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she came she saw she ghetto now

it’s gettin’ pretty rootsy up in here, have to get crafty smoke ‘n mirrors-like to distract from them. errg next week for sure hair appt.

here she comes.

so sass coming ’round westward bound was to be a surprise to cheer me up which got fouled up but meh. hi!

i am going to mention my roots ten thousand times if that’s ok.

sass has her own fruit fly catching recipe. dish soap, oj, balsamic.

but look how many i captured!

hang lounge is the spot to be, she said it felt like a cottage? cozy i think she meant. plus she likes snakes.

prepare for twenty stupid pictures of me looking stupid. oh wait that’s everyday, nevermind.

listening to a story about a girl who approached sass at a party who is a raymi fan. HI! like the vintage plush superman addition to the couch? thanks.

i am so listening to this story i swear.

this is the part that pertains to me so you have 1000% of my attention now.

an intense finish.

what’s the sound of a decorative banjo with no strings? atmospheric awe.

then someone hit the little prince (pipe) and became awesometown! and got into linko with me. ps. look at this tattoo of the little prince (i call it the littlest prince cos i think it’s cuter that way).


you have to keep grabbing tiles until you can go. the setup is essentially dominoes, in sequence, but by different colour. good/bad stoner game. you sit there for five minutes and can’t remember who just went hahaha.

i think i won this game but who cares, it’s the experience that matters right? the journey, guys. JOURNEY.


is it my fucking turn yet what is even going on?

something’s about to happen i think.

yes something indeed, out on the town something.

i have to lie down first.

lightbulb idea goes off.

john/yoko reenactment.

sort of not working out.

do over another day. ugh and i’m period fat all over the place. next.

what’s this?

ugh. cool one, chaps. you also like the non-word texican. trying to explain to people the reason behind oriental no longer being thee thing to refer to asians by is just, first of all these types are already at a disadvantage in the smart gene pool on top of some racism coursing thru their veins so essentially they do not care, are too dumb to get it, and won’t change their ways regardless. i usually just say oh so she’s a rug then? you can say oriental when referring to a fucking rug, not a person.

gunned. crazy sweet potato fries poutine with chipotle and jalapenos and whatever the heck else.

your guts will thank you in the morning.

adorable girl in pumpkin costume behind me.

my love affair with deep fried pickles has come to an end. we’re through. you know what i have learned about chain establishments in the suburbs versus the city? the suburbs get it right (they have to) while the city chains do not give a care. if you hit up a chain restaurant in the city they’re basically like, why? here’s your plate of slop.

no matter where we eat, sass and her creamy pasta fetish. claims she likes the texture.

stuffed and so cranked has to spend the nite hahaha. may as well keep riding that horse.

time for never-ending ruthless stoner monopoly.

oh yes.

rocket scientists.

wheelin’ and dealin’.

wiley cashed out.

oh he’s up.

BAM! check that corner, all me baby i won! (that’s also my playing piece, the only golden thing) i have to say, playing with credit cards is so much easier and possibly more enjoyable.

the end.

weird looks pause continues.

23 thoughts on “she came she saw she ghetto now

  1. I already comment so you’re probably not wanting to hear from me…..

    Time to go google poutine again. Always forget what it is. Never had it. I think.



  3. deep fried pickles kept me enticed for a few bites, but then i began to realize that my favorite thing about pickles was the crunch and in fried form they’re far more soggy… although in AZ the only place i’ve seen them is the state fair and goodness knows that isn’t the place for well prepared foods.

  4. You have heard of bro-mance, correct? Well some bro’s not too keen on being implicated in some sort of an ~imbroglio~ with their bro’ would rather it was face-mance. “Oh no, there’s no bro-mance, just face-mance.”

    Iffin you accep this line of reasoning, well, you can have sis-face-mance.

    These are observations based on experience. There are certain questions that demand to be aksed.

  5. i wish i had root advice for you, for every time you plan to go get it done and then you put it off for a week, then repeat. its impossible not to obsess about i know. try pulling the front up over the roots, try a 90’s headband, try a sidepart weird but true, avoid fluorescent lighting, rock that hat.
    i can’t tell from here tho…

  6. This post runs so far down the page, it took me ten minutes to find the comments link. Anyway…Dig the crazy aqua-colored Canadian train. It looks like some kind of mid-century danish housing development.

  7. Texican is a word.

    (And stir-fry isn’t a person, so calling it “oriental” is fine.

    For that matter, why not call a person (from the Orient) “oriental”? Can I call someone from Europe a “european” – or, if one prefersm “occidental”? Can I call you (or myself) a “North American”?

    Where’s the bigotry involved in a geographic term?

  8. urbandictionary doesnt count guy, it’s a made up word.

    everything else you said is too ignorant to acknowledge at the moment and i don’t have time.

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