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Marlboro ruby skies?

how can multiple lyrics websites get it so disgustingly wrong, who do they have writing these things down? the deafest person ever? not only that but then all the other shitty sites copy and paste the same WRONG lyrics. then you find a site that has a slightly different version, also very wrong too. yeah thanks lyricsmania (etc) for killing my desire to share a stupid update on my blog about how i sucked up one of fil’s ties when i vacuumed the other day ugh. anyway. hi. yep it’s me.

i had a very interesting cab driver last week, actually, two in one day. the first one was not as eccentric as the second guy, the first one was more into complaining about wars of the world (yeah me too guy what downers those can be!) and he got me going a bit, we were on the way to my therapist appt, anyway, sometimes you feel like being ignored and ignoring back, sometimes you’re good for a chat.

eccentric guy asks me where i’m going he says oh to that university you go there you are acquiring knowledge? no i say i’m not a student but the learning process never ends they say to which he happily agrees then rips into this spiel about how he’s a prophet of cabology and do i know what that is? huh kabbalah? no CABology and what it means he says is prophet of buuuuullSHIT (he was very “on” with his pronunciations and overall emphases)(that’s a word i just looked it up) and i laugh along with him as he cackles like a maniac and say oh right yeah well i hear that kabbalah is also bullshit. yeah yeah he agrees. then he asks me if i’m aware of the five stages of humanity (it takes him a long time to land on the word humanity, he’s a little scattered, partially manic, borderline autistic?) and i say yes, no, maybe but please refresh me he says ok first there is KNOWLEDGE and that is you right now you are young and you are acquiring knowledge (thanks but i’m not as young as you think) and then that knowledge turns into WISDOM that is the second stage you have become older and wiser about things (more or less his wording i’m trying to memorize these bullet points cos i know it’s gonna be good) then your wisdom turns on you and you are at CONFUSION which is where i am at right now man i am fucked up losing my marbles i don’t know what is going on to which i say nah i disagree you seem pretty on top of things, sharp. meanwhile he’s sort of gunning the cab when he shouldn’t be and slowing when we should be cruising, funny. then he says the fourth stage is DISORIENTATION that’s when your confusion worsens (obvs. this guy says he was a professor i forget of what) and then you are brought to DEMENTIA that is when you die. i say oh great that’s basically what’s in store for me. then i ask for a pen so i can write this down.

i also write down these words (his) old bastard teeth falling out forgetting fare hahah oh right he said sometimes he lets people out without them paying cos he’s talking so much.

anyway we roll up to my building and he’s all oh this is a nice place it must take some good money to live here who lives here? i say mostly old white people then he says man if i were rich i would have three mistresses and he goes on to tell me about his brother or friend (at this point it is really hard to understand him he is just short of babbling, well fully was really) and how he has a mistress and how the son of the mistress told his mother don’t go with him cos he have no money. i try to cut him off several times cos i’m now creeped out and i’ve already paid yet i’m trapped there in a cloud of politeness so i say the economy is screwing over mistresses these days, men can’t afford the extra expense, all the mistresses are desperate. he is genuinely interested and ponders it for a beat which i use to my advantage to get out of the car (i’d had the door open for a good two minutes during his mistress oration) lean in wave goodbye while he blabbers on reminding me about the five stages of humanity yeah yeah i wrote it down don’t worry.

he had one of those huge old people mirrors so he was looking at me the whole ride instead of the road. he also said i was a very good looking, something.

anyway, there you go.

fil’s tie is still in the shopvac, i didn’t want dust fluff to fly out everywhere if i opened it so i’m saving that activity for him. he never wears this tie anyway.

i ordered lakeview terrace last nite and it’s really good, way tense, awkward, scary, frustrating. i recommend it.

6 thoughts on “Marlboro ruby skies?

  1. cabbies are an odd bunch. but watching the GPS on the dash is excellent entertainment. almost makes the ride worth the money.

    btw, you are a very good storyteller. a natural.

  2. we have some weird cabbies here, the best one sang us a song about “mental retardation” and then being a stuck up bitch.

  3. Good one about the mistresses and the economy! The best cabbies can entertain you with a good conversation finishing just in time to let you out at your destination. Their cabs don’t smell like BO and they drive fast & smooth.

  4. Great cab story Raymi; you are indeed a fine storyteller. The last cab I got in I went to get in the front seat and there was a lady lying down asleep, so I got in the back!

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