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watch a movie i’ve seen five times before

brand reppin’

ROCK no no SCISSORS no no uhh. i always win at this shit. got in a massive fight with a french canadian once over it. he claims there is no skill involved. BULLSHIT no, MERDE i say. you read the person then you go off what their first throw was then take it from there. but this argument was not simple, it went on for a good half hour then we hated each other for the rest of the nite. then i saw him this past summer at a reception and brought it up again cos that’s how i do.

this is the polite post meal wino dinner table chat stance when someone is being a big mouth droppin’ inaccurate knowledge on you, usually current topics on CNN just to see how you react, or to steal your more-informed opinions. they usually know a little about everything and LOTS about nothing. try not to sit near them. this is what it looks like just before you snap and reference this thing called the internet where you have access to several more non-narrow minded articles concerning every topic, story, ever. ugh.

DUHHHH more wine.

i like the cheeky just kidding underdog arty label trick. WE NEED AN OUTSIDER ARTIST DESIGNER STAT.

flickr was a fucker all day so now the photo dump story time this is my life in blog form moment has passed. SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY.

10 thoughts on “watch a movie i’ve seen five times before

  1. I always start with rock, and anyone I’ve played in rock paper scissors who is really good always started with rock too. People who start with rock are harder to beat, I think. If someone starts with scissors I think “This is gonna be a breeze.”

  2. but then you counter that with a paper start. that’s when you read the person to see if they’re a rock or a scissors. MIND THINKING PEOPLE READING = SKILL french guy was trying to tell me it was random. nothing is random when humans are in control.

  3. I saw those hands on the wine cap as being 5 2 0 not paper, scissors, rock. Wow! what does that say about me? Weirdness.

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