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UGGGGH and then some

can someone please tell me why it is when i do wii fit like a fiend for days on end and eat right, i gain a few pounds but then the several days in a row i don’t do it and eat like a fucking pig i lose the few pounds+ ? i’m talking cheese bean dip chocolate meat and potatoes beer wine cake etc etc etc what the hell? but then when i go to tone my body and free step for a half hour daily and do sit-ups torso-twists and other stupid exercises i get heavier on the scale (visually though no difference other than chiseled toned torso) and don’t tell me it’s muscle gain cos you are full of shit.

i don’t really want to know the answer here i just wanted to brag about being a filthy lazy skinny pig.

i am so weak, i thought i wasn’t that sick i called renita to tell her lets do this tat thing i’m fine, we rescheduled for tomorrow anyway, but yeah i’m a weakling if you wanted to play a wimpy game of catch using a wiffle ball right now with me you’d asphyxiate from laughter choking.

next year i’m getting a flu shot.

so so so so entertaining yet makes me feel as nervous as watching figure skating.

24 thoughts on “UGGGGH and then some

  1. You’re working out so you’re building muscle and losing fat. You’re sitting around and you’re building fat and losing muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat.

  2. I’m guessing it’s either the fiber & healthy cultures in the cheese, or the “Eat to your blood type” theory actually works.

  3. WiiFit is of the Devil. I call it WheezeFit myself, hahahaha! I have a long way to go, but I must combine my love for video games with exercise (and my love for pudding with white-pudding rafting, etc., if it gets me to exercise…)

    How are you for other video games? A few of my buddies from the old 1980’s Bulletin-Board System scene (nightmarish discussion-groups with low-speed transfers, DIP-switches, non-standard hobbyist programs) assembled the latest game consoles and cut loose. We were pathetic middle-aged guys with poor reflexes and had to get by on guile, craftiness and what the French call “front” (chutzpah, or more like the Willingness to Commit Great Evil in the Name of Winning).

    But there were no women. We could organize a meet, and we could all play Hello Kitty Massive Multiplayer if you want. Oh, wait a minute, this is Raymi. I’m sure she prefers games with names like Dungeon Siege 3: Throne of Ejaculating Blood, or Counterstrike 3: Grenade-Suppositories of Justice…

  4. Raymi, different mental activities and different mental states have an effect on metabolic rate and trigger behaviors that effect metabolic rate. This can manifest as fluctuating body weight. For lots of even keeled people, the “thinking thin” weight loss ideology can work very well but it is not flawless. You don’t write like an even keeled person and that is a big part of what makes your blog so interesting. People with cyclic manic depressive mood swings that parallel body weight change swings is not a rare thing either. It happens. You have mentioned this condition in your writing, I don’t know if you were serious or not. Get a check up from the neck up too.

  5. pierre do you like mario kart for wii? or katamari?

    hugh, good idea.

    g, in this scenario i would think that the “even-keeled” person would be shittier at “thinking thin” as one with OCD and body issues would be tops at being an anorexic.

    pitt yeah the older we get the harder it is eh, thank you for the grammar lessons. thanks fatrobot!

  6. I don’t have a Wii of my own. I’d play those games even though to the hardened killer like me they are gentle/boring.

    And Pitt: it’s “your metabolism” what are gramaticlee kerrect, if it matters.

  7. P.S.: Katamari Damacy was predicted a long time ago in a 70’s Monty Python Sketch about a silly “Society for Putting Things On Top of Other Things”, in which the minutes recorded how many things members had put on top of other things. When it was mentioned how pointless this was, John Cleese said, “Quite right. Meeting adjourned forever!”

  8. maybe we should invide jarrett, i mean, jeremy, in on this conversation.

    the guy’s a huge, and by huge i mean not huge, success story. nori’s gonna have to put out hard to keep the ladies from stampeding.

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