are the same age.

Anyway, come and visit soon. Also if you know of anyone looking for a short term furnished room, let us know. $530+ hydro/free internets. Parkdale.

Regarding haters, Toronto eats its young. I’ve been here ten years (holy shit) now Lauren, and other than ****** it’s not working for me. You’re lucky though. You’re good at what you do and people flock, whereas, I’m good at what I do and people sporadically appear.

We’ve never really been able to create that sustained growing crowd (want to be our publicist? ). Still hit and miss, and quite frustrating. My favourite thing is, “Oh, I’ve heard of you guys”. Anyway, fuck it. Insert cliched Toronto not appreciating rant here.

There’s a high possibility of moving back to Vancouver. Help my mom out with my sister, healthier lifestyle, more time to write, etc. It’s crazy to think how young we were when we met.

Take care

zulieka got it right yesterday.

What you are reading when you read a diary is the author’s love letters to herself. Page after page, fifteen entries a day? That is some heavy wooing.

Ryan Says:

I’ll echo those sentiments, minus the gratuitous self-deprecation.

I don’t know how you do what you do. Which makes it interesting.

raymi Says:

a hope, a belief system that is beginning to make less and less sense to me.

any blog post ideas/suggestions/requests put ‘em in the comments. xo.

ps. go send jamie a hug please. second motorcycle spill in too short a time.

11 thoughts on “in a forest pitch dark

  1. A post matching the full stylistic command/wit/incisiveness of your writing (like in the piece you wrote for torontoist) with some of your handdrawn artwork. Like those whack childlike Tao Lin drawings he has on that one site.

  2. just saying thanks for writing and being you and letting people see whatever it is you want to share. it’s more than enough. if it wasn’t good and no one cared, this and all the other comments wouldn’t exist.

    also, those glasses are crazy pretty! did you buy them?

  3. Maybe another how-to-be-a whatever post? Like a ‘dick in the forest/at the cottage’ since you are quite the woodland creature as of late. Or perhaps something more srs, like dealing with mental illness or sumthan. Speaking of which, do you ever have to deal with the stigma of it from people you know?

  4. i want to know what these snakes look like that you live with.
    do they eat live or dead mice? what kind of snakes are they? are they entertaining at all or just lay there and do nuthin all day? and what the fuck IS the point of having a snake as a pet anyway.

  5. uughhh NO
    i have a friend Heather she owns 9 snakes, i dont get it.
    her snakes keep escaping, one was “gone” for 4 days,she also has 2 kids, reeeeeaaal safe yeah.

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