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the city when u come back feels so different and u feel so i dont give a fuck about it and it feels so good. it feels, i have no idea how to describe it, it just feels. in every sense, in every hippie way. once you leave a bubble you can breathe again. things that felt important to you, no longer do. if i need to be in the city for work or meetings, interviews, it can be done. i don’t feel like i’m on neptune anymore. i was removed from the crush long ago.

just remembered the free meal card st. louis waitress gave me and trying not to over-analyze (megalomaniacally) reasons behind it. i’m also no longer going to apologetically front like i don’t love st. louis (wings not the place)(though i’ve never been i’m sure it’s fine) because i do.

a fly decided to land and die on a freshly painted canvas the second i walked away to wash the brush. (emo panda painting sold, not finished yet though).

ps have been winning bailey’s battle. too lazy to be a drunk even. cool. (that bottle has since been killed).

nominate my blog for everything thanks i love you more than you love yourself!

quoting @unbrelievable (amazing hair btw you look like nicole richie. HOT!) keep your chin up – you don’t want any double chins. BAHAHA niyce.

do NOT rent Management (jen aniston/steve zahn) it is NOT a romcom it is a pile of confusing what the fuck am i watching shit awful SHIT WTF you feel held hostage for 1 hour until you muster up the courage to turn it off. honestly you kinda need to experience it to get what i’m saying.

got carded yesterday. awright.

bailed on scotch tasting bowling instead nachos pitcher gunned

yes @seriouslyrad Year One pretty much blew it. cera’s comedy saved it and supporting cast. jack black needs to retire that dead horse (of a shtick).

walkd out on purchases at gas station merchant was rude

unseasonably warm nite settin’ out in the yard. rented year one. (ok getting tired of linking to these you get that i’m pulling these winners from my twitter feed)

just molested leftover half of blackened catfish caesar wrap.

tossed beer cap at bathroom garbage just now, missed, had to reach deep down into bowl almost to elbow! water wasn’t yellow thankfully.

it’d b cool if they turned the music on when don cherry talked so u wouldnt have to hear him talk.

watched half of 8 below last nite starring that actor shittier than keanu reeves. basically keanu reeves-lite. stressful emo movie.

sometimes i only know the date by looking at my blog.

the internet just caught on that i do not actually reside at 123 Penis Lane. i have 5 days to fix it by or my domain is canceled. thanks!

suburban people reacting to me is interesting it adds an extra dose of am i crazy to the am i crazy i already have going on

i am elegant, more so than a gazelle or a finishing school graduate

just looked at my phone bill. LE GASP.

we are all islands lost at sea and get in our own way

flickr, my online existence is useless without you.

beck lyric possible tattoo: love is a poverty you couldn’t sell – right forearm

in orillia lying by water under fall leaves at a cottage homesick for a moment b4 it’s over

note to self: get good tweezers

here’s a non-thrill, delete a track off itunes WHILE LISTENING TO IT.

now i must write an article about my stupid life. cheers pals!

how much fucking investigating do these idiot reporters even do, first im enraged they show zero respect for either of your actual feelings, yours are the ones i care about mind you, i do however find it hilarious how they rip on your writing and obviously have NOT checked who your relatives are, fucking hell Mr. Jack (to me) must be rolling over in his grave at these fucks. i have so much respect for the decision to write how you’ve always written since the break up, it isn’t the ‘raymi the minx’ i know to rip all over something that personal, you have your ways the long timers know that. it is always the shit you DON’T give a shit about that you rip all over if it doesn’t work out or pisses you off or is just plain fucking stupid. gusgreeper



Your Burlington life is way cooler than my life would be, were I in Burlington.

I know you’ve been getting shitloads more attention lately, so I hope you’re not put off by this request, but I want to write a column on relationships gone public. And how it can sometimes be weird or problematic. Like being at a restaurant and seeing a couple being all PDA-ish but then they have a few drinks too many and then they’re all fighting and screaming at each other and shit and then they break up on the spot. And everyone watching is like “Oh, awkward!”

You know?

Anyway. I don’t require an interview, nor do I need you to do any work. I just would like your permission to lift a paragraph from your blog for my column. It’s the one image that sticks in my mind in all of this: your separate online spheres. Being lonely in a relationship. Putting forth this glammed-up, super happy front that is a lie, or at least a bit of truth-stretching.

Sorry this is so fucking stream of consciousness, my blood sugar is low.

I hope you’re doing well. I admire you more lately than ever.


i have read your column before
i am quite proud of you


i know you’re all getting tired of this. i’ve been over myself years ago though i did secretly hope, anticipate, more recognition some day but, i dunno. when it happens it’s crazy. especially if you are sensitive. the article i must focus on now i fear will only bring comment suicide to my door. but it’s going to be writ with or without me so i’ve been given an opportunity to say it first myself. i’m not sure i can take any more abuse though. you just have to suck it up if you ever have any intention of being in the spotlight, i suppose. i wish i was stronger. at what point do you know to keep going and when to stop? dive in, sink, swim? i say swim. if you’ve never dived before then that’s a damn shame.

i love lady gaga so much right now she is so brave i want to be her.

this shit inspires.

21 thoughts on “BurlinGtonIST

  1. i got away from the city a year ago, not by choice at the time but i’m glad i did. it cleansed my heart and soul. the only shit you smell out here comes from the cows in the field…i can deal with that more than dealing with useless shit from people ;)

    dear lord…that bathroom looks like heaven!
    you’re awesome.
    don’t forget that.
    sending a million+ hugs your way.

  2. UH OOHHHH you dissed grapes!!

    i just wish her name wasnt what it is. i HATE her name.

    getting out of the city changes you almost instantaneously.

  3. oooouuu i hate don cherry. he reminds me of my grandpa who is a mean old man.
    lady gaga is more interesting to look at/listen to than most stuff out right now in the same category.

  4. i was gunned at chap’s when i tweeted that. game was on. no music for some reason. gunned won. cherry, didn’t. (i like his flamboyancy a lot)

  5. love that vid. wrdb, performance, production design, camera work, director, and gaga herself…they all f’n kill!!


  6. You obviously needed a change and getting out of the city seems a good one for you right now
    Change is good

    I’m at the LA airport and you aren’t banned here like you use to be
    I’ll vote for you and keep voting all week

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