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sorry dewds

but i’m officially off the market now. you had your chance.


note the bottle, he was sweating buckets haha what a relief after the deal was did.

uhh a little bit pumped here I WON I WON!

good day to slice your finger on a bottle of conditioner eh.

then off to fancy dinner at jamie kennedy Gardiner to celebrate.

ok bai more later just wanted to update have a sweet nite.

cid is a little bit jeals right now.

107 thoughts on “sorry dewds

  1. <3

    so happy for you guys.
    I had a feeling this might happen today – don’t know why.

    Can’t wait to see the ring in person! Whheeee!

  2. this is the post I’ve been waiting for after following you since 2006 and adding you the blogroll and all that jazz, wow,


    way to go to phil, and what a lucky guy, eh..

  3. Long time lurker. I just wanted to say congratulations! Also, I want to wish you both all the best. My sister just got married this past year & she’s been so happy ever since then, so I just wanted to wish you both all the same happiness & fun.

  4. Congratulations to Raymi & fil… I was wondering when he was going to do it!!

    Many years of happiness to you dudes!!

  5. wwoooooooooooweeeeee, you guys look shining and happy, congratulationsssssss!
    and supeeeeeeerb outfit raymi!
    x x x x

  6. CONGRATUMALATIONS!!! A step in the right direction! I kinda know what Phil’s going thru! I’m happy that there’s more happiness in the world today! Congrats!

  7. I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT sorry had to get that out. Congratulations! Josh proposed to me exactly one year ago yesterday, how’s that for weird. Marriage is great. I’m so happy for you! Yay!

  8. amazing! amazing! amazing! I know it is probably lame for me to be so excited for you two considering i only know your relationship through blogland, but i’m stoaked for you guys! congrats x a millz!

  9. Congratulations, I am very happy for both of you. You are beautiful. The ring is beautiful. Very tasteful, white gold!
    Enjoy your Valentines Day together,
    Love mom, oxoxoxoxo

  10. Congratulations again! Now, when you guys fight, you’ll have a brand new threat to play with: “I’m calling off the engagement!” Fun!

    So, Fil, when’s the bachelor party? I’ve some some big ideas!

  11. 90 LITTLE RAYMIS!!

    i hope i was one of the firsts to get the texts and therefore hours ahead of these congrat-es

    but congrats again ryan is hungover on the couch behind me correcting my deliberate bad grammar so maybe not congrats you have just locked yourself into a lifetime of that

    (xoxoxox but no ya congrats)

  12. Ah! Congratulations you guys! Wow I was so pumped when I saw this post… I just got engaged in Nov, and Raymi, we have really similar rings! Enjoy the experience!!!

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