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roots need a doing. next week son.

hey look, mother of the year award this is going straight to why the fuck do you have a kid? she stayed all nite long til past midnite, daughter crying and all, super loud side stage. i mean, knew it was an all ages show but COME ON. if you can’t get a sitter DON’T GO TO A CONCERT and if concerts are your priority and you’re that young then you probably SHOULDN’T HAVE A KID.

cool story moms!

44 thoughts on “I WASN’T DUMPED

  1. i feel like you should make up a crazy fantastical lie as to `what happened` and then everyone can shut up and bonus its fun for you

  2. concerned truly, no. they just want the gossip scoop. maybe some “care” but when it comes down to it this is just a show to them, they do not give a fuck, just “need” their fill. my hits are thru the roof right now. not an idiot.

  3. ha, no kidding, nobody is “concerned” let’s get real it IS all about getting the dirt, like US magazine or whatever… Of course, after saying this, you are going to get a bunch of posts saying “yes, I REALLY DO CARE”… she’s not stupid guys… if you don’t know somebody personally and you ACTUALLY REALLY DO CARE, like it hurts your heart and you want to bake a cake care… then you are fucking batshit crazy I think.

    Oh…those parents look about 15. Babies and toddlers shouldn’t be allowed at concerts. That’s taking all ages a bit too far.

  4. why do you show the entire world everything about yourself and then keep this one thing so secretive, youre jumping the shark.we like how truthy you are, so this is not like you. just saying…

  5. it’s called having manners and respect for other human beings and not dragging dirty laundry all over the internet purely for some stranger’s entertainment. you are being extremely invasive and rude and you spelled hypocrite wrong.

  6. Obviously things happened for a reason and no one needs to know why or how, simple as that.

    Besides you seem happier, just sayin’.


  7. we had to go home from the beach boys concert just cause my stupid kid sister was cryin cause it was late AND jesse from full house was playin the drums and it was canada day. so i blame the children.

  8. that´s so gross! that poor kid. she´s gonna be super fucked up when she grows up. how were they even allowed in there with a child? isn´t that like child abuse or something??? (noise, lots of ppl, etc).

  9. I guess the assholes assume you were dumped because that’s how they want it to be.

    I like the people who say, “What did I miss?” as if you write about every single solitary detail and they just weren’t paying attention. Are people’s lives really that dull that they can’t imagine there might be MORE to your life than what you write about? Or, if there is, that it might be complicated? Hey, guess what dimwits, you missed a whole lot of interesting shit over the years.

  10. i was hoping she’d bust me taking pics then drop the number for child services in her palm.

    ryan you can’t blame something YOU made.

  11. well i was going for Hippocrates but you get the idea. not trying to be invasive, but whats the use of such an invasive blog without the truth? i understand your time table, i hope things go smoothly for you for real. lo siento mucho

  12. this blog is not invasive, i omit many many many details constantly. what’s the use of an invasive blog w/o spilling the juice? meaning you feel owed. not cool or how it works.

    i also have been a big believer for awhile now that people seem to forget that i am a real fucking person sometimes.

    jamie you are always right.

  13. hi. i didn’t leave a comment before but i admit i did have a twinge of “i hope she’s ok”. only because i’ve been through really hard relationship shit recently (who hasn’t) and i suffer from too much empathy in general. it did weird me out a bit that i felt it because i don’t know you personally but still i think i do genuinely hope you’re ok! and i don’t think that makes me batshit crazy. i hope it doesn’t anyway, i sort of think it’s what makes us human. i don’t, however feel like i need or deserve to know the details. basically, keep on rockin in the free world. oh, and fuck the haters!

  14. although someone chooses to blog about themselves, maybe there are other ppl in their lives that they don’t wish to/have the right to write about…

    funny – slash – gross about the hits.

  15. half of you are cool and genuine while the other half can slip under a bus, basically. so it’s bipolar express forever, divulge, pull back, repeat.

  16. Reading a personal blog becomes like a reality TV show at times, people get addicted and attached to the character, warts and all
    and when something significant happens, a major change,illness,move,break up,promotion, what have you
    enquiring minds want to know
    people are curious creatures
    Some even think (the Hollywood set)if you are living your life in the public eye, then there is a sense of entitlement to knowing “the scoop” because you’ve put yourself out there.

    Its wise you don’t give away too much out of respect others raw feelings.
    In time, you can say more when you are ready.

    Out of this, if anything, its good for readers to see that you share the same ups and downs in life, just like everyone else does.

  17. fuck, i totally would have. then i would´ve drop kicked the, what 15 yr old mum.

    btw, i can´t believe more ppl aren´t furious about the kid at the concert bit. it´s making me insane! and not because i like kids, but because i hate stupid people.

    u should fuckin disappear for awhile and come out to kareoke with us! well, I´m in Mexico City, but it´s not that far from T.O. ;-)

  18. hmmmm a lot of the comments are interesting. geez. this is why i dont blog. i dont think i could handle that. i feel like i have a lot and nothing to say about this at the same time. i dont agree with gage, one can care enough to want to bake her a cake and not be batshit crazy. i dunno. maybe im just an overly empathetic soul. raymi, hang in there kitty.

  19. Surely all you salivating drama-hungry turds must have some of your own domestic strife to beat off to? Perhaps out of respect for the other person involved, a person who has always remained fairly low-profile, Raymi has chosen to not provide the details. You don’t pay her. She really owes you absolutely nothing.

  20. what the hell that kid is going to be hella deaf!

    it reminds me of a couple months ago when i pulled up next to this really ghetto low rider car that was just BLASTING music, like, beyond full blast. i could hear it pounding through my closed windows. i look over and, ah yes, a fucking BABY in the back seat. bright futures, all around us.

    you need to take a test to drive, why not to parent?

  21. True that. Keanu Reeves is no sage, but what his character said in “Parenthood” is so true – you need a license to own a gun (drive/fish/hunt/man a chainsaw/on/and on/and on), but they’ll let any idiot have a kid.

  22. Like that “mom” couldn’t find a babysitter for a few hours.
    Can’t help but wonder what else that poor kid gets dragged to/into.

    Some ppl’s children…

  23. i was confused at first about what was going on… I, too, thought i had missed some big announcement or something. but i was so accustomed to your openness.
    i realize sometimes things happen and, no, the blogosphere does not need to know about it and i think its incredibly rude that people would actually pry. or feel some sort of entitlement. i try to never forget that there are real people behind these pixels.

    can i just say- that i love your hair that lighter colour.

  24. whatever going on my advise is put on some roy orbison and let his sweet voice mend you heart and carry you through sorrowful times. Got my heart ripped to shreds last saturday night and he has almost got it fixed…

  25. Raymi, what ever is going on your winter wild hair looks great. I like it a lot. It looks voluminous.

  26. Was mom asking them to turn the noise down? Poor kid look at her face obviously not having a good time.

    People want the dish because change shatters their little worlds. How dare you withhold personal information from us blah blah. You will always be told you owe something but it’s so far from the truth.

  27. Just fucking kill the comments til shit’s resolved. It’s just gonna be the constant back and forth between “haters,” the fakes, and the cool kids. And all it’s really doing is pissing you off. If shit’s already complicated, you don’t need more nonsense, particularly when it’s this useless. You’ll take the traffic hit, but who the fuck cares? Priorities and whatnot…

    (Or, don’t kill comments. But I do think it’s a tad unrealistic to expect your readers to be uniformly respectful.)

  28. Here’s something you can do to divert attention elsewhere:

    Make a huge helium baloon, tell someone you’re going to fly with it, let the baloon go, and then hide in the attic.

    As for the mom at the concert: simply awesome judgement, there. The tot is clearly in good hands.

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