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here’s some more eh, k?

*somewhat of a live blog post keep refreshing and scrolling down k there baye*

moose steaks are being made for me right now and they smell delicious. we are also infusing some vodka with bacon for BLT drinks tomorrow or whenever. i bought us some fancy champagne too. just “saying”. it’s all gone now haha.

this “mountain” (whatever) is over 400 feet high, you cannot possibly grasp its overall bigness from this picture. you just gotta see it. fantastic and so on. like lookin’ out your front door at the pyramids or some such shit.

babe much. so much. sorry perfectly accurate display of what all gals picture themselves as when they throw the city all away and head the f outta there.

champagne and non-light cheeze whiz dip.

hello old friends.

sorry toronto, i hear yer weather is shit right now.

had a legion brewsky. you can’t swear in there (i did) but you can watch poltergeist?

ryan told the secretaries at work he had to get off work early cos steph had to go to the dentist and by dentist he meant legion.

where the magic happens. k gotta get some moose steaks pics xo bye!!!!!!!!!!

oh i heard a garage referred to as a car hole today. can’t stop LOLing over it. so good.

i am very happy right now, i miss fil and wish he was here though but seriously long time comin’ in the words of the offspring gotta gettaway. haha.

yay steph’s migraine finally went away.

ok i guess i’m live blog adding to this post so keep refreshing reloading.

ryan is making bannock for us right now too – it’s native bread. i thought it was the moose steaks when i first looked at it.

i just hoovered some bacon.

i’m comin’ back 130lbs babe.

wish you were here fil.

playing foosball now. i suck. so stuffed. the mountain is now covered in mist. creepy spooky whimsical charming sigh.

on mick jagger costume change 5 now.

steph is on costume change 3.

she is winning.

she also beat us all at foosball.

mountain pre-misted.

ok now they are on to whiskey sours.

i feel fuckin’ FAAAAAAAAAAAT.

17 thoughts on “here’s some more eh, k?

  1. i wish you hadnt punched me in the eye right before you took that picture, nice guest.
    are we drunk yet?

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