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it was in your basement apartment

oh will you just look at this obscene strawberry for a second.

terrible, absolutely.

16 thoughts on “it was in your basement apartment

  1. I’ve been eating strawberries like candy lately… actually, I’ve been eating them INSTEAD of candy. That shower curtain is FANTASTIC – I know you do cycle through a lot of shower curtains, but each one trumps the last. You should cut up your old shower curtains and glue swatches to your canvases and paint over them…

  2. That strawberry reminds me of the thick, slimy tongue in the Coke Zero commercials that’s arguing with the eyeball. Looking at it makes my tummy feel not so good.

  3. My shower curtain always has some educational purpose, because you never know when you’ll need them: Periodic Table; Genealogical Tree of the Hapsburg Emperors; Field Guide to Mossad Torture Techniques.

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